
First Kiss?

First Kiss?


Disclaimer - (Cause fanfiction is tricky ground and I hope not to offend the creator of the original story and get sued)

I do not own "The Beginning After The End", it belongs to its original creator TurtleMe. This is only a fanfiction that I was inspired to write by the original work. Please support the official release. Most of the media - such as the art and illustrations, gifs, video's, etc. used in this fanfiction - are from the web. Thus, most of them aren't mine (because I really, really can't draw) unless mentioned. To fit the story, images are also edited by various apps and websites. So they aren't mine, just edited. I get much of the text, especially the fight scenes and thought, aside from my oc's, from the original novel, which can be found on Library Novel. Please support the official release.

Also if you own a picture or Video that I found online, and you either want your name added, or me to take it down. Please contact me and we can talk it out. P.s. I also ask that you do not copy my work and publish it onto any other website.

If you're gonna use my idea, please ask me (If you ask nicely, I for sure, will agree). If I don't contact you within a week, then just assume I'm giving you the all clear and go for it. Just remember to credit me.

I will be writing out scenes even if my Oc isn't in them. As long as she's mentioned, or influencing the characters in some way. This may seem a bit annoying. But that's just how I write. I like to embed my characters into the story line. Because of this, most of the dialogue/scenes will come from the original work.


For the playlist you can go to my YouTube channel, which is under "Anime-lover-forever-1127" and click on the playlist titled "A Woman With Vision {Arthur Laywin}". Or you can use this link watch?v=GYlAaNM7WS8&list=PLVKYkztH1Zd8bdl2_a1C8F6u8gPPwfa6D&ab_channel=7clouds

Warnings: Spoilers for Chapter 29 of the Novel and chapter 54 of the comic, fighting, Lucas being sexist


Today's Special

Jealousy is both reasonable and belongs to reasonable men, while envy is base and belongs to the base, for the one makes himself get good things by jealousy, while the other does not allow his neighbour to have them through envy.

~ Aristotle


{Third P.O.V.}

Arthur reluctantly turned his glare away from the blond haired boy, attempting to flirt with Morgana and levelled his gaze with the examiner instead.

Kaspian nearly flinches back at the gaze wondering where the sudden fire in his eyes game from.

Arthur held his shortsword just above his waist, ready to attack or defend. The array of sounds that filled the arena were soon drowned out as his focus centred solely on the man standing in front of me.

Or he tried to at least. No matter how hard he tried his gaze kept wandering back to where the two were sitting on the steps.

The man named Kaspian, the one in charge of the biggest Guild Halls, held the menacing rapier lightly with his right hand. He stood upright, making figure eights with the tip of his blade while letting out a little hum. Yet, he had no openings. The baleful pressure of his bloodlust was blatantly let loose as he pushed back his fight or flight instincts and instead dared to let out an innocent smile.

Memories of fighting inside the dueling arena in his previous world flashed through Arthur's mind as the air grew tense between the two fighters. Arthur forced his focus sharpened to their limits. The only sounds that came through his ears were those made by Kaspian: his blade whistling in the air, the crinkled sounds of his thin clothes, and the controlled breaths he took. Arthur's own body screamed to take caution against this man.

{Arthur's P.O.V}

I could feel my hands tremble ever so slightly, not from apprehension, but from excitement. I didn't think I'd find an opponent of this caliber so soon. This battle wasn't to the death but I knew it would be different from the spars I had with Grandpa Virion back in Elenoir.

"I knew from first glance that you would have to be assessed in a different manner. I hope you don't take this… special treatment to heart," Kaspian commented as he lowered his stance.

In that brief moment, I analyzed every piece of useful information that I could about this man. His reach was longer than mine by about a foot, while his stance indicated that he primarily relied on thrusts rather than swings. Just from the amount of mana I could sense swirling near him, it was safe to assume that he wouldn't make any careless mistakes.

"Please prepare yourself. I wouldn't want the person Miss Flamesworth sponsored to lose too quickly."

