
A & X

(Alessandro & Xaviera Series. Book 1) Alessandro loves a wayward lady, Violeta. His family doesn't approve of their relationship. His grandmother then finds the beautiful daughter of her friend from the countryside him to marry. Rosetta, his grandmother believes that countryside women make good wives. Rosetta is obsessed with this countryside lady to the extent that, if Alessandro refuses to marry her, Rosetta would suffer a heart attack, which might kill her eventually. Alessandro still loves Violeta and swears never to leave her. Read to find out what happens between Alessandro, Violeta and the countryside girl, Xaviera.

I_do_write_romance · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs

Chapter 20


"It seems we're all done, let's get going. Rafael dear, I served your food, it's on the bed, take care of grandpa, we'd be back after we are done. And please, don't mess up things, because you'd clean it up." Rafaela shouted from downstairs.

Xaviera stood by her mother, with her face; showing a little hint of fear; she couldn't tell them what happened earlier.

"Let's go girls, and the boy!" Rosetta said, as she smirked at Sandro playfully. He was the only man going with them; Carlotta, Rosetta, Rafaela and Xaviera.

Sandro held his grandma's hand, as they all left the mansion. Sandro was the only male there; he should have been playing video games with his father and grandpa, instead, he is going out with a number of ladies; some old as well.

Sandro looked at the resemblance of Xaviera and her mother, 'They are pretty, though.' He thought to himself.

"Sandro, take Xaviera in your car. Meet us at 'Ms. Pat's Decor'. Be there on time. You guys ain't supposed to listen to what the young girls have to say, we'd be planning some great things for you guys." Rafaela said.

Xaviera was gonna face Sandro, alone again. She wished he'd accept her apology; and spare her virginity.

Rafaela and the rest of the women (excluding Xaviera) walked to the car. Rafaela hopped into the driver's seat, and she drove them out of the mansion.

Sandro hissed and went ahead to the other cars. He took the key from one of the drivers and got into the car. Xaviera walked panicky; as she sat at the back seat.

"You don't want people to think I'm your driver, do you?" Sandro said; as he glared at her from the rearview mirror.

Xaviera walked to the front seat, as she sat quietly. He started the car and drove out of the mansion; at top speed.

Xaviera was afraid, she was praying that Sandro wouldn't lose his mind and land them into an accident.

Sandro increased his speed, as he dodged some obstacles on the road.

"San..dro, I'm scared!" She whispered, as she held the collar off her dress firmly in fear. Sandro ignored her.

"I'm sorry." She added.


"Sandro." She whispered.

No answer.

"ALESSANDRO I'M SORRY!" She yelled on top of her voice. This time, Sandro reduced the speed at which the car was moving on.

He didn't utter any word, he held the wheel firmly. Xaviera watched as he tightened his grip on it every single second.

'What's eating him up?' She muttered under her breath, but Sandro heard.

"The fact that you slapped me, the fact that you called me a liar, in my face. You said I was lying about Antonio. Mhm, let's see what your naughtiness gets you into." He mumbled.

"Alessandro I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

"Never. Like I promised, I'm doing what I said tomorrow. There's nothing that can stop me, even your mom. You can tell her, but have it in mind that, I'd be married to you by then, so, there's no way she can stop me."

"Sandro please." Xaviera sobbed.

"Wait. I've changed my mind. I'd fuck Violeta instead of you. She's coming tomorrow night. I'd fuck her on the same bed you'd be laying on. Watch me." He said.

Xaviera wasn't surprised, she believed that he could do it.

"Then I'd sleep in another room, because I can't watch a live porn." She mumbled.

"It's bad that you don't have a say here. I'd be the husband, and you, the wife. So, you'd just have to shut up and comply to your husband's command."

"Why does it always have to be about you? You care only about yourself. And you're taking advantage of the fact that I'm gonna be a housewife. You can do whatever you want with Violeta, I don't have a problem. You can love her, and I'd love my Antonio. Even though I won't get to see him, but, he'd always be in my heart." She told him; anyone who heard what she just said would have felt pity for her, but, it was Sandro, the heartless god.

"Uhun. Thank goodness that you know all of this. You love Antonio a lot, don't you? It's sad that... Never mind."

With that, the place was quiet till they reached.

"I haven't accepted your apology. You slapped me, and that's what you'd regret for the rest of your life." He added.

They both got down and walked towards their family members.

Sandro, Xaviera. Mhm..... The wedding is on Sunday.