

  A Story About a Normal 17-Year-Old High School Student, Estelle. Who suddenly can see the souls of the death or to be more clear " Ghost ". It was her bestfriend, Aysel, who went missing 3 months ago. To atone her sins, Estelle do everything to find out what happen to Aysel and to avenge her death.

i4me_yes · Thành thị
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10 Chs


I zoned out for a moment. Should I cooperate with the police? Will they believe me if I say I can see Aysel's soul? What nonsense! Even though I have this ability, Aysel lost her memories. Aysel looked at me with a sad expression.

"I'm sorry. If I don't lose my memories, it will be easier for you to find that person."

"It's not your fault. No matter what it costs, I swear I'll find that person. So don't feel guilty."

"I'll do my best to recall my memories back.We can do this!"

I didn't say a word. I replied to her with a smile. I'll keep my word. I'll find that person and avenge you. Just give me some time.

We visit the last place we went that day. I observe my surroundings while Aysel tries to recall that night. There are stores nearby our location. The bakery, the jewellery store, and lastly, the bookstore The nearest store is the bakery. We find out that the owner installed a CCTV system years ago. I checked it out. The CCTV angle was right at our location.

We decide to go in and ask the staff to confirm it. I ask her if they still keep the recording from three months ago. At first, she was doubtful. But for some reason, I managed to persuade her. She says that it will take at least an hour to find that recording. I don't care how long it takes, as long as I get that recording.

While waiting for the recording, a customer stopped by. It was a middle-aged man wearing a brown coat. He asked the staff if they still had the matcha-flavoured cake. But the staff says that the matcha flavour is limited, so it's already sold out. His face showed that he was disappointed. Before leaving, he gave me this weird smile. Paedophile? Whatever.

An hour passed. The staff finally found the recording. But before she gave the recording to me, she asked me if I was working with the police. She says that she can't give me the recording unless I'm working with the police. Waste of time. At the end, we both walked out with empty hands.

"Really? We wait for hours, but at the end, she won't give us that recording!"


"Ugh, I hate that woman."

"Well, it's not her fault."



Suddenly, someone called me from behind. It was the middle-aged man from earlier sitting on the bench.

"Are you Ms. Estelle?"

"Yes? Who are you?"

"First, how about we grab some coffee? It's on me."


"Don't worry. I won't harm you. I'm not a paedophile."

At first, I was worried, but this man seems to know something. Even though it's a little bit risky to follow a stranger you just met, maybe he knows something. I hope it's worth it. Aysel told me not to let my guard down. We follow him to the nearest coffee shop.

At the coffee shop.

"So who are you?"

"I'm sorry for my late introduction. I'm William."

"William? Where did I hear that name before?"

"We met 3 months ago."

I try to recall my memories from three months ago. The next day after that, there was a detective who came to interrogate me. That detective was Mr. William.

"You. What do you want from me?"

"Relax, take it easy. I just want to ask you a few questions. So please cooperate with me."


"Ms. Estelle, Why did you ask about the recording from three months ago?"


"Let me get straight to the point. Stay out of this case. It's dangerous for a teenager like you."


"It's been 3 months, Ms. Estelle. Even the police can't solve this. And you? A teenager, try to solve this case by yourself?"

"If you don't have anything to say, I'll take my leave. You're wasting my time."

"Perhaps you know something that we don't. Am I right? Ms. Estelle."


Detective William looks at me with suspicious eyes. I know he can read my body language, and from my body language, he knows that I was trying to hide something. I calmed myself down.

"What did I get if I told you?"

"I knew you wouldn't cooperate with me that easily. What do you want?"

"Exchange information with me."

"That's... That's privacy. I can't leak any information to civilians."

"Then I'll leave."

"But. I'll consider it. Based on the information you give me."


"I always keep my words. You can trust me this time."

"Tell me. Did you believe in ghosts?"

"Ghost? Of course I don't. What nonsense."

"I see. Then I'm wasting my time. Let's meet again,Detective William."


I leave him without looking back. It's useless. No one would believe me. I don't need their help. As long as I have this ability. I can do this on my own.