
Abduction Part 1

A teenager named Reese gets abducted by aliens who are not what they seem. He struggles with his newly found relationships and the fact he has been "taken by aliens." Reese and his friends he has made on the way of this journey need to fight a war they unwillingly forced into that has been going on for years, but can his team handle the evils that lie in the darkness?

Zessary · Khoa huyễn
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Chapter 5: Basics Class.

I woke up with a fuzzy head again, My eyes slowly opening; I was in a cozy little space with warm lights slightly lighting the ten-by-ten room. I was sitting on the most comfortable couch in the world; I could sit here forever, I thought; there was a T.V. mounted on the wall; below it was an empty entertainment stand. I could tell immediately that this was a way to make me feel comfortable. The T.V. clicked on, the screen was white for a second, and then a video started to play.


 Hi, and welcome to your basics class, said a woman's voice, sweet like my mother's when I would have a bad day; the T.V. showed a repeating video of an enormous spaceship, and the side had a word written on it, Prismic. The voice went on. Hi, my name is c.i.a.i., pronounced see-I; it stands for central informational artificial intelligence. I will be your teacher in your basics class; please pay attention. I will only say this once. In this class, you will learn about your future aboard the grand admiral Sekonnin's ship, his darling, Prismic, the headquarters for our runners to go to Earth. The video shifted to the tight halls of the ship; they were brightly lit but not like an average spaceship from the movies I had watched; these were more homey and looked lived in rather than rented. 


 The soft voice said, on this ship, you will learn about the brilliant, ancient civilization that used to occupy the planet you call Earth; these beings evolved from inter-species relations. They had to leave because of a catastrophic event five hundred thousand years ago: a solar flair that ripped through space, getting very close to the Earth. Thankfully, the evolved humanoid species known as the Sikarran left Earth, or as we call it, Sikarra Prime, right before the solar flair wiped out 80 percent of Sikarra Prime's surface. I thought to myself, how did they survive that that's impossible? We Sikarrans got into a space race before the Solar Flair; we knew about the Solar Flair twenty years before it happened. It only took us 11 years to overcome incredible technological feats, such as warp travel; warp travel is when you make a tiny black hole and pass through space and time traveling at light speed. We moved through space via high-performance drones that also used warp speed, which meant we could go to more than 100 planets a day, checking if these planets were suitable for life. We left Sikarran Prime 13 years after discovering the solar flair.


 We found a planet two million light-years away; it was a giant greenish blue-like planet almost identical to your Earth, except that this planet was 3x the size. This planet was in a different galaxy; we named this galaxy Hexon Dei and ended up naming the planet Hexon Toui. It took a little while for us Sikarrans to super industrialize a part of the planet so we could call it home, about five years before every Sikarran had a place to live. Right before we left Sikarran prime around the twelve-year mark of our space race, we found this Goldilocks galaxy with the perfect planet for us to live on. A civil war happened between the Sikarrans who wanted to leave and the Sikarrans who did not want to leave. The Sikarrans who did not want to go ended up calling themselves Humans. The Humans believed that there would be a part of the Earth that would survive; the Humans were right; about twenty percent of the Earth's surface survived, and this part of the Earth was the farthest side away from the sun. But we did not know then that this part of the Earth would survive; there was an eighty percent chance that the entire surface of the Earth would be wiped out. 


 These Humans who had fought us to stay surrendered and left the fight six months before we launched on our journey to the new world; they had pinpointed the exact location where they would survive the solar flair. They were right that this part of the Earth would survive; the Humans had seven years after we left before the solar flair would hit. We Sikarans had left, wondering if they survived; we eventually returned to Sikarran prime or Earth and found out they had lived. 


 When we Sikarran's had gotten comfortable, we realized we had made a massive mistake with our new planet by not researching it enough before "moving in." The planet was dangerous; it took us five years to make a giant walled city safe from the dangers of this planet. This planet had a species of its own living on it. They did not take kindly to us moving in; of course, they were more primitive than us, so we pushed them aside and paid no attention; that was a mistake. This species called this planet home and considered us trespassers, so they fought us for Hexon Toui. 


 The fight was bloodshed; we had Sikarrans betraying us to live with this species; they called themselves Pharaohs; a picture on the T.V. appeared; this is what the Pharaohs looked like, said C.I.A.I. I stared at the T.V. momentarily, taking in the picture; the picture showed a group of what I'm assuming are some Sikarrans and Pharaohs posing for a picture. The Pharaohs were tall, lanky, and hairless, with very manly features and weird grayish skin. One of the Sikarrans was standing with a child; the child was a perfect combination between Sikarran and Pharaoh. Some pharaohs betrayed their kind to come to the Sikarran side of the war. The Pharaohs had advanced quickly because our technology was stolen; the fight lasted 70 years, back and forth, blood for blood. The war ended because there were families with mixed D.N.A. on both sides, so we decided to make everyone one species and keep the name Sikarran.


 As the years passed and generations died, we all started to look alike; there was no difference between us anymore. We began to evolve and look the way we do now, tall with gray skin and no hair, but we got the hands from them, large with bulbous fingertips, we got the heads and eyes giant heads too big for our necks and large deep black eyes. We gave our strength and athleticism, so we were more intelligent and vital than ever; we can live longer, up to six hundred years old. We lived in peace for four hundred thousand years.