He sprang forward, leaving a trail of dust behind him as he closed the gap between us. In one fluid motion, he lunged his rapier like a coiled spring, using the momentum of his initial step.

I twisted my head to avoid the stab, but a few strands of my hair were cut off.

"Excellent dodge," he mused, retracting his rapier in preparation for his next attack.

Immediately following up with an angled lunge, I held up my scabbard. My eyes flew to the steps where Morgana was sitting, I heard her let out an uncomfortable laugh. She turned her body to the right a bit to meet my gaze, and mouthed the words 'Speed this up. Or were going to be burying a body'.

A sharp thud echoed throughout the arena from the clash and I was thrown off-balance. It was my fault I had lost concentration, but it also seemed like I was still unable to use the full extent of my previous knowledge in swordsmanship with this undeveloped body.

I recovered from this setback by pivoting myself, using the momentum from his attack to whirl my lacking body to generate a powerful swing.

Kaspian leaned back just moments before my sword reached his head, but a thin red line appeared across the tip of his nose.

His thin eyes widened in surprise but he recovered instantly. I took advantage of that split second, bringing my sword back to produce a sharp, upward swipe at his unguarded legs.

My blade reflected the arena lights, producing a silver arc as it whizzed through the air.

However, my opponent was able to reposition his sword to defend against my swing. The sharp ring of metal on metal made both Kaspian and I cringe. The both of us seemed to have had the same intent as we both used the opportunity to gain distance.

Only a handful of seconds passed during the deadly exchange, but each of us came out with only minor injuries. I switched my sword arm since the impact of our last blow produced a sharp vibration that made my right hand tremble.

"That's it!" A loud scream rang out from the crows. Kaspian and I both turned our heads to where Morgana was about to lose it. Her hair was floating above her shoulder, as rapid wind currents formed around her body. "I swear to god you sexist little pig, if you open your mouth one more time, I am going to kill you."

Sure, people said stuff like that all the time, but everyone in the room knew that Morgana was completely serious.

"Yeah, well you should be honoured." A meek voice retaliated - alright so apparently everyone didn't get the memo I couldn't help but think. "Do you have any idea how many girls would be honoured to be my betrothed and bear my-"

A loud, crisp, slap rang across the stadium. "Take a freaking clue!" Morgana growled, before picking up Sylvie and changing her seat with Jasmine. The half-elf got up to follow her, but was stopped by three piercing gazes from the girls.

I couldn't help but chuckle, until his words rang through my ears again and my brain fully processed what he had said to her.

'Betrothed' and 'bear my'.

Red clouded my vision, and I was one step away from snapping and killing that brat where he stood. Until, I felt a gentle breeze we've through my hair, and gently wrap around the beast bracelet tucked under my sleeve.

Lucky for me, MY wife is always a step ahead of me.

I turned my gaze towards her, who smiled as gently waved at me, her own rose gold bracelet with the words 'His beauty' engraved on it, peaking out.

This let me calm down a bit and focus back toward my fight.

The realisation that I was still unaccustomed to fighting in this body was all too apparent as I coaxed my hand.

At this point Kaspian had already regained his composure as well. He let out a low chuckle, "I see. So that is what has had you so distracted. I hope you can focus on our battle wholeheartedly. Though I must apologise for underestimating you. I shall be a bit more serious now." Kaspian's voice was calm but his face expressed a certain degree of seriousness that wasn't there before.

His sharp eyes gleamed with a powerful killing intent that could only be present in someone who had years of fighting under his belt. His rapier was aimed toward me, but as he brought it closer toward him, the blade began glowing with a silvery hue.

"Ha!" Letting out a sharp breath, he thrust out his rapier, piercing the air in front of him.

The hairs on the back of my neck rose as my body screamed for me to run away. I instinctively pivoted myself away from where my opponent had lined his attack. A sharp pain burst from my shoulder as hot blood seeped into the sleeve of my robe…

"Seems like Miss Flamesworth has picked up someone worthwhile after all," Kaspian acknowledged. "And not just one, but two at once."

As far as I was concerned, this wasn't some assessment anymore. Whether he had expected me to dodge or not, he had aimed for my heart.

