
Chapter one

- Saturn

I woke to my alarm clock, my ears ringing from how loud it is. "Good morning sleeping beauty" says the boy in my doorway, I look over and see my friend Jo standing there. He's about my height with short blackish hair and his wizard hat is fully black with a red string on it. I sit up and stare at him. "You look horrible" he says as he throws a uniform on my bed "put that on, school starts today." I rolled my eyes , I really didn't want to go to school "Rude, and how are you in my apartment" I say as I grab my uniform, "saylor forgot to lock it when she left for work" he says. "I see well, can you make me and Sophia breakfast while I get ready?" I say as I get up. "Sure" he walks out and closes my door. I go and lock my door and put on my uniform. I look around my room searching for my wizards hat, I bend down and look under my bed and there it is stuffed in the corner, "jeez I forgot I put you under here" I think to myself as I grab my hat. It is fully black with a light blue string around the top and has my name imprinted in light blue on the inside of the hat.

I smell the bacon and eggs Jo is making and I'm a little surprised that he can actually cook. I get up and put my hat on as I walk out my bedroom door, I go to Sophia's bedroom to wake her up. She's on her bed in her uniform sitting down with her witch hat on, her witch's hat has a pink string on it. Although she's not a witch she got accepted into the witches and wizards academy because she can do magic like everyone else. "Breakfast is ready" I say. "Oh ok" she grabs her phone and backpack and walks with me to the dining area which is pretty small but it's fine since we have a small family.

Hey loves! This is a og story! And this has no sm#t but there will be relationships!

Grey_fangcreators' thoughts