
The baby

Morning just as the sky lit up,

Sun feather city_


The day went dark, lightning rumbled in the heavens and it was like the world was coming to an end.

The people of sun feather city where in panic.

what is happening, why did the day just turn dark all of a sudden.

Everybody found there way back home to make sure there family's and clan where safe.

Sky Cloud Forrest_

Zhoa Ku the third elder of the Zhoa family clan in Sun feather city. was surprised of the way the weather just went dark all of sudden, he has been in the Sky cloud Forrest for weeks looking for magical herbs for his cultivation, He has been stuck in the peak of True Spirit Realm for years and was looking for an opportunity for his break through.

The wind picked up, the Sky Cloud Forrest was in a mess. Zhoa Ku was about to turn back, I have to make sure the clan is safe, that when something that looked like a portal opined.

Zhoa Ku looked up to the dark heavens and was perplex of what he was seeing.

What is going on Zhoa Ku was perplex and afraid at the same time. He was the third elder of the Zhoa family clan and in all of his years of cultivation he has never seen this kind of phenomenon.

I better get back to the clan I can't stay in this Forrest anymore, But just when he was about to turn back that when a portal appeared.

Zhoa Ku was surprised when he saw this because for someone to come out of a portal, He must be very powerful and must have came from a powerful clan.

Even for the the Zhoa clan they were nothing like portal for teleportation. The only reason he recognized it was because he has seen it in one of the books in the Zhoa family library.

Zhoa Ku prepared for battle, even though he new that the power of this person was not something that his power of the peak Nine level of the True Spirit Realm can withstand with he still stood his ground.

To his surprise no one came out of the portal, Instead there was a beautiful craft artifact that looks a lot like a basket.

What is happening were was the the powerful cultivation that was meant to come out of the portal.

After the basket came out of the portal the weather went back to normal. Zhoa Ku was surprised he had thought a powerful cultivator will be coming of that portal, he was waiting for his death. But to his surprise it was just a basket.

Zhoa Ku walked slowly to the basket and there it was there was a baby wrapped in a beautiful white silk, And there was a ring like object.

When Zhoa Ku used his spiritual senses to sense what the ring could do that when it happened.

A voice was transferred to to his mind.

I left these precious magical herbs for who so ever finds my son. Am very grateful if you can take him in and raise him as your own, And guide him in the road of cultivation.

When he grows up I want u to pass him my massage.

Zhoa feng me and ur mother loved u so much. if we could, We would have love to stay beside you and watch you grow up to be a fine young man.

Zhoa Feng we want you to leave a happy life and should not be restraint in the world that you are, You should always go forward and should no let any one or anything look down on you not even the heavens.

Because you are the son of Zhoa Gang and you are limitless_