
A World belongs to the Black

KuroBastard69 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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38 Chs

Leaving Nurmengard

3rd POV

Pietro Sollaris Black was currently heading towards his great-grandfather's quarters, also called Grandfather or Grandfather by the boy, as he thought of all the experiences he had had since reincarnating in this world. He was looking forward to the future and already had dozens of new subjects he wanted to study.

Golemncia, for example. It was quite an interesting subject being its first and most famous use recorded, or rather 'poorly recorded' by King Solomon. The Hebrews were famous for using mud golems that had names written backwards on their foreheads and if those names were erased the golems would be defeated. Such an obvious weakness was not something Pietro would accept, but studying golems was not the same as imitating ancient wizards.

He wasn't that stupid.

While he wondered what changes he would make, especially in the materials used to make the golems, Pietro finally arrived at the old man's quarters.

He was a little irritated by the size of Nurmengard. Needless to say, walking around qualifies as extreme cardiovascular exercise on its own.

"Grandpa, did you call me?" The boy asked entering the room without knocking.

"Looks like you should spend a few more months training basic etiquette doesn't it?" Gellert said lightly without showing any emotions in his aged face.

"Grandpa, I don't think I need more etiquette lessons. I'm actually almost a perfect pureblood after all, but I don't see the uses of such a strained upbringing with family. I don't need to show dominance to my own grandfather after all. Not to mention your advanced age. I don't want to intimidate seniors." The boy said with a smirk.

Gellert smiled at that. If anyone had seen him he would have been surprised, but since he had contact with this child he has become much more open. Smiles had been common since the young man learned to speak and thanks to that the old man seemed much younger... that and the idea of ​​fusing the patron with the diabolical protector, which is what he did when the grandson told him how to do it.

Gellert began to question many of his concepts since he started teaching the boy. Magic as a tool to be used by wizards and not the other way around. The shift in perception alone brought dozens of insights that the perverted old man never thought possible. Fusing contrasting spells was just one of the many new uses of magic that boy had made possible for him.

"Whatever you say, child, but we must stick with why I brought you here." The man said with amusement. "Get in soon."

The order quickly brought in two cute 7 year old girls who appeared to be twins. Pietro was curious about them as soon as he saw them and began checking their appearance for useful hints.

They were blondes. Golden gold, not the pale blond Malfoys. They were also identical with the only differences being the length of the hair. One wore her hair short, just past her chin, and the other wore it long, falling in waves to the middle of her back with sporadic strands covering her nonexistent bust.

His eyes were dark blue, unlike the perverted old man's royal blue, and the long lashes made his features even more delicate.

The boy also noticed that girls had different personalities. The short-haired girl was impassive and her hard expression made her a kuudere nata. The long-haired girl looked excited and curious, so much so that she was looking at him the same way he was looking at them.

"Pietro, meet your new slaves, Aarine and Karine. They are twins, daughters of an uneducated servant of mine. They're both kind of Veela, so you guys can get along well in the future." Gellert said to his grandson's surprise.

"What do you mean slaves? That..."

"That's what I said." The man interrupted. "See, it's common among witches to use a vassalage contract. These contracts basically link magical families to other magical families such as servants or vassals. Nothing wrong with this except of course for some specific cases. As a betrayal."

The boy quickly understood what the man was saying. It appears that the girls' father was their grandfather's vassal and for some reason betrayed him, essentially turning him and all of his descendants into slaves to the grandfather and his lineage. Interestingly, Pietro is not appalled by this.

"I see."

"Introduce yourselves, girls."

"I am Aarine Goldstein, young master Pietro and I am here to serve you." The cute girl with short hair said without changing her expression.

"And I am Karine Goldstein, young master." The long-haired girl smiled at him, which sent some pleasurable shivers down her spine.

"It seems Allure still affects me after all," thought the little boy.

While Pietro was considering this news, the girls were staring at him too. The young man's appearance had changed since his ancient magical creation ritual oflineage was carried out.

Her white skin became even lighter and more delicate, her hair lightened even more, now with slightly greenish tips almost like jade, and her formerly blue eyes became so clear that they made it more and more sacred. The pink lips were the only discrepancy in the white set that was his body but it couldn't even be frowned upon as it matched the little boy perfectly.

The only thing that perhaps made the girls anxious was the fact that his eyes didn't have pupils as you'd expect from living things in general, but his beauty almost made that irrelevant.

