
Chapter 13 - unexpected

Lucy Pov


Knock knock

Thinking the person at the door might be Jonathan, I take my time to open the door. Getting to the door, I turn the knob and an unknown man gets.

"I heard some complaints about the water in the building, have you experienced this? he asks, I notice that he doesn't have any tools that indicate he will be checking the water.

"No I haven't and I'm on my way out so it won't be possible for you to check now, would it be okay for you to come some other time? I say hoping he will just go away cause I don't want any commotion right now.

"It will only take some minutes" he says

" no it's okay we can take it some other time" I say will panic sinking in my core, I can't get my head around it but he isn't who he claims to be.

"You aren't even dressed to get out yet" he says, seriously how does someone start judging another person's attire for a water problem. Anger now building I look to the umbrella standing near my door.

The moment I quickly try to pick it he picks me by the neck.

"Your boyfriend's need to be broken and this will send them a good message" I try kicking be but it's like everything I do has no effect on him. After attempts of kicking I kick him where in the nuts and suddenly he drops me. Trying caught my breath and move away from him while crawling, he gets a hold of my leg. Pulling me to him again, he takes a hold of my neck again. Squeezing hard….


I wake up to find myself screaming at the top of my lungs in Jack's embrace. Breathing heavily, I try to adjust to my surroundings. I see Jonathan at the door clenching his hands, while Jaylen just looks at me not knowing what to say

"It's okay Lucy, you are safe now" Jack assures me

I just breathe hard trying to catch my breath but it doesn't help. Looking at them I feel pathetic, it must be weird for them taking me in and babysitting me at the same time.

I'm taking out of my thoughts while hyperventilating by Jack who keeps calling my name. "It's okay Lucy, you are safe now" Jack assures me

My breath finally getting back to normal. Without knowing Jaylen suddenly hands me a glass of water, which I never saw him hold to begin with, but I take it feeling confused and uncertain about what I'm going to do about myself.

"I believe it's best the doctor comes in and examines you" Jack says.

Confused I turn my eye to Jack, he really must be thinking I've lost it now" but I.. am okay "I say or at least I try to say as I stammer between words. Trying to breathe in the air I lose as I speak Jaylen joins in the conversation, while all Jonathan does is stare.

I'm really getting confused they are all to worried and it's scaring the life out of me. "You need to be checked Lucy, I would have done it but you know how the rules are. You are someone special to me" Jaylen says, which is true but hey he's a doctor. I don't want to go to my workplace sick and have someone check me out.

"Jaylen I'm fine it was just a nightmare" I says forcing my voice to sound normal.

"Okay then let me at least examine you myself" Jaylen says

"Thank you" I say smiling to him

"Really thank you so much" I say looking at all of them.

It's amazing how similar but different they all look. Now I know I'm really not okay, I'm admiring brothers…. I can't just choose one ? Or even just admire them as friends.

"It's no problem Lucy, we are just happy we could help" Jaylen says


After taking some tests, Jaylen and the guys left me to get some rest. Which was hard so I decided to call my friends Abi and Cindy. When Cindy got the news girl decided she would be taking the earliest flight available tomorrow, I tried talking her out of it but failed horribly. Abi on the other hand couldn't come cause her work which I understand. She really wants to do big things in life and that means no play time in her mind. I can't blame her for the way she is, actually I'm happy she's a hard worker, cause it gives me motivation to do more as well.

So much to do little time, I need to go home as well cause I don't want to be a burden to the guys and I'm not a fun of being here. My didn't raise no freeloader. But I'm really grateful cause how could I have been in that apartment with what happened. Just the thought about it gives me chills. I don't even know what am going to do with Cindy, where are we going to live with my apartment being an open door for thieves and stalkers. I guess being with Cindy will take my nerves off the whole being alone thing.

My phone suddenly rings with Cindy's name popping up.

"Hi Cindy" I answer, I don't know exactly what I feel about her coming here just to check on me. It kinda feels wrong, cause it seems like I can't take care of myself.

