
A & X

(Alessandro & Xaviera Series. Book 1) Alessandro loves a wayward lady, Violeta. His family doesn't approve of their relationship. His grandmother then finds the beautiful daughter of her friend from the countryside him to marry. Rosetta, his grandmother believes that countryside women make good wives. Rosetta is obsessed with this countryside lady to the extent that, if Alessandro refuses to marry her, Rosetta would suffer a heart attack, which might kill her eventually. Alessandro still loves Violeta and swears never to leave her. Read to find out what happens between Alessandro, Violeta and the countryside girl, Xaviera.

I_do_write_romance · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs

Chapter 32


Sandro finished bathing, he wore only his pants then entered the bedroom, where Xaviera sat.

"Get in and take your bath. We'd go downstairs, everyone must be waiting for us, to burst balloons and pop champagnes." Sandro told her. She nodded and entered the bathroom, to take her bathe. When she was done, she slipped into a large shirt and a pair of pants. Sandro and Xaviera went downstairs; pretentiously.

When they reached, the lights were all off. Sandro knew this would happen.


A loud sound came from within.

"Happy wedding day!" Everyone, including the guests, family members (cousins and others) yelled happily as they came out of their hiding places.

"Look at them, as cute as ever." Rosetta said as she walked to them.

Sandro cursed all of them under his breath, 'And they thought this was important? Tsw!'

Everyone walked to them with flowers and balloons.

"Mr. And Mrs. Alessandro, happy wedding day. I can't believe my little cousin is getting married." Rosario, one of Sandro's female cousins told Sandro and Xaviera.

Rosario was a married lady, her husband, Dayvi stood next to her.

Sandro rolled his eyes and stood there.

All of his family were aware of his arrogance. They knew he didn't respect anyone, except his grandmother, Rosetta. She was the only one who could convince him to do anything and he won't argue.

Meanwhile, Xaviera was calm, she smiled at anyone who wished her a happy wedding day.

"Xaviera, come with us. We'd start preparing you. And Sandro, go with your best men, they can help you dress up. Take your time to do everything, we still have about 4 hours to go." Rafaela told Sandro. He grumbled and he walked away, with his younger and older cousins. Sandro didn't have any friends, the only people he was close to were his cousins, they were the only ones who understood him. And they (his cousins) didn't consider him as arrogant, because they were all like that.

Rafaela and the rest of the women took Xaviera to a room, where all the women were dressing. The fashion designer had arrived.

The fashion designer is also a part of the Rodríguez, she is fifth daughter of Rosetta's younger sister.

The Rodríguez family was extended, with almost 100 - 150 members; or even more because some of them were busy with their businesses in different places of the world.

"Xaviera, you'd have to take your bath with this almond oil. It's very important. You'd have to rub it on your belly and your private parts and make sure you don't taste it. Or else you'd always argue with your husband. Please be careful." Carlotta gave a bottle of almond oil to her daughter. Xaviera took it with care and went back into she and Sandro's room. She did what she was asked to do.

She rubbed it on her belly and the required parts. As she was about to put the bottle on the floor, it slipped from her hand and she opened her mouth to whimper, and, the liquid made its way into her mouth, straight to her throat.

She started spitting and trying to vomit, but, nothing worked. The almond oil had already been swallowed.

'I have just worsened my problem. God, why did fate do this to me?' She mumbled to herself. She panicked and went out of the bathroom.

'I shouldn't tell this to mom, she'd only scold me and she'd be worried.' She mumbled to herself again.

She put on some clothes and left for where the rest of the women were.

She was already not in good terms with Sandro, and she worsened it.

Tears almost ran out of her eyes, but, she was strong enough to push them back. She put  a smile on her face and entered the room.

"There she comes. Hope everything went on well?" Carlotta asked her.

Xaviera nodded her head and went over to them.

"Thank God. We'd now start putting your hair together. But before then, you have to eat something. I'd get that for you." Rosario said and left.

Almost everyone was happy in the mansion; almost.

Xaviera ate her food, and the dressing started. They had spent almost two hours with those minor things.

In no time, everyone was dressed. Lucy handed over the rings to Rafaela, and in no time, the cars were ready to take everyone to the Church.