"Now, as to the other matter... you will be leaving Nurmengard back to the Black mansion in Grimmauld Place" Gellert spoke without caring and in a tone that foreshadowed no refusal.

Pietro was no newcomer to this and did not refute his grandfather's decision, but he was clearly reluctant to accept it. He had been with the old man since he was reborn and although he acted like he didn't like the man, it was just for appearances. He really learned to love the most dangerous Dark Lord and didn't think leaving him was good.

Gellert on the other hand realized what the little pup was thinking and smiled a little more openly.

"This place is a prison, child and being away from civilization for so long is a disservice. You were going to Hogwarts when you were 11 anyway, so don't be so depressed."

"Who's sad here, old man? I can't wait to leave this damned place. Who wants to be alone with a perverted old fart in a place as depressing as this?" The boy sounded poisonous but didn't fool anyone who saw him as a single tear fell from his left eye.

"I understand, brat."

"It's good that you understand."

Time passed and a week after the news about his move to the Black mansion, time used by Pietro to meet his slaves. He liked both girls a lot. Aarine was indifferent all the time, but clearly the most preoccupied of all. She acted like a luxury bodyguard. Her sister on the other hand was more open and clearly intended to be a milf-type maid in the future.

Both had more than enough charm even without their Allure, add it up and we have two of the loveliest creatures. Of course, Pietro would not be an idiot and would trust them so easily, after all his father was a traitor and the girls' freedom depended on his and their grandfather's death. Magic was quite strange, especially in cases like this, where magically linked people can act under certain rules.

You see, as slaves they must be loyal to him in any situation, but just as Kreatcher was able to betray Sirius in the Harry Potter books, they could do the same as long as they acted in a way that didn't look harmful. It wasn't hard to get future loyalty with subtle manipulation, though. After all, he was the grandson of Grindelwald, who had the most convincing silver tongue in history.

Anyway, today was the day he was supposed to leave. His grandfather had prepared a magically extended chariot with Abraxans for steeds and a magical golem for coachman.

"Do you know what to do when you leave?" His grandfather asked with a smile.


"Then let me hear."

Pietro sighed in disgust.

"Go to Germany and find Gregorovich to create a personalized wand for me and the two girls. Use my shapeshifting to not let him know what I look like. Taking the wand and changing it to better suit my needs with a magic core replacement ritual. Return to England and become Lord Black with your permission. Take your grandfather's last name together with the Black last name and train to get stronger until you go to Hogwarts." The boy said confidently. "Now, I don't understand how I can be Lord Black with just his permission."

"I am your magical guardian and through magic I can emancipate you. Of course, you won't be able to take your seat at Wizengamot until you're 17 and even then your political influence would be at the very least irrelevant to the big picture." The man explained.

"I understand."

"About your slaves…don't trust them. In fact, don't trust anyone. Like Goldstein they are easily associated with light and this makes them more traditional than many blood purists. Now what is my policy on muggleborns?"

"They're good chess pieces as well as pureblood or half-blood wizards."

"It's because?"

"Because they are wizards and have magic and magic is not something easily accessed, so everyone who has it is worthy of being used by me."

"Good boy." Grindelwald smiled once more. "Although I won't repeat this, I'll miss your presence, brat."

"I'll miss you too, grandfather. But I'll send you letters every day, don't worry and one day I'll get you out of here, wait and see."

Grindelwald smiled. The young man's policy was simple enough. family firstand all that followed were just extras. The boy despised the idea of ​​friendship, so much so that he criticized the old man for his carelessness with Albus, something that, looking more critically, wasn't wrong. Albus betrayed him. Not just once in this. But so far he's betrayed him too.

The man was old anyway. Even after all these years of relearning magic under his great-grandson's unusual lens, he knew his time had passed. It was time to leave it to the next generations.

"I want to hear about you bringing a storm to the wizarding world, little one, and nothing else."

"I'll bring it, old man." Pietro smiled. He would indeed make the wizarding world liven up after all he didn't want to go to a boring place after all.

"Go, child. Fly."

"Goodbye, old man."

Then an iconic scene, or maybe not, occurred. An elegant old man watched a cute little boy walk towards a carriage bearing the crest of the Grindelwald family with elegance and determination. His straight back and proud gaze bringing warmth to the man was the last interesting thing the old man had seen in a long time.

"Go and conquer the world, young Pietro."