
A World He Knew Not

Dion was young man with no clue of the disastrous future that he will walk in. He was missing memories and had a photo of a girl who looked similar to him but had no memories of. He was in a world he knew nothing about. He will fight, survive, and gain precious people along the way. He will get his memories back and solve the mystery of the thing that did this to him. Expect he will end up learning too much and it could be his undoing.

xscara · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

A New Home

Dion followed Esper down a gloomy hallway. There were no paintings hung on the walls, no furniture anywhere, there was only large windows that let light into the mansion. Killian's home was gloomy and quiet.

Esper stopped and opened a door. They both entered the room; it was also gloomy and low on color as the rest of the mansion.

"This will be your room, there are some clothes," Esper pointed to a black colored wardrobe, "that our master does not use available in the wardrobe. I'll send for Mary to prepare you a bath."

Esper left after he settled Dion in the room.

Dion wondered around the room. It was very empty. He headed towards the balcony, he opened the doors and stepped outside.

There was still daylight out, the sun was setting. He looked towards the garden and surprisingly the garden looked well taken care of.

There were white roses on every bush. They were all perfectly trimmed. In the middle was a beautiful, white-stoned pavilion.

The door clicked open, and Dion turned his head and saw a woman in a formal maid outfit enter. She looked toward the open balcony, Dion made eye contact with a pair of calm and respectable brown eyes. 'She must be Mary.'

"I will start the bath for you."

Dion nodded his head and returned to gazing at the white rose garden.

Soon noise of galloping horses were heard. A carriage with a crest entered through the gates. The crest had an evenly split background with the colors: black, green, red, blue, and white. On the center of the crest was a scale.

Just as the carriage door opened, Mary called out to him.

"Sir Dion, the bath is ready."

He turned and entered the room. He did not look back toward the person that came out of the carriage, so he missed the new pair of brown eyes that stared at him with a mixture of shock and surprise.

He thanked Mary. She bowed and left.

Dion entered the bathroom area. 'It would seem that tubing has already been invented.' He was glad it was. He removed his dirty clothes and entered the warm water.

He rested his head back and all his anxiety and disbelief of the day came crashing down.

He was in a new world, a fantasy world. He did not remember how he came into this world. He did not know who the girl in the picture was. He did not know anything. He wanted to know how he came to this world. He also felt uneasy about his missing memories.

Dion did not like not knowing, especially in this bizarre situation.

He needed a plan.

He had to learn the current state of this world, any important figures, and customs to not accidentally offend anyone. In short, he needed Killian.

Killian had been civil to a complete stranger. Dion noticed he did not show much of any emotions, which could pose a problem. Not knowing someone's intention could be dangerous, but he had no one else but Killian, so Dion had to give him a little of his trust.

'I should ask Killian for permission to get access to the library.' He knew this place had a library. If this was a fantasy world, like those novels he read, then there was definitely a library here.

Dion started to smile, all he needed was Killian's goodwill.

Soon Dion grabbed the robe and stepped out of the bath to put it on. He walked out the bathroom and walked toward the wardrobe and opened the double doors.

He touched the clothing and felt the silky texture of it. He grabbed a pair of black silky pants, a black long sleeve button up shirt, and a dark green vest with and undertone of silver swirl design.

After dressing in his new clothes, he looked down to see if there were any pair of shoes at the bottom of the wardrobe. To his satisfaction there were black Oxford shoes.

He mildly wondered if there were any leather black gloves to complete the outfit.

As soon as he finished dressing, he walked out of the guest room. He walked back towards the office he first entered in this mansion. He needed to find Killian.

He came across Mary on his way towards the office. "Sir, I came to ask if you would like to eat."

"Ah! Food. Yes, I do but I need to talk to Your Lord. Can you take me to him?" Dion completely forgot he was hungry with all the surprises that have been dumped on him.

"Ah, I apologize but My Lord is in a meeting."

Mary apologetically answered him. Dion frowned and relented. "Alright. Let's go eat then."

Mary led him to the Dining room. She pulled one of the chairs and gestured him to sit. "They will be out shortly with your food."

Mary walked away to leave but stopped at Sir Dion's voice. "Ok. Can you please let Killian know I would like to see him."

"Ah," Mary stuttered a bit with Sir Dion casual use of her Lords name, "yes. I will tell Sir Esper to rely on the message."

"Thanks." Dion replied back.

Dion was certain Killian was in a meeting with that person that came in the carriage. He slightly wondered what the meeting was about.

Just as a servant entered to give Dion his food, there was a giant bang. The doors were slammed open by a woman. Her brown eyes held mirth as her gaze landed on Dion's back.

"So, I wasn't mistaken. There really is a guest here." Her voice was filled with amusement and disbelief.

Dion was startled at the woman's behavior and turned to look at her, hoping Killian was nearby. Killian was slightly farther away but he was close by so Dion knew he was safe. Dion's pure white eyes found the woman's brown eyes.

She looked young with her round shaped eyes and soft features. She had long straight red hair and a short stature. Her skin was slightly tanned. She wore the same uniform as Killian, the only difference was the color of their capes. Her cape was red.

Fleur eyes widen in shock at his white eyes. She had never seen such eyes before.

Dion hesitantly said, "hello."

"Are you a friend of Killian?" She asked instead, ignoring his greeting.

Killian had already made it towards the dining room. He answered before Dion could with a monotone, "No."

Fleur rolled her eyes and sassed back, "With that attitude, no one would want be friends with you."

Dion frowned at Fleur words. "But he is helping me out."

Fleur felt the annoyance in his voice as he defended Killian, "right... but we must be going. I hope Killian treats you well." She said with a smile.

Fleur's smile discomforted Dion, but there was something more important than her. "Killian, are you leaving? Right now? I need you." Dion face looked unbothered but serious as he said those type of words.

Killian's and Fleur's eyes widen in shock.

"Need me?" Killian emotionless face turned into a confused one. Dion nodded his head and turned to the still surprised Fleur. His words must have caught them off guard. He didn't like the implications of it. 'Did no one say those words to Killian before? or did those words sound shameless?' It's not like he didn't mean them, he did need Killian.

"Yes, I do." Dion answered strongly. His eyes were still on Fleur, "I need to talk to you alone."

At his words, Fleur's surprise left her face and her smile returned, "Of course, I will give you two sometime to speak... alone." As she turned around to leave her red cape fluttered.

Being the only ones left in the dining room after the servant scattered away when the commotion began. Killian spoke, "What is it?"

"I would like to use the library; I need to learn more about this world."

Killian nodded. Of course, Dion would want to learn about this world. But he soon frowned, all the work of the ongoing case was all in the library. He didn't have time to retrieve it.

"Esper." He called out. In a few moments Esper entered.

Dion made a funny face, 'How does he know when he's being called?'

"Yes, My Lord?"

"Show Dion the library. I give him full access to it. And Dion there is a case I was working on in there. Do not touch it."

Dion gave Killian a soft smile and thanked him sincerely. Killian nodded. All three walked out. Esper and Dion took a right turn from the dining room and walked up the stairs while Killian kept walking straight.

Soon he came across Fleur waiting by the entrance. She stopped leaning on the wall as soon as she sensed him, as both did not make any noise when they walked. "So, are you going to keep him around?"

Killian ignored her question, "Let's go."

"So boring. I bet you secretly want to keep that guy around." She mischievously said.

Killian wasn't too sure about that. Did he want Dion around?