
A & X

(Alessandro & Xaviera Series. Book 1) Alessandro loves a wayward lady, Violeta. His family doesn't approve of their relationship. His grandmother then finds the beautiful daughter of her friend from the countryside him to marry. Rosetta, his grandmother believes that countryside women make good wives. Rosetta is obsessed with this countryside lady to the extent that, if Alessandro refuses to marry her, Rosetta would suffer a heart attack, which might kill her eventually. Alessandro still loves Violeta and swears never to leave her. Read to find out what happens between Alessandro, Violeta and the countryside girl, Xaviera.

I_do_write_romance · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs

Chapter 28


"Since when did you start yelling at me?" Sandro cocked an eyebrow at her.

Xaviera didn't expect that to come out like the way it did. She just wanted her voice to sound as meek as ever.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell like that. I'm really sorry. You can continue pulling my hair." She said as she sent her head forward.

Sandro looked at her with narrowed eyes.

He felt a little bit of shame, because of the respect Xaviera gave him despite the way he treated her earlier.

Sandro hissed and went into the bathroom. He rubbed his finger on the red spot on his shoulder. He couldn't believe that his family didn't notice anything.

He bathed slowly, to hinder the wounds to hurt  more.

'She's just a stupid girl, and she'd always be.' He muttered under his breath.

Meanwhile, Xaviera was in the bedroom, crying her heart out. She never thought that her mother would take care of her all this while, only for a man to treat her like the way Sandro treats her.

"Bibs!" Sandro said as he entered.

"Please don't call me that, only Antonio can call me that. Please don't, you just remind me of the fact that I can't be with the man I love." She mumbled.

"Wait, if Antonio is your boyfriend, how come he never took care of you? Like paying for your expenses."

"He did, but I stopped it because mom didn't like it."

"Why? You had a great opportunity to extract money from a money machine, and you just let that chance go like that? You must be lying." Sandro chuckled mockingly.

"I'm not lying. Mom wanted to be the one to take care of me. The only thing Antonio spent on me was my eysight. That's all."

"Mhm, so you can't see? I hope you have lenses in your eyes. Antonio is so stingy, he didn't even put any effort into spending a dime on you!" Sandro laughed.

"Mhm, I won't argue with you ever again. I'd agree to whatever you say. After all you ruined every dream I had in my life, thanks alot Alessandro."

"Oh, so the black girl had dreams? To become an escort." Sandro laughed hard.

"Sandro stop this, you don't know what you're saying."

"I don't know what I'm saying? I see. You see, I'm planning on buying Antonio's company. He's getting too rich within this short period of time, which I can't stand. Wait,  I won't buy it, I'd take it away from him. So that he and Nadia can rot in hell. You know, he loves her very much." Sandro mumbled.

"Sandro stop. Antonio loves only me, and no one else. Nadia is my friend, she'd never see my boyfriend behind my back."

"Okay. I'd have to mind my business for now. But, when the time comes, I'd prove to you that your darling has been fuçk!ng your friend on his bed. Trust me."

Xaviera shook her head in disbelief, as she left the room. She left Sandro to continue talking to himself.

Just like she said, she didn't want to argue with him anymore.

Xaviera wiped her tears and went downstairs. She saw her mother coming towards her.

"Hey, you don't look happy? Why?" Carlotta asked her.

"I'm happy, at least I saw Antonio!" She replied.

"Wait what? After I warned him to stay away from you? See, that guy is cheating on you, with that foolish friend of yours. I just didn't want to tell you earlier, because you'd have been hurt. But now that you are getting married, I have to tell you the truth. You see why I never wanted him around you?" Carlotta told her.

"Even you? I'm sure Sandro told you to tell me this."

"You're  very stubborn. You don't believe your own mother? I'm not lying. And Alessandro never told me anything. I didn't even know that he knows about Antonio. Now, forget about that boy and focus on your marriage. Come this way, your dress is ready. Let's go so that you'd try it on."

Xaviera grumbed and followed her mother.

'There's no way I'm ever believing this.' She muttered under her breath.