
A & X

(Alessandro & Xaviera Series. Book 1) Alessandro loves a wayward lady, Violeta. His family doesn't approve of their relationship. His grandmother then finds the beautiful daughter of her friend from the countryside him to marry. Rosetta, his grandmother believes that countryside women make good wives. Rosetta is obsessed with this countryside lady to the extent that, if Alessandro refuses to marry her, Rosetta would suffer a heart attack, which might kill her eventually. Alessandro still loves Violeta and swears never to leave her. Read to find out what happens between Alessandro, Violeta and the countryside girl, Xaviera.

I_do_write_romance · Kỳ huyễn
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Chapter 22


Sandro and Xaviera watched as two female stylists walked to them.

"Hey Sir, we'd be your stylists for today. Hope you'd cooperate with us; we promise you that by the time you leave here, you'd be glowing." One of them said.

"I'm glowing already, ain't I? You can direct that to the lady sitting next to me, she needs it." Sandro scoffed.

"Of course, you're glowing, so is the lady sitting next to you. To be honest, she's the prettiest creature I have ever seen. With her eyes like a doll's." The other stylist said.

"Thank you dear." Xaviera told them.

"Okay, so, a woman rented a single room for you both. I think it was your mother. You'd be given full time service in a single room, where we'd do everything peacefully." One of the stylists mumbled.

Sandro and Xaviera, along with the stylists went upstairs, where the rented room was situated.

The room had everything needed for the dressing.

"Sir, sit here, and ma'am sit at that end." One of them instructed.

The stylists split, one went to Sandro and the other to Xaviera.


"I'm Nelly. Please dip your toes in this tub. Be careful." Nelly told Xaviera.

Xaviera behaved like it was her first time. The last time she had some pedicure was a month ago.

Xaviera did what she was asked to do. Her toes were soothed by the warm water; which was capable of making her toes soft and make them as fresh as a new born baby's.

"Melanie, pass me the nail cutter on the table." Nelly told the other stylist.

Melanie walked to Nelly, as she gave her the pink nail cutter.

"Ah, here they are. Let's go help them choose." Rosetta said as she, Rafaela and Carlotta came in.

"Xaviera, I think this hairstyle is great for you. It'd suit you very well." Rafaela told Xaviera.

Xaviera didn't know what to choose, they were all stunning.

"Mkay. Ma'am, please do what aunt said, and also, whatever orders she gives. I'm not good at these things." Xaviera told Nelly.

Nelly nodded her head and continued.

"Ay, Don't touch my eyebrows." Sandro winced at Melanie.

"Okay. What about the hair in your ears? Should I leave them to? Your body is filled with hair. What do you use? I have been yearning for them to grow on my arms." Melanie told Sandro.

"You know what? Just trim my hair a little. Don't touch any hair that's not on my head, or you'd grow them back." Sandro replied.

"And oh, you can grind spinach, add some salt, water, honey, lime, green grass and the ear of a dead mouse, you'd get the hair to grow on your body. Trust me, that's what I use." Sandro said; with a serious face. He wasn't smiling even a little.

"Mkay, I'd surely use your remedy." Melanie said sarcastically. She continued doing what Sandro instructed her to do.

"You have pretty soft hair, I guess you use the saliva of a cockroach." Melanie added.

"Nope, I hate cockroaches, so I scoop the wax from the ears of a kangaroo. Try it, your hair would be sweeping the ground." Sandro pissed her off.

With that, Melanie didn't ask him anything that didn't concern what she was asked to do.

In no time, Sandro was done. His fingernails and toenails were trimmed. His hair was nicely styled.

Xaviera was far behind, they just finished making her hair. She had long hair, so there was no need for any artificial hair. Only her hair took a lot of time.

"Sandro can only see Xaviera's styled hair. But he won't be allowed to see her gown till they are standing together at the church. He'd be surprised to see her looks tomorrow." Rosetta said.

"Mhm, okay." Sandro murmured and he continued scrolling through his phone.

Melanie helped Nelly; it was gonna save time.

In less than 2 hours, everything was done.

"We're left with the shoes and the bouquet. Some other things to, when we go to the other floor, we'd see the things that we need to get. Oh, we have to buy some stuff for everyone to. We all have to look good." Rafaela told them all.

There was some decoration going on at the mansion. The best men and bride's maids were chosen already.