Would I have been able to defeat him easily if I had the body of my past life? I wasn't sure. There were too many factors that played into this; the quality of our swords, the use of long range mana manipulation that didn't exist in my old world…

Taking a moment to charge his next attack, he let out two more consecutive thrusts, but I knew what to expect.

He was creating sharp bullets of wind, which were near-invisible. However, it didn't mean that they were impossible to dodge. By the timing of the thrust to when it had reached my arm from his previous attack, I was able to gauge the speed the spell travelled.

The spell travelled in a straight path based on the direction of his jab, so while the speed of the spell was frightening, there were holes to take advantage of.

I ducked underneath the first bullet of wind as it barely grazed my hair. I parried the second bullet with the flat of my blade, redirecting his spell away from me. Immediately after, I willed mana into my legs and dashed toward Kaspian.

I had to shorten the distance between us now that I knew he had a long range spell at his disposal, but I knew even in terms of melee combat, it would be a hard battle.

I had a body that was more than several inches shorter than what I had been used to when sword fighting and a much smaller pool of mana to utilise. So even with the assimilation of Sylvia's dragon will making my body tougher, I didn't have that much of an advantage against a veteran fighter with a body enhanced with mana.

The only advantage I had was the fact that Kaspian didn't know what I had up my sleeve.

Focusing mana into my free hand, I ran my fingers down the blade of my sword, imbuing it with fire. Approaching him, I swung down to release an arc of fiery red.

I could see the concentration on Kaspian's face as he willed more mana into his rapier until it, once again, glowed in a silvery white. He fanned away the flames with a powerful swing, leaving an ever-so-slight window for me to take advantage of.

Gathering mana into the sole of my left foot, I molded the spell to manifest into the proper form. This was one of Morgana's favourites 'Piston Stamp'

A succession of fiery explosions erupted underneath my foot, propelling me directly beside Kaspian.

"How—" was all he could manage. His mouth agape, his rapier was still held up from his defence against my previous attack that I had used as a feint.

My position wasn't optimal; I had launched myself a foot more than I had wanted to, but it was enough.

Without enough time to form a proper spell, I simply strengthened my body with mana as I thrust my sword forward.

However, even as the distance between my blade and Kaspian shortened, I could make out the words that the Guild Hall manager was chanting. "Gather and unleash!"

It was a Gale's Vortex.

I was barely able to rescind my attack and jump away as an intense swirl of airstream burst out from Kaspian, surrounding him in a protective twister.

The Guild Hall manager was hidden from view within the twister of wind and debris, allowing me some time to prepare for his next attack.

The spell was released to reveal Kaspian, sweating and panting, with his sword arm tucked closely to his side like a snake about to lash out; his left arm was stretched out—palms open—aimed directly at me .

He was obviously chanting as the blade of his rapier began glowing even brighter in silver.

"Pierce those who stand against me!" he roared as his rapier disappeared into a blur of countless thrusts.

A 'Skyfall Torrent'

This was just an exam, right? Was he actually trying to kill me?

"Screw this," I muttered to myself as I concentrated the last of my remaining mana deep into the sensory and motor neurons in my body. This should be able to do the trick, a 'Thunderclap Impulse'

One of the few techniques I had managed to develop using knowledge from my previous world while training with Grandpa Virion. A technique that used lightning affinity mana to run currents of electricity throughout my nerves, quickening my reflexes to a superhuman extent. The average human had a reaction time of around 0.3 seconds, but there were trained fighters that could get it down to 0.2 or even 0.15 seconds.

Using Thunderclap Impulse, my reaction time was able to shorten to about 0.05 for a brief amount of time.

My pupils contracted as the hairs on my skin stood up on end due to the electric currents.

I could hear the sharp whispers of the air bullets shooting towards me as I readied myself to dodge them.

"Release!" Kaspian screamed.

The torrent of air bullets suddenly dissipated, rendering his spell to a harmless draft of wind.

"I may have gotten a bit carried away with testing your limits," he apologised, sheathing his sword. The Guild Hall manager immediately turned away and headed toward the exit as I released my spell as well.

