
Accursed Heritage

[Thou shall perish like the Tarnished…] [I Have Made The Foolish Mistake Of Trusting A Tarnished…] [Oh, Foul Tarnished…] *** An orphan by the name of June found himself swept into the wretches of the Ark, a magical world that connected its existence to the world from which he came… the Mortal Realm. Realizing he was a dead man, he accepted his fate… only, his fate turned out to be drastically different than what he had expected. In fact, it offered him an opportunity to live, something he thought wasn’t possible. But with such an opportunity, came a cost, and his… well, was a dark one.

Voiidtwo · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
70 Chs

A New Home

A day later…

The sounds of crows chirping, branches rustling, a nearby river trickling, and an occasional rustle or distant call from an animal could be heard just outside the window of a wooden cabin.

Inside, on a comfortably plush sheet of bed, a boy was nestled inside a blanket, sleeping soundly. 

His soft breathing served as the backdrop for the subtle whispers of wind that crept its way in through the window, brushing against the ebony wood.


Wriggling around in his cozy blanket, June turned over and faced the window that breathed in the daylight from the outside.

'Where am I… oh, wait, that's right…'

He had almost forgotten. When he arrived at the cabin, he was shown around. But the moment he was led into his own room, he plopped onto the bed and quickly fell asleep.

He couldn't remember the last time he slept so soundly; it felt weird. So weird that he didn't know what to do with himself.

For a few minutes, June just lay there, thinking. 

Usually, he wouldn't even have the freedom of lying in place to think, let alone a pleasant awakening. So, he rested under the placid vibe that currently surrounded him.

To be fair, he had been through a lot.

If there was anyone who deserved a day or two of rest, it was June.

Eventually, though, June escaped from the cushy white blanket and sat up, his bare feet meeting the soft wood. 

He rubbed his hair, which was ruffled in appearance, brushing it with his hands as he let out a long yawn.

'Ah, man… that was amazing.'

Wiping away his sleepy tears, he soon stood up and stretched his limbs.

A part of his body was bruised and slightly battered, but a good night's rest made it hurt much less than it should have.

Also, he was an awakened human now with an Element. Unlike normal people, his body tended to heal quicker among other things, so that was a plus.

June walked forward, standing in front of the squared window to take a look outside.

It wasn't snowing anymore, but it had stuck to the ground overnight. 

Now, the snow transformed the once-familiar dirt path and dense thicket of trees into a scene of snow, clumps clinging to the branches of the bushy trees, their weight causing occasional flurries as they gently fell to the ground below.

The snow wasn't particularly deep; June himself could likely walk through it with it barely grazing his ankle, so it was fine.

Portions of the grass and dirt peeked through the underside of the snow anyway, meaning it was melting. Soon, it'd disappear.

June suddenly noticed a fluffy bunny with small red eyes hopping through the snow, occasionally pausing to cast a cautious glance over its shoulder. 

Behind it, three more bunnies were making their way over, frolicking together like a group of children racing to see who'd make it to their mother first.

To the very right of them, on the branches of one of the many trees, a crow was perched, cawing like an alarm as if to signal the world it was now time to wake.

With a pleasant sigh, June turned around and made his way out of his room. The room wasn't fancy in any way, despite Winston's respectable status. 

The sturdy wooden frame of the bed was sat against the wall, positioned at the very center, with the light of day casting itself on the wooden floorboards. 

On both sides of the bed, a nightstand stood, one with a lamp standing tall.

On the opposite side was an empty desk, and next to it was a simple dresser that June could use for storage or clothes which he had none for now.

Walking out, June stepped through a small hall that was connected to the living room, surveying it once more.

Although the cabin was small and quaint, the living room was quite spacious, illuminated by a dim lamp that hung from the vaulted ceiling.

At the heart of the room stood an oval-shaped desk, with a rich, auburn-colored carpet adorning the floor directly under it. It was positioned a bit away from the fireplace that was currently on, spreading warmth through the space.

June could smell the wood burning from it.

Encircling the desk were two plush couches positioned opposite each other, with one single cozy armchair that gently rocked back and forth next to both, each resembling a warm tan brown color.

The room itself wasn't messy either. It was rather clean and tidy.

There were what appeared to be sandbags next to a very small barrel nestled near the corner closest to the main door, while a cupboard stood on another side, and a few useful tools hung on the walls above.

The fireplace also had a mantle that protruded outwards, preventing the sparks of ember from reaching any flammable materials within the cabin.

Peering away from that, June took a look at the kitchen which took another corner of the room. 

The counter was affixed to the interior of the cabin, stretching to create a short wall that separated the living room from it. 

There were clean pans resting atop the stoves, with several closed shelves lining the walls, separated by a gap that displayed a window just over the sink, providing a glimpse of the outside. 

Clean plates were sitting on a rack next to the sink, with other utensils lying on a dried towel directly under it.

Winston was a very calm and resolute man, so the setting of his home wasn't a shocker to June. It sort of even resembled Winston's personality in a way… pleasant yet bleak.

Speaking of which…

'… Where is he?'

June looked around, wondering where Winston had gone.

His room was back in the hall June had come from, just across from his, and the door was open, so he had expected Winston to be relaxing somewhere out here.

But he was nowhere to be found.

Suddenly, June heard a knock on the door.

Turning to his left, he walked over, peeking through the peephole. 

'… is she a friend of Winston's?'

A woman with an alluring aura, violet-colored eyes, and wavy silver hair stood on the other side. 

Curious, June unlocked the door and turned the handle, opening it to greet the stranger.

As he did, the woman spoke, saying in a teasing tone:

"Winny, I bought a little something spe—"

However, she hastily stopped herself from speaking as her eyes widened. 

Her gaze was aimed a little high, expecting to be met with Winston's imposing figure, but instead, she slowly directed it downwards, her jaw agape as her eyes met June's.

"Hello?" June awkwardly said.

The woman's cheeks immediately turned red and she yelled:

"Winston!!? You despicable, lowly, unhinged creature! You have a kid you've been hiding from me!! How could you?!!"