
Abducted by the alien prince!

Liliana Valentine just wanted to have a couple friends to chase away the loneliness she’d felt all her life, she thought coming to Rockdale University was going to be her big chance to make changes in her life. She’d been in foster care since she was eight after her parents died in a car accident, she was the weird quiet orphan all through school, so naturally, she held high hope for college to help her start over fresh... so when some girls in her dorm building invited her to another girl’s family farm for a barn party, she jumped at the opportunity... It wound up being a sadistic revision of the ‘hazing of the freshmen’ tradition, which left a humiliated and crying Liliana making the long walk back alone in the dark... but little does she know... her life is about to change forever... *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ If you'd like to support my work in other ways or buy me a coffee, you can find my paypal here. Everything is appreciated and helps so much. https://paypal.me/monkeystorycorner?locale.x=en_US

Missmonkey88 · Khoa huyễn
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15 Chs

A new beginning? Ch.12

When Liliana woke up, Nisnieth was sitting over at the desk, he was craned over something that looked like a tablet… he looked very focused, Liliana sat up in the bed and just stared at him awhile… he really was very beautiful to look at…

Eventually, Liliana having forgotten how long she'd been staring, he did seem to feel the eyes upon his back and lifted his head from his device to look over at her… a smile that made her insides flutter curved Nisnieth's perfect lips.

"Good to see you awake, my darling… you were quite exhausted, though that's quite understandable after the last twenty four hours you've had" he spoke, his voice gentle with compassion "How are you feeling? Good?"

Liliana was silent a moment or two as she thought about that… how exactly was she feeling? That was a truly complex question…

"Well, I do feel well rested… but in all honesty… I really don't know how to respond… my life has undergone a massive change and soon enough, it's going to change even more… perhaps I just need more time to process everything…" Liliana replied "But anyway, that device you have, what are you doing?"

"Oh, this is what humans might best understand as a tablet with a small but highly advanced computer system within, I am using it to coordinate the duties of every crew member aboard" Nisnieth replied, though his expression turned thoughtful for a moment and he corrected himself "Well, maybe not EVERY crewman, but the list of things needing done is sent to the head of each department and the heads delegate tasks to each crewman under them within their department"

"Oh I get it" Liliana replied, refraining from making any Star Trek jokes "Efficient… so, how long do you think you'll be working on that?"

The look Nisnieth gave her upon hearing her question… Liliana blushed as she realized the way he must have taken what she'd said "I… I mean…"

The prince smirked, making Liliana blush red as a beet as she came to the realization that Nisnieth had been teasing her just now without so much as a single word necessary. Scoundrel… he got her good…

"I know what you meant, my beloved… though after last night…" Nisnieth said with that ever present smirk "Would it really be so bad if I had taken it as you thought?"

"Males...:" Liliana grumbled at him bashfully "No matter the species or even if from another planet… you've always got THAT on the brain…"

"Can you blame me?" Nisnieth replied, a sensuous glimmer in his aqua blue eyes "My queen to be is the most delectable female in all the cosmos"

"Pfft, now that is laying it on a bit too thick to be believable" Liliama said, grinning at him slightly "You wouldn't believe how many males on Earth will say such outrageous things to a female without a shred of sincerity… all just to get into her pants, then vanish as soon as the deed is done"

Nisnieth frowned, looking somewhat puzzled "Are the males of your planet completely stupid? Females are miraculous and amazing creatures, their bodies can create something so precious as new life… they are capable of compassion and patience that many males are not… they can provide wisdom and counsel when a male's mind is distressed with the world around him… comfort when his soul is weary… there is no greater gift than to have a female to call your own… my people have always known this, long before the disaster on Vuul that took our females lives… and you, my bride, my queen to be… you will be cherished by your husband and king above all others…"

Liliana was silent… she had absolutely no idea what to say… the look on Nisnieth's face told her that he believed every word he said with every fiber of his entire being… part of her was wondering now… would it really be so bad? Would life as Nisnieth's wife and queen really be so terrible?

Granted… kidnapping wasn't the way to achieve his means and she'd find a way to cross that bridge with him for future Vuulian males looking for mates when the time was right… but in the mean time… maybe… just maybe… it wouldn't hurt to let Nisnieth show her the life she could have with him without resisting him at every turn… right?

Nisnieth chuckled softly as he watched the expression on his bride's face as the wheels turned in her head and rose from his seat, looking at her thoughtfully as he crossed the distance and offered his hand to her "I've just finished and sent the commands out… I have a few hours free before my presence is needed… I want to show you something I think you will enjoy…"

Liliana took her lower lip between her teeth and nibbled lightly for brief moment before she ultimately decided her prior thoughts couldn't hurt to be given a solid chance... she smiled gently and took his hand "Okay, lead the way"