
abyss system

Zenith, an average office worker, finds himself trapped in a relentless cycle of bullying and exploitation from his colleagues, pushing him to the brink of despair. Contemplating an end to his life, he reaches his darkest moment. However, in this bleakness, a mysterious figure materializes, presenting him with an alternative: a chance to embark on a new existence in another world. Fueled by a yearning for redemption and strength, Zenith reluctantly embraces the enigmatic person's proposition. Transported to a fantastical realm brimming with magic and mythical creatures, he discovers a unique system that aids him in gaining strength and unraveling the true purpose of his newfound journey.

AverageJoe2 · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

The Culprit

The door flew open with a resounding creak as Zenith entered the castle. The dim hallway lay shrouded in darkness, an eerie silence enveloping the air. However, with each step, a mystical force ignited the torches, revealing ornate tapestries and ancient armor. "Seems they want to make this a horror castle," mused Zenith, as the flickering flames danced.

'What's that?' Abyss asked, unfamiliar with Zenith's world.

"It doesn't matter," he said and proceeded to walk. They continued until Zenith saw a door.

"I am going to open it," Zenith said, seeking confirmation from Abyss.

Abyss replied, 'Do whatever you want.'

"Okay," Zenith said and opened the door. Instantly, 20 people rushed at Zenith. He quickly took out his katana and slaughtered them. "Why did they think it would be a good idea to stuff them in there?"

'To catch you off guard,' Abyss replied.

"Guess it didn't work," Zenith said and proceeded to continue his walk.

'This guy is dumber than I thought,' Abyss thought to himself.

"You know I can read your thoughts," Zenith said after hearing his thoughts.

Abyss said, 'I don't care.'

Zenith reached the end of the hallway, faced with a choice between two divergent paths. The left corridor beckoned with a serene ambiance, adorned in blue carpet and walls. In contrast, the right path exuded opulence, featuring a velvety red carpet and walls. "Which way should we go?" Zenith pondered.

"Go left," Abyss said.

Zenith asked, "Why?"

"Because I feel more pressure on the right than the left," Abyss explained.

Zenith asked, "Pressure means more opponents, right?"

"Not necessarily. It could be more opponents or a stronger opponent or opponents," Abyss clarified.

Zenith said, "Then it is decided; we are going left."

'Are you dumb or something?' Abyss asked him.

Zenith explained, "I want to get as strong as possible quickly, and this is the most viable method to gain levels at the start."

'also the easiest way to die, but okay,' Abyss remarked.

Zenith went to the right; the hallway was empty, and the doors were closed. He decided to engage only those who attacked him, aiming to save as many lives as possible.

However, as soon as he passed a door, it swung open, releasing people. Initially, they were normal beings, but their difficulty increased.

"That was a hundred," Zenith said, gasping for air.

Abyss said, 'I told you to take the easier one.'

"Who said I'm tired?" Zenith retorted.

Abyss replied, 'Your body did.'

"I'm just a little gassed out, that's it," Zenith claimed, proceeding forward. The next door opened, revealing not more people but a guard wielding a sword instead of a halberd.

The guard wasted no time, dashing straight at Zenith to stab him. However, Zenith dodged the attack and countered with a slash from his katana. Though it caused a small incision in the guard's shoulder, it wasn't significant enough to hinder his movements.

The knight continued attacking relentlessly, showing no intention of defending himself. It was working; Zenith sustained small cuts all over his body because he couldn't block quickly enough.

'If this continues, I will die,' Zenith thought to himself.

Abyss said, 'What did I say?'

'Is this the time to lecture me?' Zenith retorted.

Abyss replied, 'I'll help you for this one instance,' and started guiding Zenith's movements. 'Right, then slash, bend down, and stab him in the leg. Move back; that should be enough.'

'How did you know all his movements?' Zenith asked in admiration.

Abyss explained, 'I can see muscle movements, and to execute a move, muscles move first. So, I could predict his actions.'

'Why didn't you say this before? I could have ended fights much easier,' Zenith complained.

Abyss replied, 'I can only do it for a limited time; I was waiting until you needed it the most.'

'Oh, okay,' Zenith acknowledged.

As Zenith pushed open the large door, it revealed a chamber of regal splendor. The room was adorned with tapestries depicting ancient battles, and torches bathed the space in a warm, flickering glow. At the center, a stone throne elevated the teenager, whose red eyes glinted mysteriously. The air carried an aura of power as the figure, with black hair, sat nonchalantly, cradling a gold cup. "You're impressive even though you don't look like it,"

"So, you're the one controlling all the people," Zenith said.

The boy answered, "Yep," while setting the cup down.

"Do you know how many innocent people you made me kill today?" Zenith retorted.

The boy replied, "No, and neither do I care."

"How can you do that to innocent people?" Zenith asked, enraged by his previous response.

The boy said, "Because I felt like it."

Zenith, having heard enough, drew his sword and dashed towards him.

"Hasn't your teacher told you that you should not fight with anger?" the boy said, somehow appearing behind him.

Zenith quickly rotated, but it was too late; the boy had control over Zenith. "What did you do to me?"

"I may have said you are impressive, but did you really think you had a chance at beating me?" the boy said.

Zenith didn't say anything; he felt hopeless. Right then, the door blew up, and in came Kurogane, his entire body surrounded by flames.

"Let him go if you want to live," Kurogane said.

The boy mocked, "The hero has come. You've got an eternal flame body; you must be from the Hades family. Aren't they really selfish and don't care about anybody but themselves?"

"That family has nothing to do with this. Let him go," Kurogane said again.

The boy said, "I don't feel like it" and started to crush Zenith's body.

"What do you want?" Kurogane asked.

The boy said, "Let's start by you turning off your eternal flame body; it would be nice."

Kurogane followed suit. Zenith wanted to tell him to leave him, but he was too weak to do so. "Next, tell me why your family banished you," the boy asked.

Kurogane said, "Let him go first; then I will explain it to you."


"Hey, didn't your parents leave you?" jeered one kid, while another heartlessly agreed, "Yeah, I heard it too."

"Can you just leave me alone?" Zenith pleaded.

"Why should we?" sneered the first kid, finding support from the other.

Zenith, on the verge of tears, heard the boy taunt him, "Are you going to cry? Go cry on your mother. Oh wait, she left you." The boy's cruel words cut through the air, intensifying Zenith's emotional pain.

Unable to endure more, Zenith snapped and impulsively punched the taunting boy. The consequence? A 10-page apology forced upon him.

The relentless bullying in the orphanage persisted, and the supposed pillars of support remained conspicuously absent. The callous teacher, indifferent to Zenith's plight, callously reiterated, "Your parents made a mistake, and now you shall suffer. Suffer well, my dear," amplifying the pain of Zenith's lonely ordeal.


The flashback surged through Zenith, granting him a surge of stamina and allowing for limited movement.

'You back? If you are back, that necklace amplifies his magic break it if you can,' Abyss informed Zenith.

Zenith followed Abyss's advice and used all his remaining stamina to shatter the necklace, severing its connection and breaking the magical hold it had on him.

"How can you still move?" the boy exclaimed in shock.

At that moment, Kurogane activated his eternal flame body, conjured a fireball, and directed it toward the boy.

Swiftly evading the attack, the boy declared, "You have surprised me, make sure to survive because I want to kill you myself" and disappeared.