"From the fact that you were so adamantly withholding your full abilities until the end, I can only assume that you wish to be placed at a lower rank," he said, continuing his stride without turning his back. "Note. B-class."

"Just before disappearing into the passageway he had come from, Kaspian turned his head and looked me in the eye, one of the lenses on his glasses cracked. "I'm sure you have no problem with this?"

I merely nodded my head in agreement, watching him walk out of sight down the dark corridor.

"That was the last examination for today! Please go to the front desk to receive your adventurer's card. Everyone is dismissed!" the augmenter examiner shouted out as he and the other examiner both rushed after their boss.

{Morgana P.O.V.}

I felt Jasmine tapped my shoulder, "Come on, we'll go meet him at the front desk." She told me as she stood up.

I nodded my head frantically, 'Anything to get away from this annoying ferret!'

As I walked up the steps, I hummed and thought about Arthur's match. It was clear his body couldn't handle the moves he had been able to do in our past life. Well that was to be expected, and something we knew that we were going to need to focus on.

I heard Sylvie growl at something behind me, I turned my head and nearly screamed in frustration. 'You gotta be kidding me! Take a freaking hint!'

I sighed and tapped Jasmine's shoulder. She turned to look at me, "I'm gonna split for a while." I told her, glaring at the blond.

Jasmine followed my gaze, she had seen my suffering for the past five minutes and nodded, "Need some help?"

"No thank you." I shook my head. "Losing him should be a breeze, though could you please watch Sylvie for me."

Sylvie shot me a betrayed look, paired with perfect puppy dog eyes. "No." I firmly told her. "You can't come with me." Seeing her about to tear up, I added some warmth to my tone, "Sylvie," I called softly, "Don't you wanna be there to congratulate your dad? I might be a little later, so if you wanna do that, you're going to need to go first."

Sylvie looked like she wanted to protest more, but eventually nodded.

As I speed walked away from Lucas, and then when I saw a pillar across a cross section in the hallway, I hid behind it, and waited for Lucas to walk right by.

I leaned against the pillar a bit, waiting for him to get further and further away.

I crossed my arms and huffed, that brat wasn't the only reason I was pissed, I did not appreciate having to constantly put up a mana field just so my husband wouldn't get stalked. I couldn't tell Arthur because it would ruin his friendship with her, and it wasn't completely her fault either. Arthur's pretty good at making women fall for him.

But did she have to be so weird about it? I couldn't help but shiver.

Honestly, stalking is a line you shouldn't ever cross.

Well, either way, the princess of the elves using an illegal magic item to stalk a daughter and the sponsored child of the Helstea house can't ever look good, unless it's blackmail material of course, I chuckled, walking away.

This exam may have been a bigger pain than I liked, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it when Arthur got jealous.

{Kaspian P.O.V.}

I arrived at my desk and before I even had the chance to take a seat, the two examiners in charge of today's placements bombarded me with questions.

"George, Emily, take a seat and don't talk all at once," I sighed, sinking heavily into my chair.

"Sir! What was with today's examinees?" George immediately shouted out. "Three B-class adventurers and an A-class right off the bat in a day? This kind of situation is unheard of. Not to mention that three of them were kids! Light orange at the age of eleven… has that ever occurred amongst humans?"

Emily nodded fervidly in agreement.

"Do you remember what happened half a year ago here in Xyrus?" I asked.

"Around six months ago should've been the time when the first tournament amongst the three races took place, right?" Emily answered.

"Yes. The Adventurer Guild workers will all know soon, so there isn't much of a point in hiding this; I was just notified of this a couple of weeks ago as well. The ban on elves and dwarves becoming adventurers has been lifted and today's batch included some of the representative examinees." I pulled out a thin file from my desk drawer.

"S-Sir, do you mean to say that all three of them were either dwarves or elves?" George's eyes had widened to a frightening degree as he expressed his shock.

