
Accepting the Darkness/ His Angel, Her Demon

Plagued with darkness, Sukie desperately tries to make sense of what has been haunting her since she was a child after years of psychological evaluations with no answers. Is her 4 year crush the missing piece of the puzzle? A journey to hell and back and a love beyond the ages reveals the truth. Who you have been taught to believe you are is not always who you are meant to be...

DMMarz · Kỳ huyễn
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Parking was a mess at the party. We finally found a spot near the pool house. The senior class rented the estate for the party. Everyone in town was invited except parents of course. We stepped out of the car and started walking over the bridge to where the party was located. Under the bridge was a beautifully lit pond with floating flowers of pinks and whites surrounded by a garden. It was quite serene with the exception of the loud music and voices which grew louder as we walked closer. The walk seemed like forever. Especially in stilettos. See Vikki, this is why I don't wear heals. Beauty is pain boo. She said, as she strut like a damn gazelle effortlessly. An hour and a half I said to myself. I heard that! Vikki shot back at me, smiling.

As we neared the party, Vkki stopped every 30 seconds to give someone a hug. That was always annoying but she couldn't help it. Being Head cheer dancer had its pros and cons. Vikki, you haven't gotten rid of your puppy yet. I heard the bitch Allison growl. Allison was Brent's ex. Her parents were filthy rich and got her and the professor out of their little scandal. The professor didn't face any legal repercussions and Allison was allowed to finish out the school year. She didn't mind everyone knowing either. She felt accomplished to have had an older man, much less a professor wrapped around her twisted little finger. Allison lead her life tits first in all her blonde glory that fell to the middle of her back. She wasn't even a natural blonde. She was a disgrace to the blonde community. I couldn't deny the fact that she was very pretty though. Allison was about 5'8, very toned and slim with pale skin and a fake colgate smile. She was a cheer dancer as well but she was second in command to Vikki, which she hated because she wanted to be captain. That always made me giggle when I thought about it. Tough break for her. I call it karma.

Why don't you go wax your mustache Allison, I see some peach fuzz growing. You may need some estrogen hun. Stupid bitch! She shouted. Hey! Nikki cut in before it came to blows. I was not afraid of anyone thanks to my dad. Allison was two seconds away from feeling my fury and getting a thorough beat down. She had been harassing me all year and I had to make sure I made it to graduation before I could retaliate. Its not worth it, Vikki with an annoyed look said. Lets go, I said. There aren't any older men here for you to seduce Allison, not your kind of party. That's ok, Brent will do. I glared at her. Ha, ha, ha, I must have struck a nerve. She was really pushing it. I clenched my fist and walked off. Vikki sped up to catch up with me. What was that about? I thought they were done, Allison said with a concerned look. Yeah, so did I. Anyway, it is what it is.

We finally walked into the fabulous house where the music was blasting and a bunch of the attendees were drunk or passed out already. Great, this is gonna be a shit show. I wasn't interested in drinking but I was gonna have one tonight. Hopefully it would distract me from what just happened. I didn't really care about Allison's verbal attacks. I was more hurt that she and Brent may have gotten back together. Why would he do that?

Vikki spotted Abel from a mile away. Abel didn't drink but he loved to dance and have a good time. Not your average nerd. Hey Su, im gonna go say hi to Abel, are you gonna be ok? Yeah, Im a soldier. Go get your man! With a switch of her hips she strutted over to Abel who was totally delighted to see her. They immediately started dancing.

There was a beautiful glass three decker table filled with champagne glasses. At 12:01 all the graduates were going to have a toast. It was also my birthday at that time. The Dj came on the mic and instructed everyone to grab a glass of champagne. I felt a strong arm around my waist from behind and I looked back. It was Brent with two champagne glasses. Hey birthday girl, ready to celebrate? I smiled with a confused look. I am totally loving this new Brent. He had never acted this way with me before. Uh, sure, I guess. I'll be legal in a few minutes, I giggled!

Why did he always have this effect on me? Uh! Do you have the present I gave you? Actually, I do. He smiled with a twinkle in his eye. Let's go by the balcony. The enormously large house had a few balcony's so I wasn't sure which one he was talking about. We started making our way to the stairs and I felt a push that caused me to stumble. I looked up and Allison was standing over me with her champagne in hand as she threw it on me. I pounced at her as Abel grabbed me and Brent stepped in front of me and started yelling at her. Why are you with her? Allison cried in the most pitiful voice? Its over Allison! Get over it!

He grabbed my hand and took me upstairs leaving the chaos behind. Come on! He said as he stormed upstairs never letting go of my hand. My eyes were seeing red but I listened to him. His voice and his touch was calming me down some how.

We entered a room that was beautiful in its royal blue, cream and silver colors and smelled like lavender. The floors were marble and the balcony was huge. Brent locked the door. I need the wild animals to stay outside for a minute. I agree. I said, still calming down and convincing myself to let it go. Brent got me a towel to clean up. Good thing the champagne didn't get in my hair. There would have been no calming me down then.

Im sorry about that, he said with sadness in his voice. She's crazy. She thinks she owns me and we don't even speak. I guess her seeing me with you set her off. Me? How? Have you seen yourself, Su? Uhm, right now I look like a wet dog, I laughed. He chuckled touching the side of my face then gently lifting my chin to match his gaze. You are still the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. I was at a loss for words. I saw you when you walked in and I couldn't wait to talk to you. You look amazing! I was blushing like the color of a damn tomato at this point.

The balcony had a silver and gold bucket of ice with champagne it in. Who is this for? With a shy look he rubbed his hands through his hair. Ugh, don't do that! There he goes boyishly playing with his hair like his existence didn't already turn me on enough.

I set that up. Uh, ok. Its not what you might think, he said making sure I didn't think he was some kind of creep. I wanted to celebrate your birthday with you. His voice was so low and shy. It was the cutest thing. That is really sweet Brent. He walked over to the champagne table and opened the bottle. It made a loud pop! He poured us some of the champagne.

Here is to the most amazing, beautiful girl I have ever known on her special day. We touched glasses and took a sip. Well, I took a guzzle cuz my nerves were going wild at this point. I was alone, locked in a gorgeous room with the guy I have been in love with all these years. He better hope I'm not the creep.

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