
Accidentally Fated (BL Omegaverse)

•Alex is an Omega with a past he didn’t know he had forgotten. •Keith is an Alpha, who hates to do what is expected of him. Alex who’s on the verge of becoming a recessive Omega suddenly has his first heat upon meeting Keith unexpectedly. An accidental meeting resulting to an unexpected and perhaps a destined pairing of an Alpha and Omega.

mheng37 · LGBT+
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96 Chs

Chapter 46

"Are you leaving? Hmmm can you stay a bit longer? I'm free today we can even spend the whole day just rolling in bed."

Chad stare at the sleepy woman beside him, she woke up just as he was about to leave the bed. Denise is one of his regular sex partners and he honestly like her because she is not the clingy type like the others. They would have sex and spend the night together and go their on way afterwards. The exact definition of no strings attached. It's very rare of her to suddenly ask to meet with him without prior appointment which is why he didn't hesitate to see her even though he wanted to just go home and sleep after drinking with Martin and Jules.

"I would love to spend the whole day with you but I have an early meeting I cannot miss." Chad explained giving the woman a passionate kiss on her lips.

"You got some big shots coming to your restaurant?" Denise asked as she lay on her side, watching Chad picked up his clothers that got scattered on the floor. Her chest got expose from the sheets when she moved but she did not bother to cover it.

"Yeah. The Prime Minister's daughter is coming for food tasting for her wedding." Chad replied just as he put on his pants. He was searching for his shirt and found it on top of the couch.

"Hmmm just make sure you're not the one she's tasting, that would make for a big scandal." Denise laughed as she teased Chad.

"Haha, you know I don't mix business with pleasure and besides I don't do someone's wife, though she's not yet married but still.. you know.. I love men and women but I love my restaurant more." Chad replied, clearly not offended at all.

"Hmmm so I guess, this would be the last time we're seeing each other then." Denise said nonchalantly leaving Chad speechless for a moment.

Chad cleared his throat when Denise's words sink in. "You're getting married too?" He sighed, finally understanding the suddent booty call last night and the woman offering to have a whole day of steamy hot sex.

"Yeah, next month. My parents set the date." Denise replied casually. In their world having an arrange marriafe is the norm. She can marry someone of her choosing, only if that person is of the same status. She once hope she and Chad might end up together but the Alpha just don't seem to have marriage in his mind.

"Well I wish you goodluck. I really do." Chad said sincerely.

"Sure you don't want to stop me from getting married?" Denise asked, though not hoping for a positive response. This is Chad afterall.

"Nah, you'll gonna be wasted on someone like me." Chad gave Denise a sweet smile, like a final goodbye to someone he won't be seeing again. Well they might see each other on some events but not like this anymore.

"I wish that you find someone that could make you beg them to stay and choose you." Denise replied, returning Chad's smile. She knew there is someone out there who will be the lucky person to tame Chad. "Goodbye Chad and Good luck too." Good luck because for sure he would have a hard time when he finally found "the one" for him.


Chad groaned as he sat down on his chair. Dealing with the Prime Minister's daught took a lot of his energy. It seems like Denise put a curse on him, the bride to be really did try to flirt with him.

"That was exhausting." Vix said as she walk in Chad's office.

"I couldn't agree more." Chad replied. Vix is one of the few female that does not see him with a sexual intension which is why they work so well together. She's the head chef for the main branch of "Antonios" his chain of restaurants.

"By the way, why did you asked me to bring this wine?" Vix asked, holding the expensive wine Chad asked her to bring from their stock.

"Keith asked us to go to his house. Me and the others drank a few bottles of his alcohol stash so I though I should bring some wine if in case he's got mad at us." Chad replied. He still don't know why Keith asked them to come, Jules doesn't have any idea while Martin just told him to come on time and not be late.

He signed off a few documents and discussed the final menu for the Prime Minister's daughter with Vix. Afterwards he took the bottle of the Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Romanée-Conti Grand Cru and head to Keith's place.

