

Suddenly he heard the sound of something releasing as the wind suddenly distorted, he didn't know what just happened but he looked at Pirius suddenly taking another two arrow, as he drew the string back and released once again, that moment he knew that Pirius arrows could distort the wind because of it's speed.

*HOLY SHIT THAT STRENGTH POWER AND SPEED If only I can do that too* thought Klaine as he saw four arrows suddenly arriving upon the Tiger.

Soon the Tiger noticed them but the four Arrows already etched themselves on one of its legs.

"GROWLLLLLLLLLL~" Soon it charged forward, but you could see just how injured the Tiger is, even though it was still fast for Klaine, but in the eyes of these 3 Guys it was nothing but a rabbit charging to be slaughtered.

Soon The Halberd Wielder Readied his shield while holding the Halberd with one hands. As the Spear wielder suddenly shouted and he suddenly saw Lightning appearing and surrounding the Spear tip.

Soon the Tiger reached the Halberd Guy as it Charged towards the shield with one of its claws ready to smash upon it. But then Ren stabbed towards the Tiger head.

Then he saw the Tiger suddenly getting pushed back

*Amazing.... Just look at that, if they decided to kill me I probably won't even be able to fight back*

Then Pirius sent another two arrows which was burning in flame, It was slower than the arrow before but still was fast for Klaine, as it flew towards the Tiger head.

But then the Tiger Raised its claw and smashed the arrows apart.

"TSCH, It dare destroy my arrow" said Pirius as he took one Arrow, and released it once again.

He saw nothing special this time, as it was even slower than that burning Arrow.

The Tiger wanted to smash it apart once again but could not as the Tiger suddenly got blown away.

*Wow Amazing, what was THAT!*

Klaine felt dumb, he could not comprehend anything that was happening right now, everything just looked too amazing for him.

"You didn't need to use that arrow tsch you showoff" said Ren

"Haha, I just wanted to show our little friend here" replied Pirius as he slowly walked toward the Tiger that got blown apart, It was a mess, Flesh here and flesh there it basically exploded turning the scene into a gory one. Klaine felt like vomiting because of this gore but he managed to hold it, but he still felt sick seeing this.

The Halberd Wielder looked at Klaine and said "Hah, you can't even handle this kind of gore? Pathetic."

"Stop hitting on him Vicar, after all this shit is sickening for people like him" said Ren

Vicar the Halberd Wielder just snorted and said nothing as he looked at Pirius and said "What now we can't eat this kind of shit"

"Hahaha.... sorry I never thought it would be that weak, I overestimated it once again!" Replied Pirius with his hand behind his head.

Klaine was silent as he suddenly heard a voice saying "Congratulations Party Killed a Green Tiger, Please choose between

[+50 to Strength/Agility/ Vitality/Endurance/Intelligence/Soul]


[+10 to everything]"

Silence, complete silence. *+50? +10? WHAT THE FUCK is this shit killed Green Tiger? My party? Is that the use of parties? What the fuck is this fucking fuck! This is getting crazier by the minute goes and pass!*

"Repeat Please choose between

[+50 to Strength/Agility/ Vitality/Endurance/Intelligence/Soul]


[+10 to everything]"

*So I just need to choose right? Right!? Fucking hell then I'll take that +10 to everything!!!!!!!!*

Then he heard a ding goes as he suddenly felt strange thing happening on his body, which disappeared after 5 seconds

Then he heard the Voice once again saying "Obtained Tiger Blessing enhancing Strength by + 15"

As he felt the strange thing once again but disappeared after 2 seconds

He was completely dumbfounded right now. He have no Idea about what just happened nor about what the voice really wants, but he felt that it was messing with him.