


Hearing the words from the being in front of them, the primordial gods shivered in excitement and ecstasy to be praised by it, a feeling of uncontrollable joy erupted from there hearts and souls and the smile of the figure made it even more so, feeling the emotions of all of them,the figure thought to itself and then its body began to change, shaping into that of a more masculine body type, nothing much had changed, only his muscled became more defined as he had not cared for such things before.

{i wish to use a new name, one fitting of the title you all have given me} he said before turning his head and looking up then turning back and looking at them, various thoughts started rushing through the minds of all that were present to come up with the most perfect name one could have.

"O master of the deep and Creator of life" the primordial dragon goddess spoke in a tone that would make all speechless if all present did not know who she was talking to, "with all of my wisdom, i cannot bring forth a name that is suitable for you for all are unworthy"

Hearing the words from her the rest did not put forward there voices either for they felt the same, that nothing will be wonderful enough for his great name, but then they stopped when they heard him start to laughing to himself.

{Do not worry, i simply want to use a name that my creations will be able to use and understand, now that i think about it, how about i use the name zuzu, yea zuzu it is.} he said with a even brighter smile.

"yes O mas-" {hey its zuzu now.} he cut her off and said with a grin while walking towards her, the others looked on with astonished looks on there faces, thoughts of why he would use such a name flashed in their minds but they dare not voice opposition about it.

"Yes lord zuzu" she said and the others also compiled by bowing their heads again. {stop with the title, i chose this name so to be casual not to keep titles, just zuzu will do, also i want to see what came to be while i slumbered} he said stopping in front of the now humanoid form of the goddess, {but i can't do anything right now as my power is a bit unstable and i don't want to erase anything by accident} he said while looking at all of them, hearing him speak those words made a shiver run down everyone's spine.

"Zuzu" a creature of fire and darkness slowly stepped forward, the aura of destruction surrounded it as it walked making small crackling sounds around its strong looking body that was pitch black in colour.

"There are many things that have appeared and have been erased thought the cosmos, but none interest me like the new creatures that have been created and are evolving on a small blue and green planet called earth, they have limited intelligence but they do very interesting things from time to time and tho they are weak, there species can become strong if given the chance"

Turning to look at the one talking, zuzu looked into its eyes and said {when i have stabilized my power i want to see it ok, i will limit my power to that of a mortal as to have a in depth experience, hehe} he said chuckling to himself, [i have been sleeping too long, i want to see and explore, its a good thing i already separated and sealed my power of omniscience, knowing everything makes everything boring and not fun at all] he thought in his mind.

{i have a feeling things will be interesting once i go there and i'm looking forward to it}

"yes, as you say" it replied

{oh and what name will you go by, i want everyone to have a simple name as the ones of old are timeless and i think new ones are in order}


{do you not wish to change your names?}

"it is not that we wish not to but..... we want you to give us new names" the goddess spoke up with the joy sounding in her voice.