
A writer's journey

I am a writer who devoted all his life into building his home and serving the country in the little way that I can. I've been living a peaceful life until a disaster struck and we were kidnapped by bandits, or whatever they called themselves. they did all the filthy things they could do with my wife before snuffing the life out of her throat. I escaped from the kidnappers den and started planning my revenge. not all people are born to be a hero, I was caught again. this time, I was given a free ticket to visit heaven. but something else happened, I was transported to another universe entirely.a place where two races are at war with each other. I belonged to the human race but I later found out that my wife was also transmigrated to that same planet and she is the daughter of the demon King. how will I cross the boundary between the two races and get back with my wife without being killed in the process?

Dark_sovereign173 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

curiosity killed the cat

?I've only been hearing of the instant noodles man. But I never came across one ( I'm not gay and I don't like porn or any of those strange fetishes ). After one minute of deep penetration, and a sprinkling of his seed inside my wife, and got off Selena and the next in line inherited his position.

Selena was on the verge of passing out when the heavens finally listened to my prayers, their boss finally came and caught them in the act.

"Hey! Audu!! What are you guys performing, do you want to kill her?" He neared Selena, picked her up from the ground, gently caressed her cheeks, and dusted off the dirt sticking to her face.

"who is he and what is he doing here?" he asked while pointing at me.

"he's the husband" one of the bandits answered. He's the fourth man, he's the one doing it before the big boss came to disrupt the 'game'.

The man ordered them to take us inside, he then said something about preserving our blood for sacrifice. I was happy when he asked them to release us and I saw an invincible hand removing the green hat from my head.

Those bastards listened to their boss and took us inside… a few minutes later, they came back to drag us deep into the forest. Good thing they didn't bring treasure with us, they only brought me, my wife, and a group of filthy animals.

Selena was laid down once again, she was forced to kneel and suck that northern bastard who later penetrated her from behind.

It's been ten minutes since this mad man has been giving Selena deep strokes from behind and all bandits have been hailing him, except for one…the gloomy-faced audu- the one-minute man- who later transferred all his aggression to me.

The man was in the middle of business when he suddenly stopped and rolled off Selena's back. He struggled to stand up, before vomiting blood.

Before anybody could say jack! Our dear northern friend, salami, is now on the ground writhing in pain, after five minutes, his lifeless body was now on the ground.

No one knew how he died or the reason behind his death, all we know is that his body is now dried up, shriveled to the point that we can see all the bones in his body.

We were all clueless about this strange scene until we saw audu, looking at a certain area of the forest, wide-eyed and his legs acting like cooked spaghetti.


We don't know who shouted, but everyone followed that command without questioning the speaker. Everyone, except for me and Selena. She's too weak to run and I can't abandon her in the Woods.

If you didn't know the meaning of the word "abomination", you don't need to look for a dictionary, a mere glance at the creature approaching us is all it takes for you to understand.

A short green-skinned creature approached us while pointing at one of the bandits who were running for their lives. And the bandit immediately fell and started to shout while moving about on the ground like a Snake. A few minutes later, his shriveled corpse lay lifeless on the ground.

The green-skinned monster moved closer to us and I got a clearer view of its structure.

It's a monster through and through. It has two hands and two legs just like a normal human being, except that it is di*k-headed, his head was nowhere to be found, and a giant green snake stood up gallant, occupying the place where its head was supposed to be positioned.

Two more "people of the same species as that monster, came out of the forest and ran after those escaping bastards.

That filthy abomination touched Selena and she passed out immediately after that rough-looking large hand touched her head.

"Don't kill us…pl...please" I was shivering from fear immediately after I noticed this freak of nature.

"fear not, Little human. I'm here to save you, I wouldn't harm you." Surprisingly, a female voice came out of nowhere as the monster pat my back to reassure me that she meant no harm.

Wait! Someone without a head can speak? Where's the voice coming from? How could it be a female voice when I'm still seeing the little snake now dangling on its neck.

To be sure, I set my eyes on the little pipe hole of the monster's Little snake before I asked him another question.

"Www…who are…you?" I asked, without moving my eyes away from its little snake. To my surprise again, she answered, but I didn't see her "lips" move.

"I'll tell you when we get to the clan" the female voice answered again.

"Now if you would stop looking at my little thing and focus on how you should answer my questions." This time, I managed to trace the source of that female voice and found it amusing that it is coming from underneath her.

She was wearing a black gown that covered every part of her body from the arms to the legs, except for her exposed arms and the little thing dangling on her "head".

When I looked down, I noticed something like a head underneath her garment, right between her legs. That is the source of that female voice.

Out of curiosity, I lifted her gown and I met an angry face staring back at me.

They said curiosity killed the cat. That sentence does not only apply to a cat, I was a victim.

A beautiful, green-faced young woman was looking back at me while trying her best not to blow her top.

"After two hundred years, someone finally lifted the veil" I heard a shout and I immediately traced it to one of the other monsters that went after the escaping bandits.

"The king must hear about this!! This calls for celebration, we'll soon have an heir to the throne" another monster also rejoiced while dancing around the forest.

"You are all forgetting one thing, the person who lifted her veil is a weak human. We have to kill him, lest he parishes the image of the royal family with his filthy presence." Another monster suggested that they kill me.

All this was happening while Selena was still "asleep".

I have heard and my brain is still intact, so I can guess what happened and the consequences of my action.