
The Alleyways of Fourth

Abelene did think it over on the way there. Was this a trap, what was that... thing? Well, there was only one way to find out...

Abelene got to the alleyway with no problem. The streets were actually very quiet that day. Another odd thing for the list.

She didn't actually think this through which was very odd of her. The alleyway's connecting buildings were very, very , making the area almost impossible to see in.

"Wow, am I really that determined?" Said a familiar voice. Almost like hers, if not, exactly the same.

"Mhm, yes, and may I ask who you are?"

"Oh, that won't matter in a couple of


This scared Abelene as much as the stranger's voice, and she usually wasn't scared. Bluffing is common in her business.

"If you're going to harm me, I wonder how much time it will take just to cover it up. That is if you're even capable."

"Don't worry, it's not like I'll be the prime suspect for my own death. Er, before I do kill you, what can you tell me about the man you saw earlier today?"

Abelene didn't wonder how she'd known about the encounter. She did wonder, though, why she'd refer to Abelene as theirself. Maybe they were crazy. Huh.

"If you know exactly what happened there's no point in asking. Just shoot me already."

The, imposter so to say, didn't hesistate. The pistol made a quiet hiss in the wind. Obviously suppressed. Abelene was dead. Or, a clone was dead.