He arrived almost at the same time with Jules as they met each other at the parking. He was surprised when another man came out of the car. He was slender and effeminate. He's pretty too. Definitely an Omega, though he wonders who is this man and why is he with Jules.

"I didn't know we have to bring a date. This guy's pretty boring, if you get fed up with him I will be here at your service. My name is Chad by the way." Chad said, introducing himself to Jules' companion who giggled in response.

"Don't waste your time. This one's taken. No not me. He is in love with someone else and trust me he's too in love you don't stand a chance." Jules answered before Timmy can reply to Chad.

"Yeah he's correct I'm already madly in love with someonelse, but I'd rather come with you than stay with him. As you say he's pretty boring. I'm Timmy." Timmy replied, smirking at Jules' direction. He was force to come here, might as well enjoy it.

The three men head inside and was ushered by a maid to Keith's study. There they found Keith and Martin together with another two men which Jules haven't met before while Chad knew Alex who he met a few days back. He knew Alex as Keith's Omega.

Also in the room is an old man who is pretty much familiar to both Chad and Jules as the old man is a common family friend.

"What the hell is Uncle Sam doing here? Did you got a problem with the law?" Chad exclaimed curiously.

"Can you watch your language Chad?" Jules scold the other Alpha, earning a chuckle from the old man.

"You guys still don't change." Judge Sam Miller said, smiling at the two younger Alphas who he knew since they were just a bunch of kids. "You're still the same old silly boys but at the same you're all now at this age. Shall we start?" Judge Miller said, looking at Keith while the other two Alpha's were still confuse what is going on.

Timmy just stand there, unsure what he should do as he don't know any one of them. He notice the other two male sitting at the couch, based on their physic he could tell they are also an Omega like him. What is a group of Alpha doing with these two Omegas? What kind of friends does Jules have? He knew their names but does not know them personally.

"Uncle what are we going to start.?" Chad asked curiously.

"Keith said, you guys will be the witness so we are just waiting for you before we start." Judge Miller explained.

"Witness?" Chad and Jules said at the same time, looking at each other, still both confuse.

"I'm getting married. Uncle we can start." Keith replied nonchalantly. He walk towards Alex and clasps his hand with the Omega as they both stood in front of the old judge.

"What?" Jules and Chad exclaimed at the same time. Shock at the sudden turn of events, they thought it was about the alcohol they drank but it was actually about Keith getting married.

"Shut up you too and be quiet. Uncle let's start." Keith ignored his friends and talk to the old man instead.

Judge Miller look at the two men who's still shock but kept quiet as instructed, he couldn't helped but smile at these boys. "Do you have the ring?" Judge Miller asked afterwards. This should get this over with.

Keith looked at Martin who stood up and walk towards Dan who seem to be absentminded and forgot that the ring was with him. They bought it earlier from a high end jewelry store. Keith have chosen the design and have Martin and Dan picked it up for the wedding today.

"Are you gonna say your vows or something?" Dan whispered to Alex who shooks his head in response.

Alex told Keith he don't want some cheesy vows on their civil wedding. They can think about it once they have their wedding ceremony with their family.

"Okay then let's start." The old judge cleared his throat as he stare at the couple in front of him. "We are gathered here for the union of Keith and Alex. This won't take long so the two of you take that ring and put it on each other. "Keith do you take Alex to be your lawful .. ahmm what should we call him?" Judge Miller asked, stopping his speel in the middle.

"Ahmm a wife should be fine." Alex replied shyly while staring at Keith.

"Okay, I continue then. Keith do you take Alex to be your lawful wife?" Judge Miller asked Keith.

"Yes I do." Keith replied as he put the ring on Alex' ring finger.

"And you Alex, do you take Keith to be your lawful husband?" Judge Miller then turn to Alex.

"Yes I do." Alex replied and put on Keith's ring on him.

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce the two of you married. Sign these marriage certificate and then we're done. Make sure to invite me on your bigger wedding." The old man say as he put the documents in front of the now married couple for them to sign.

"Uncle, don't they need to kiss first?" Chad asked, finally speaking after a while.

"Oh yeah, you may now kiss your wife."