
Above All Opps

When Chase awakens, his daily life starts taking a new turn. He starts exacting revenge on everyone who has hurt him in the past and all those who have gone up against his family whilst also trying to become strong.

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MTF pt3

"What are we going to do with him now?" Tamara asked, pointing at Chase and making everyone finally realise that there was still someone else in the midst of them but before anyone could answer the front door opened and an overweight middle aged, bald teacher stepped inside and sighed at the kids.

"You kids haven't gone home yet?" he said as he furrowed his brow.

"No Mr Mkpoin, " Alex started as he stood up from his chair, "But, we were planning on leaving soon".

"I mean, " Mr Mkpoin said, subtly scratching his cheek, "Don't hang around the school for too long and certainly not in the detention room" He concluded.

Mr Mkpoin was a Information Technology teacher and was good at his job. The students in his classes had good grades even though his methods of teaching were a bit strict. He hated kids and was never popular with the ladies, although he liked women, he despised kids but he had to make some sacrifices as he was already approaching 40.

Whilst preparing to leave, he muttered to himself about extending Chase's detention time convinced that Chase had left early but then noticing a blue haired boy sitting up painfully against a bunch of fallen desks.

"Oh, You're here!" He exclaimed as he looked at Chase. "I thought you had left. Ms Marina wanted to have a talk with you, so follow me to the staff room." Mr Mkpoin said as he started leaving the classroom not even bothering to check on the youth. Chase said nothing as he painfully dragged himself up to his feet and slowly walked towards the door.

"Hurry up!" Mr Mkpoin shouted as he came back into the classroom and forcefully dragged Chase with him.

"Hold up teach!" Lucas shouted after him and walked towards the door.

"What is it Lucas?" He asked, knowing the reason for the hold up. He sighed and pushed Chase to the ground before stepping back a bit to make sure that he wasn't in the middle of it. "Go on then," He said as he pulled out a lollipop from his trousers' pocket. "But make it quick."

"Thank you for understanding sir". Lucas said whilst getting himself ready and grinning at Chase like some devilish kid.

Chase braced himself as he received a savage blow to his stomach followed by a kick to the face and additional hits targeted at his ribs. He tried to protect himself but it appears that it was not working as Lucas' blows were cutting through him like paper. Everyone watched but no one cared about what was going on: Mr Mkpoin had nearly finished his lollipop and was biting off the rest while the MTF were carrying on with their conversations like what was happening was a daily occurrence.

The teacher stepped in between them and finally ceased Lucas' relentless attacks before dashing his now finished lollipop into a nearby trash can.

"Alright Lucas", He said as he clapped his hands together, "As much as I enjoy seeing this I don't want Ms Marina screaming in my ears about why he's hurt, so wrap it up."

"Bummer." Lucas said, sighing as he finally released Chase. Chase curled himself up into a ball shivering in pain on the floor tasting blood as well as a great deal of stomach and head pains. Tears rolled down his eyes as Lucas approached him and in his hand, he held the bin which he used to dump the trash onto Chase causing him to curl himself in tighter hoping that the trash wouldn't touch him.

"This is all you are." Lucas snarled, "Nothing but trash!". He threw the now empty bin onto Chase and sat down at his seat whilst all the others simply did not care and Mr Mkpoin was clearly delighted at the fact that the boy he hated the most was covered in trash, blood and tears.

Chase tried to fight the urge to smack Mr Mkpoin but there was nothing a weak person like him could do. it would have resulted in him getting a rougher treatment tomorrow in his I.T class. Lucas had been lenient on him, probably because his girl was sitting right there and didn't want to keep her waiting or because he didn't want to have anyone yelling at him for injuring students.

Now Chase was starting to regret not involving Ms Maria in this but the small pride left in him disappeared and here he was, on the floor weeping like some kid.

"Alright, " Mr Mkpoin said as he tried to pick Chase up but thought otherwise, "Let's go". when he tells it's time to go, he expects you to be right behind him or a punishment would be issued and since it's Chase that we're talking about here, it will be much worse.

Chase painfully got up and found himself limping behind the teacher, holding his ribs in agony.

"See you tomorrow Cheesy!" Lucas said brightly as he turned back towards a tired Iris and immediately forgot about Chase.

Chase tried to keep up with Mr Mkpoin despite his limping but Mr Mkpoin was walking extremely fast to torture Chase to make him hurt more from the limping.

"Better hurry up or you'll be punished!" He warned as he took a sharp left into another building. Chase groaned quietly as his ribs started hurting more and more and he had lost sight of the teacher but, he knew the way so there was no problem.

He finally arrived in an almost empty staff room with only two teachers there: One angry and another worried.

"Why are you so damn late!?" Mr Mkpoin furiously asked as he tightened his fist.

Chase simply glared at him, angering him. He furiously slammed the table. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?" He asked Chase. Chase didn't answer as he knew better than to argue with stupid people and daydreamed about the new game that his aunt had bought him and how hyped he was to be able to play it.

"I told you to be right behind me but you wasted everyone's time and came three minutes late you worthless piece of-"

"I think that's enough Mr Mkpoin!" Ms Marina angrily cut in as she forcefully led the teacher back to his seat. Mr Mkpoin tried arguing but Ms Marina had the upper hand and she calmed down her colleague.

She turned back towards Chase and caught a whiff of him. "What happened to you?", she asked worryingly.

Mr Mkpoin eyed Chase menacingly creating fear in him. "I just bumped into a bin by accident", he said casually as he took a seat in front of Ms Marina's desk. She sighed and took a seat behind it as she knew that Chase was not going to tell her anything and that she would rather have the boy go home quickly to take a shower and relax for the day.

She sighed again and when she spoke, it was in all seriousness.

"So Chase, the reason I wanted to see you was to talk about your grades".