


Chapter 1: Awaken after a long slumber

On a planet drifting aimlessly, the being who set it all, slept, the planet was silent and peace-full, in space there was no disturbance for even the universe lulled and felt a great warmth being able to see that personage sleeping peacefully in its wake.

'Mmmm', the being made a sound in delight as it shifted comfortably and the planet softened itself so the entity would do so with the utmost comfort.

Laying on its back it slowly opened its eyes, as it did the planets surface opened and let in the magnificent sight of stars flickering in space, for where the being slept was not on the surface, no, it slept in the center of that world.

There was no sound when the planet opened up, not even the slightest vibration as if the planet did not wish to disturb that being who just opened its eyes.

'hmmm, wow, this is so pretty' said the being looking up at the sky and in space.

Smiling to itself, its pure colorful eyes shun brightly and its firm and toned body slowly floated off the core of the planet and rose up until it was out of the planet and on the surface.

Slowly landing, it looked around and saw a beautiful scenery, tall and short green and yellow trees, colorful plants and flowers, rainbow fruits and all the powerful beasts all around, some in the lush fields and others in the sky.

The planet slowly closed back its surface and as if it gave a signal, all the beasts and the trees and plants turned toward the being and bowed, showing the most respect that they knew how.

A dazzling light flickered in the corner of its eyes as it turned its head to see a gigantic creature with scaled that were as white and pure as snow and eyes that were as deep and dark as the space in the universe, it had enormous and beautiful wings that spread wide as if to block out the sky and its claws were that of a pure silver colour.

The creature was that of a Primordial Dragon Goddess and the mother of all draconic species in the vast universe, "we are happy and honored that you have awakened O master of the deep and creator of life" she said slowly landing and shrinking her size to that of the other primordial beast gods.

The one known as master of the deep and the creator of life showed a smile that made the atmosphere crackle with a energy that all the primordial gods bowed deeper and yearned to have even an inkling of, then a voice that made all the beings in the solar system feel both pleasure and terror sounded {I am proud of you all my children} the being said, never stopping its smile.

one note, i intend to challenge my readers imagination and push them past the relm of creation so if you like my story then support me cause am just warming up

JAVIER474Kcreators' thoughts