"Lucas Wykes is a half-elf that has been residing in the Kingdom of Sapin. The information on his birth is classified but if I had to guess, he was probably a product of an elf slave. The Wykes Family has always had a bad reputation for dabbling in nefarious ways to breed better mages for their house. He's an unusual case, though, being able to be so adept in flame affinity, despite his elf lineage. He awakened at the age of eight, which is fast, even amongst elf standards, and was sent here for a sort of trial run. The Wykes no doubt expended a lot of money into buying beast cores and other resources to quicken his growth." I flipped to the next page.

"Elijah Knight. He's quite the mystery. According to the file, his origin is unknown. He was, however, raised amongst dwarves at a young age. He was sent as one of the first representatives from the Kingdom of Darv to assimilate into the human kingdom."

"How come he wasn't tested, Sir? The clerk only told me to just put him into B-class," Emily asked, her voice higher than usual from excitement.

"Elijah awakened a few months ago, so he's only now barely reached the dark-red stage. As for why he was allowed to be a B-class adventurer, it probably has to do with the person backing him up. I don't have any say in his case, so we can only let him be. I'm curious as to what his abilities are, though." I shook my head, putting down his file.

"As for that masked augmenter from today and the girl, to be honest, I have no idea who he is. He wasn't recorded as any of the representatives on the list. I was simply curious as to what kind of person Miss Flamesworth would be willing to sponsor."

"Flamesworth…as in that Flamesworth House? The famous house that is known for birthing the strongest fire attribute mages?"

I put away the file and regarded them seriously, adjusting my glasses. "I told you all of this because you will find out soon anyway. However, I trust that you guys will refrain from telling others until the announcement is officially made across the country?"

With fervent nods from both of them, I dismissed my two employees.

I was left to ponder over today's events.

That masked augmenter. His techniques were not the standard skills that most fire attribute mages used. Even his style with the sword… It was something that made me shiver.

Regardless of all this, however, I couldn't help but get a sense that his movements were off somehow. Based on the movements that came off as awkward at times, it felt like he was somehow restrained, or even uncomfortable with his own body.

And then, he may be the one who should look out for at first glance, but no, it's the girl beside him. Her control was expansionary, not just anyone could create a wind tornado, and at such a young age as well. On top of that, I'm sure she was holding back, only wanting to prove a point and not kill.

There's also the bond that came with them. Despite keeping an eye on them, I honestly had no idea who the bond actually belonged to. It was almost like they were both, no, all three of them were bonded to each other. That could be it, but I've never heard of three beings bonding.

It had been attempted before, but the human soles were never close enough, so it always fell through. So the testing was stopped.

So if that's what happened, how were two kids and a young bond able to do it, but not fully functional adults.

Was it because they are kids?

If that's the case, I better keep this to myself, if the higher up found out, god knows what they would try to do.

I dismissed my needless thoughts and began going over the pile of unread documents.

I couldn't help but grin to myself; this continent was changing. There will be a lot more interesting events happening from now on.

{Arthur P.O.V.}

I met up with Sylvie and Jasmine on the seats near the front desk, but Morgana was with them. I opened my mouth to ask, but just then Jasmine beat me to it. "She's had to lose the blond kid, Lucas I believe his name was."

He's still following her?!

I could feel my eyes darken at that, and Sylvie let out a yep, and jump into Jasmines arms.

Even Jasmine took a few steps away from him.

I then felt a slap to the back of my head. There's only one person who could approach me when I got like this so instantly knew who it was. I gently rubbed the back of my head, "Was that really necessary Morgana."

The girl in question shrugs, "No, but it was fun."

"Is he okay?" Jasmine couldn't help but ask.

Morgana smiled at her, "He's perfectly fine." She smirked, "In fact, it was probably fun for him."

She had guessed my thoughts perfectly. "She's right." I nodded, staring down at my hands as I remembered the fight. It was definitely fun." I then remembered why Kaspian had approached me, "Anyway… are you and Kaspian close, Jasmine?" I asked.

"Eumm… In a way…" she answered.

Sensing her discomfort, Morgana waved her hands through the air, "You don't have to answer us if you don't want to."

