

Since they had gotten back, June had relatively stayed silent. His silence was treated with respect by Winston who didn't question it. Instead, the man kindly kept him company as he casually waited.

Perhaps he thought June would open up in due time, but it wasn't really that. 

June wasn't left traumatized, he was just traumatized at that moment. He had more so come to grips with what he witnessed, realizing it was entirely his own fault. 

That didn't really mean he was free of issues, of course, because June for sure had issues — a lot, at that.

But the small episode or whatever it was he went through due to the Strict Binding hadn't scarred him in the slightest.

Regardless, he couldn't tell Winston exactly why it happened. But, he could come up with something, which he did.

"... Sorry Winston. I… don't know what came over me. I just felt overwhelmed all of a sudden."

June said, rocking back and forth on the comfy chair.

Winston wasn't dumb enough to believe such words, but he didn't exactly refute them either.

A part of it was true, though… his mind did indeed feel overwhelmed.

Winston nodded, walking over to June with his hands grasping a can that he had been sipping from.

"All good, kid. I'm sure you've been through a lot."

He quietly said, stopping a few feet to June's side before continuing.

"... But, why the Ark? And why so suddenly?"

June sighed, wondering how he'd answer that. 

"I just… thought of what Jessie had said and realized she was right. You as well, to be honest. I desire strength in order to protect not only the world, but myself. I want to be someone, I guess."

Most of what June said was a lie, but there was a smidgen of truth to it as well. 

He did desire strength — not to the point of obsession, though. He just needed to be strong enough to overcome the obstacles that would obstruct his path going forward into the future.

He wasn't sure what would be obstructing it, but considering the path he planned on going down… It'd surely be nothing good.

"Be someone, huh… I guess I can understand that. But June, you gotta realize…"

He paused for a moment, inching closer.

"The Ark is not forgiving to us mortals. There is a high chance you die, or meet a fate far worse than death. Not only that, you will also see things that a mere mortal mind shouldn't, experience pain a mortal body cannot fathom, and suffer more than succeed nine times out of ten. In spite of that, are you still willing to go — to Ascend?"

He seemed to be rather serious when speaking, his voice hoarse. 

If June didn't know any better, he'd say Winston was getting rather emotional.

Not for him, obviously, but for what he had lost inside the Ark. 

Back at the cafe, Jessie and Winston didn't really speak of the group they ventured with into the first and second Trials, but June was aware why.

Looking up at Winston, he replied:

"Yeah, I need to."

Winston surveyed June for a bit, trying to see if he could crack through his resolve. But there was no resolve to crack. He had to go, there was no other choice.

"Alright, if that's what you want."

Winston sighed, brushing his hand through his blonde hair as he walked away. He then set his drink aside on a nearby stand.

"Luckily for you, one of the three Royal Families is hosting the upcoming Ascension for this New Years, and they are urging any humans with awakened souls to challenge the first Trial."


June was now back in his room, watching as the daylight from the window slowly faded away, replaced by the darkness of night.

He was sitting on the bed, thinking over everything Winston had told him.

For starters, the Royal Family…

Winston described them as Royalty that are held at a higher pedestal than even the Government itself, especially when it came to the Ark.

Typically, if it concerned the Ark, it concerned them.

In fact, any information concerning the Ark Winston reported to the higher ups of his branch were eventually tasked to report directly to the Royal Families right after.

Well, for his branch, only one of the three Clans under the different Royal Families.

Each family consisted of a Clan, they were more so the main pillar of Royalty.

Winston had named them one by one, describing each from his own impression.

Clan Ashen, Clan Phoenix, and Clan Twilight.

Clan Ashen was not only hailed as arguably the strongest of the three, but they were also home to one of the three Heritage bearers.

A daunting woman named Agler.

Winston only encountered her once, but she had left a lasting mark on his memories.

Dusk had said there were two Heritages already bestowed upon humans back in the Mortal Realm. Now, June knew that one of them was named Agler.

Anyway, Clan Phoenix was the more reserved clan. They were more so known for their strength in numbers as well as their seemingly endless supply of Relics, Items, and whatnot.

As for Clan Twilight, well… they were more so reclusive. Winston had little knowledge of them due to that. But he did know that any Ascender who caught their attention was one who could never refuse recruitment.

Nonetheless, these were the three resounded Clans within the world of Ascenders.

However, to June, the only one that mattered was Clan Ashen. It was the Clan hosting the next Ascension and it was also the direct Clan Winston's branch reported to.

Thanks to that, Winston was more so aware of the procedures put in place by Clan Ashen in order for the Ascension to commence.

The process of Ascending wasn't simple in the slightest either. 

The Rift that hosts the First Trial was tethered to the Mortal Realm, keeping it… afloat, so to say, in order for the Challengers to traverse into.

But, to do just that, June — among several other people, would be guided into a place within the Ark where the Rift is afloat, escorted through a region that is teeming with creatures.

Of course, their guides would do their utmost to protect the Challengers, but Winston said a few end up dying before even getting to challenge the first Trial due to the method.

Regardless, June wasn't phased. He was aware that anything concerning the Ark was going to be unfavorable. 

'Besides… such a method was only obvious considering their tragic history.'

From the moment the Ark had come to existence till now, not one part, region, or any land had been conquered by humans.

They tried — attempted on many different occasions… but failed every single time. 

Winston had personally told him as someone who experienced the failure first hand.