
A writer's journey

I am a writer who devoted all his life into building his home and serving the country in the little way that I can. I've been living a peaceful life until a disaster struck and we were kidnapped by bandits, or whatever they called themselves. they did all the filthy things they could do with my wife before snuffing the life out of her throat. I escaped from the kidnappers den and started planning my revenge. not all people are born to be a hero, I was caught again. this time, I was given a free ticket to visit heaven. but something else happened, I was transported to another universe entirely.a place where two races are at war with each other. I belonged to the human race but I later found out that my wife was also transmigrated to that same planet and she is the daughter of the demon King. how will I cross the boundary between the two races and get back with my wife without being killed in the process?

Dark_sovereign173 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

the welcome party

Chapter 7

The green monster king was strangely sitting on his throne. His back was resting on the seat of the throne, and his arms were placed on the slightly raised armrest on the throne. His legs were raised in the air, and a golden crown inlaid with diamonds was on his head.

For him to be able to sit comfortably without hitting his head, the monster king was sitting upside down.

'it is not polite to remain standing while the others are greeting the king with a bow'

While I was still looking at the monster king in a daze, princess Diana came forward to whisper something in my ear. I quickly adjusted myself and copied the others in bowing to the green king.

"hahaha!! I can now put my mind at rest since my beautiful daughter has found a brave man who could lift off her veil after 200 years of searching!" the green king laughed heartily before looking at me with a puzzled expression.

Yes, I was also laughing hard!

They said opportunity only comes but once, so I ceased the chance to let out the laughter I'd been holding in all this while.

" it is my great luck that brought me here, and fate that directed me to lift her veil and made me the son-in-law of a great and powerful king like you. Hahaha! I thank heaven for my great luck." To save my head, I started my reason for laughing out loud. I looked at the king a few more times and controlled myself from overdoing it.

"What's your name, young human?"

"My name is john, your majesty"

" what are you all waiting for, escort the prince consort to the palace!" the king commanded his guards. I was about to start thanking the green king for giving me a way out before a blue figure stepped out of the crowd.

"Your Majesty, this human here has issued a challenge to all monsters here who are eligible for marriage. I'm afraid he can't leave here until he provides an answer as to how, when, and where the fight will take place." The blue abomination bowed to the throne before standing between me and the messenger sent to bring me to the palace.

The green king looked at me with a questioning gaze, to which I nodded.

"Your majesty, I indeed challenged them to a fight to prove myself as a person worthy of the beautiful Princess and to also prove to you all that humans are not weak.

Your majesty! I'll be glad if you would permit me to host a tournament for the challenge. It'll be a ranked battle where they will all fight with themselves until a winner emerges… it is this winner that will fight me for the princess's hand in marriage." I explained the rules to them.

The green king didn't say anything much and gave his consent to the fight and I was led to the palace of the green king where I was offered food and drinks, and some beautiful monsters with delicate and "fair" skin came out to entertain us with a beautiful dance.

My wife has been sent to a room where she is currently receiving treatment from the witch doctor assigned to treat her. She has not yet woken up.

I was sitting side by side with the green king, enjoying the good wine on my table; it was the best wine I have ever tasted from birth till now. Their food was a notch different from what we eat at home, the only difference is that the meat tastes somehow different from what I used to eat.

The palace was intricately decorated with pearls of different sizes and colors. When I first got to the entrance of this hall, I refused to enter at first since it looked like the floor was filled with water that was flowing through the room ( I can even hear the sound ). I can vividly see my reflection in the water. But when I stepped inside, it was a hard floor and it looked like I was walking on water. It was one of the ministers present that explained to me that the floor was made with a rare gem called sea cold alc…

The room was filled with monsters of different tribes and clans, the blue monster was present, and some tree monsters and water monsters were also on the seats.

The monster princess that was 'sitting' beside me smiled as she steals a glance at me almost every minute. She had only drunk a little wine when she began blabbing all the secrets of the monster race into my ears. It was that night that I know that the green monster clan was not like the rest of the monster race, they were cursed.

" I don't know how or who laid the curse on us, but it happened millions of years ago when our ancestors offended a big shot of the human race. The human cursed our ancestors to always give birth to deformed monsters, and as they began giving birth, the children were all deformed and they became monsters amongst monsters…" Diana kept on talking while sipping on her drink. While I was busy listening to her story, I don't know how or when, but her hands had already found their way to my waist as she wrapped them around my waist.

Since where I noticed the strange movement of her hands, the curiosity in me had been pushed down and crushed to death by my train of thought.

This beautiful monster was still thinking of taking advantage of a weak human like me.

Oh God! Please protect my Virgin a**hole and preserve it from destruction!

I chanted silently in my mind when I saw the monster princess looking at me with a strange gaze, the one that she might devour me whole anytime from now.

It was already dusk and I was looking for a way to excuse myself from the crowd when a monster in a palace guard uniform suddenly rushed in.

"your Majesty! Pardon my rude behavior but I have a message to deliver to the prince consort" the messenger bowed down and apologized to the green king before facing me.

"Green consort, your sister has woken up from the coma and she has been asking for her husband since then. No matter what we told her, she still insisted on seeing her husband so we came here to inform you maybe you can help calm her down."