Jasmine shook her head, no that's fine. "My… Father… had deel connections within the adventurer's guild… and Kaspian is one of them."

Sylvie hid herself within Morgana's hair, not liking where this was going, she frantically said, "Abort mission!"

Luckily we didn't have too, because we were called up to the front desk. "Mr. Note, Mis, Vision!"

"Come on Ar-" Jasmine began, only to change it to Arthur mid way.

As they walked towards the desk, they could hear mummers from all around them.

"Those kids were nuts!"

"Are they really just kids?" One asked

"Maybe they're just a shoprites…" another speculated

"Either way, that little girl took out an examiner, and the other one actually held his own angist Kaspian!"

"Thank you for waiting." The women at the front desk greeted them. "I have been informed about the results of both your mock duels, Mr. Note, Mis. Vision. She pushed two cards forward. A copper, and a silver one. "On behalf of the adventures guild across the kingdom of Sapin, allow me to congratulate you."

Morgana picked up both cards, "Is there a reason they are different?"

The women behind the glass nodded, "Well, from E-Class to B-Class, the card will be copper colour, while starting from A-Class it would change to silver, then gold for AA-Class and white for S-Class."

Morgana hummed, "Oh, that's it."

She handed me mine and began to walk away, only to stop when we heard our alesis being called. "Note! Vision!" I turned my head to see the men who were mumbling about us, smiling, and giving us a thumbs up.

"You gotta be kidding me." Morgana sighed, "I'm so ready for this day to be over."

"That makes two of us." I sighed, wrapping my arms around her waist and resting my head on the crook of her neck.

From the corner of my eye, I could see a gaping Jasmine, about to say something, only to be stopping by Sylvie, who shook her head.

Jasmine had probably gotten a warning about how close we were, but she probably hadn't expected this.

So Jasmine pushed her questions aside, and held up her own card, giving us a small smile she said, "You're one of us."

That's right, we're adventures now.

As "Note and "Vision", Morgan and I were free from the ties that held us back.


Today's Duel with Kaspian confirmed a lot of things for me.

One of them being that we had clearly spent too much time adjusting to and learning this world's magic system.

Sylvia's beast will…

Honing my elemental magic…

I'd become so engrossed in the abilities I had gained coming to this world.

That I'd dismissed training in the very thing I was best at before.

In the past, I had utilized the most of my meager Ki pool to refine the simplest techniques.

In this world though, mt limitations don't exist.

So should I keep pursuing magic, or…

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Morgana petting my head.

"Take a breath Arthur." She told me. I sighed, and did as she had said. "Good. Now I know this, it's all going to get done. We have a lot of time to catch up on where we need to be. It's not like we're going to start a war right away."

I nodded, and then a brilliant idea formed in my head. "Really, this coming from the women who threatened to burn the kingdom down?" I smirked. "So much for not going around starting wars."

Morgana turned away, not meeting my gaze. She pouted, walking away from me. "Oh please, you know I don't start something I can't fini-"

I quickly pulled her to the side, stopping her from running into one of the other examines. "Sorry about that." I told him, pulling her closer to me.

I recognized him, he was the one that ranked B as well, but without having to take the test.

He stared at us for a second before turning his head away, "It's okay."

"What's this? You three know each other?" A voice called, and I instantly felt tue hair on the back of Morgana's beck stand, as she tried to sink into me even more. "Or is there a meeting for the new B-Class adventures happening that I should know about?"

I could hear Morgana muttering the chant "Go away, go away, go away" underneath her breath, and wrapped my arms around her tighter.

"Why? Were you planning on throwing a tantrum again if there was?" I asked.

"Don't get cocky just because we happen to be ranked in the same class." he scowled.

"Even within ranks there are levels, and you commoners would be at the bottom." I felt Morgana tense and shift underneath my arms.

Oh boy.

I know that look.

{Morgana P.O.V.}

That's it. He's a dead ferret!