"Hi Lucy, babe I was wondering is there anything you need from here, your mum's place?" She asks, you can hear the seriousness in her tone.

"No love, I'm good, but are sure this is okay ? Now I mean with work and everything?"

"Yeah, I don't really have much to do there anywhere." Sometimes I forget her mum owns the company she works at and to top it off it's by far anything she would like to work with.

"If you say so….." I pause a little "what time is your flight arriving?"

"Around 12:30"

"I can't wait to see you to be honest" I say with relief flashing past me. It's hasn't been that easy being in a city with no family or friends. Yeah the guys have been awesome but you never know with people and I can't put all my burdens on them can I ? No that's not what I do so, I won't start now either.

"Me too girl it's been forever, but I need to go now so see you tomorrow, okay sweetie"

"Yeah talk to you tomorrow" I click the off button and head out the bedroom door. Looking around this place is big, I head down the stair, looking around like a lost cat. I'm so deep in my thoughts, that I suddenly trip. Thinking to myself, this will make the guys think I'm really a nut job. But to my surprise I don't hit the floor. I feel arms around me. Looking up to see who caught me it's Jonathan, his green eyes give him away.

"You have to be more careful" he says while putting me down

"I'm sorry I was just admiring this beautiful home and lost my focus" I say as I looking at the ground, not knowing what to do with my eyes.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"he asks, I turn to look up at him and freeze at how green his eyes and how peaceful I feel looking at him.

I force my eyes elsewhere "I was looking for you guys, I really need to talk to all of you"

"The others are in the living room, I can take you"

"Okay" I say as I follow behind him, I feel this need to hug him but don't why. If I were to hug anyone here freely that would be Jaylen, cause let's face it I don't really know Jack and Jonathan. And also if I entertain my feelings, I might just break a family, tho we all know that won't be possible because why and how would they like me?

Getting me out of my thoughts "here we are " he says looking back at me trying not to smile.

I just nod. Walking past the entrance it's cozy. They have this beautiful fireplace, a big sofa that matches the table in the middle.

"Hi, guys I was wondering if we could talk?" I say with Jaylen patting a sit next to him on the sofa. But I decide to sit at the other end of the sofa, so they can sit together and I look directly at them.

"I just wanted to say I'm really grateful for what you guys did for me and that it's been a pleasure being here. Though I think it's best I go home now" I pause trying to take a big breath " the culprit has been caught so I don't think it would be necessary for me to take up more space here and also one of my closest friends is flying in tomorrow. So it would be best if I go home and clean up and arrange things for her arrival."

Jonathan then suddenly gets up looking confused. " I really believe as a cop that it would be best you stay here. And if living in this place will be a problem you can always stay in the apartment Jaylen offered you." Jack suddenly speaks

"But that would be too much for me to ask from you guys, you have already done more than I could ask for" I say cause lord knows this is too much for me to ask of them.

"Lucy I invited you into the apartment here, it's not too much to ask if it's not you that invited yourself.." Jaylen speaks backing Jack's word, as Jonathan just paces the room.

"Would you like what happened to you, to happen to your friends?" Jonathan suddenly speaks, while rushing his fingers through his hair. The horror and the thought of that happening to Cindy puts me on edge. "No,of course not!" I say feeling hurt by his words.

"Jonathan, you need to calm down, " Jack says looking at him sternly. Jack then moves from his seat towards me. As he sits down to hold my hands that are on my lap, I'm hit by this pull to hug him. "Lucy, all Jonathan meant was that you will be more safer here and so will your friend. Isn't it better to be safe than sorry?" He explains as he looks me deep in my eyes.

"Yeah I know and I'm really thankful for..." I say, taking their words into thought . At the end of the day, they are right. I can't let Cindy come to an unsafe environment. " But then how much would I have to pay for our stay?"

" that will be 0 for you my dear" Jaylen says with a smile of his face

"You know I can't do that."

"Okay then a quarter of what you pay at your old apartment." Jaylen says looking pleased with his answer.

"Deal" I say

Jonathan then abruptly walks away, I don't get that guy. He confuses me each and every time