I stormed up to him, until we were face to face, startling him a bit. Releasing a little bit of killing intent, I softly whispered with a knife-like edge, "Now let's get one thing clear. Luis, was it?" Not remembering his name, even though I do - a perfect strategy for humiliating him. "Note over there, went head to head against Kaspian, who was on a completely different level then the little witch you struggled against. And Elijah over there, he didn't even need to take the test. Heck, all we know he could be in the same class as me. Now beat it!"

I could see him shaking in his boots, "Well, w-well, what would you know?" he shouted, "You're just a woman!"

This remark earned him not just my, but the dirty look from several people around him. Both men and women.

I felt a strong wave of wiling intent from behind me, "That's it. I'm officially done with you." Arthur growled. He walked up to us, a fireball being the form in his hand, "I am giving you exactly a second to beat it, before I launch this."

With a fearful look on his face, he walked away, more like ran away, on shaky legs.

I turned around, realising I hadn't actually apologised for nearly crashing into Elijah, "I'm sorry-" I began, only to realise he wasn't there anymore.

"Huh, that's odd." I mumbled. Arthur nodded, "Though it was the blond brat who was annoying. I hate loosing my temper, but I swear to god that kid is a natural at crossing peoples bottomlines!" Seeing he was quiet, I turned around to see that he was clearly still scowling underneath that mask. I smirked, "Aww, what's wrong, are you jealous?" I teased. "That's so cute-" I went on walking, until I was pulled behind a pillar.

{Arthur P.O.V.}

Pushing her against the pillar, I picked Sylvie up by the scruff, and set her on the ground. "What are you-" Morgana tried to protest.

Only for me to cut her off, I instead turned to Sylvie, "Cover your eyes?" I commanded.

Sylvie looked confused, but did as she was asked.

"Why would you ask her to-"

I silenced the silver haired girl in front of me by pressing my lips against her.

She looked surprised before melting into the kiss.

I could taste the sweetness from the light coat of lip gloss she had applied, pairing perfectly with the bitter coffee she had drunk this morning.

I tried to keep the kiss going as long as I could, before my lungs demanded air.

By the time I pulled off her, we were both huffing and taking in large gulps of air.

Morgana chuckled, "So, would that be considered our first kiss?"

I shrugged, "You tell me."

"Can I look now?" Sylvie asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"Oh, that's why you asked her to cover her eyes, good call." Morgana nodded.

Morgana's eyes then widened, "Oh no, I let the Mana field drop."

"The what?" I asked, confused.

"It's nothing." Morgana waved her hand through the air, dismissing the issue, "What's the worst that could possibly happen."

I was about to press into the issue, until Jasmine came back, "What happened?" She asks, "And why is your mask off."

"Oh nothing."

"I got thirsty," I answered.

"Maybe get your story straight next time." Jasmine chuckled.

"It was nothing." I corrected myself.

"Alright then." The black haired girl shrugged.

"So, what's next?" I asked. "Did you want to pick up a quest from the bulletin board or did you already take a quest?"

"With your skills, it would be a waste of time to do those." Jasmine told us bluntly. "So I had something else in mind…"


I'll admit that I got kind of lazy with the fighting scene - but in my defense - I mostly wanted to write jealous Arthur their first kiss. (Oh, the fighting scene also came directly from the webnovel - with my only editing a little to add a jealous Arthur)

I'm not really that good at writing fighting scenes - and I honestly mostly just wanna focus on the romance aspect. So I will be getting most of the fighting scenes from the book. But if the quality of scenes there takes a plunge, you can just assume that's me, trying my hand at writing a fighting scene.

And as I have said repeatedly, here is the promised Jealous Arthur chapter.

But do not worry, this is far from over. There's still many more jealous (and over protective) Arthur and Morgana scenes coming up.

I know this may seem a little repetitive and annoying to other people. Like why can't they just trust each other. Well the answer to that is, they do trust each other - but A) they don't trust the other party and B) Those scenes are just so cute and fun to write - I can't help myself.

As I wrote this chapter, I had to constantly stop, and remind myself that their in 8 year old bodies

I also placed a Harry Potter Easter egg up there anyone wanna guess. Here's a hint Lucas reminds me way too much of Draco Malfoy.