
A Wolf in a New World

After being tripped into a new world by dueling gods, a teenager now has to survive in a foreign world with nothing but the clothes on his back and a single dagger

Goreleech · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

A Wolf in a New Word: Arrival.



"Hey! Freak! Catch!"

The sound of a heavy impact was heard as a tall, bulky boy of 15 years was taken to the ground, dropped back a well thrown brick to the back. He dropped with a low grunt of surprised shock, but made no other sound. The thrower, a tall girl with brown eyes, came over laughing as she lifted a second brick.

"Here! Let me help!"

She hit him in the back repeatedly with the red building material giggling like she was being tickled the entire beating. The boy didn't move as it finally shattered over his spine and she proceeded to kick the proned boy in the ribs with malicious force. She finally stopped the vicious beating when she was hunched over panting from exertion. She had a very pleased with herself expression on her face as she spit on the fallen boy.

"Just kill yourself. No one wants you here. Everyone hates you. Seriously. Kill yourself."

She walked off as the boy got back to his feet without a single sign of pain. he dusted himself off with a sigh. Another day in the life of me. Hoo-fuckin-ray. The boy walked through the front door of his high school where more jeers were thrown at him by every passing soul.

"Hey, ya fucking monster! Go die in a hole!"

"Ew, get away from me freak!"

"Hey! Sped fuck! Die!"

The boy just ignored them as usual. Bunch of braying hyenas. I wish THEY would die. He reached his second floor locker and looked at himself in the integrated mirror it had for some odd freakin reason. He sighed as he brushed his short cut black hair while his brown eyes shown with walls of steel to protect himself from the monsters he lived with. His face was clear and strong while his skin was slightly darker then the white skin norm of his new England home. His body was bulky from his arduous life and his outfit a thick hoodie and jeans with work boots. He got his bag he carried his school books in and went into the class.

"Naamani. You're late again. One more time and it's a class beating."

The singled out boy just nodded and took his seat at the back of the class after brushing the tacks from it of course. He opened his book and passed the class watching the teacher do his job. I guess they failed the test yesterday. They JUST taught this lesson last week. He was taking the notes when a large book slammed into his head from the side.

"Freak. Answer the question."

The boy ignored his attacker.

"35 sir."

The teacher grumbled.

"Fucking smartassed freak. Hit em again Clark."

the boy got a second, more vicious shot that slammed his head off the desk, and the class clapped.

"well done Clark. No homework for the class today. The freak gets three sheets."

Not even acknowledging his savage hits the boy just looked at the whiteboard. The class ended and the boy got subjected to the class beating anyway. And he just laid there letting them break a three wooden rod over his back. They got bored after the third rod and went to class as the boy got off the floor.

"Tyler? Why haven't you just killed yourself already?"

Tyler, the beaten boy, smirked at the exasperated teacher.

"It'll take a helluva lot more then YOU people to break me. But by all means try. I'll still be here."

The teacher smirked at that.

"It seems you've just signed up for an afterschool session. Good for you. We proper members of society need to be amused."

Tyler just walked back out and to his next class. Idiots thing they can break me. Pff. Let them try. The tortured boy's day went on like that until the bell rang and school was dismissed. Tyler left the grounds and was walking along the rising streets and falling roadways of his home town when a cop pulled over beside him.

"Hey! Fuckwad!"

Tyler got hit with the cop's stungun and dropped as the volts of electricity tore through his body. The cop's partner got out and hit him as well with his stungun while the first loaded a fresh charge into his. Tyler got hit a further four times before the cops drove off laughing. He got off the ground and kept moving. The tingling feeling from the stunguns leaving him nearly immediately. I guess they were behind schedule. He crossed the center bridge that led into his side of town and now had to dodge people trying to hit him, but NOT damage their cars. Tyler hid a smirk as one lady missed him, only to hit the fire hydrant he'd been standing in front of. He walked off as the fuming lady had to call her out of state insurance as she's shattered her bumper. Tyler sighed as he walked up the long hill to his house. He could hear the fighting as his mother and stepfather were at it again over whether to just poison his food or kill him in his sleep. Tyler just walked into the house of screams, went up the stairs and shut the door to his room. He put the locks and chains in place before barricading the door with his bed. He then made a meal from canned foods he'd stockpiled for such occasions when he couldn't trust their food. He then closed the door on his hidden crawlspace that was his ACTUAL room they never knew was there. Inside his only sanctuary he turned the small lantern he'd stolen from the outdoor shop and started reading from his favorite weaponry encyclopedia. He heard the door get forced open,

"Goddammit! That fucking thing went out the window again!"

"How the fuck does he do that? It's not that smart!"

"WHY didn't you get an abortion?"

"WHY can't you kill it?"

The arguing over his worthless life went on as the door was slammed as they left. Tyler settled into the sleeping bag that was his bed and sighed.

"They won't break me."



Tyler opened his eyes to his watch alarm and went about his morning routine: stealing a shower, grabbing a poptart and energy drink, and leaving the house before anyone knew he was there. He walked along the road in the chilly new England morning as most had yet to wake up. It was the only time he could walk freely and not have to keep as tight a watch. He was headed to school as per the weekday schedule. The boy just keeping a low profile as the only sound he heard was the sounds of his own boots steps in the still morning air. If this place wasn't such a freakin hell hole, it wouldn't be a half-bad place to live. I guess. He sighed at that as he passed the repaired fire hydrant. A few cars were on the roads and he had to dodge a few hits, but for the most part it was just him and his shadow. He was walking passed an alley when a light caught his eye. He looked over curiously to see a small shimmer in the air like the ripples over a hot fire. Now on alert, Tyler walked over to the shimmering air pocket. What the hell? He was able to get right up to the shimmer and look at the thing. As he did, he thought he could see a lush, green field on the other side of the shimmer. Yet when he looked around it, all he saw was the end of the alley. He looked back at the shimmer and saw the same green field.

"what is this?"

His guarded, tenor voice asked the question. He looked over his shoulder to the alley entrance as he considered the best course of action. Should I stay or should I go? Nice reference. He looked at the shimmer again and made the choice. He turned and walked away. Only as he took the second step away from the shimmer, he tripped. Tyler threw his hands out to keep himself from face planting and found himself landing in thick, lush grass on the side of a hill. He blinked at this development before looking behind him. The shimmer showed the end of the brick and cement alley and as Tyler got up to walk towards it, it rippled before vanishing entirely. Beyond the spot the shimmer had been was a small town with a wall of black stone surrounding it on three sides with a river to the left hand side. Tyler rubbed his head in utter dumbfounded confusion. I just die? I just died didn't i? There was a burst of wind from behind him, convincing him to look. Soon as he did he gasped in shocked awe as a gigantic flying ship flew over his head. The thing was easily 100 feet long with a set of spinning, glowing rings on the bottom that seemed to be what was keeping her aloft. Her hull was bristling with small square panels he KNEW were for cannons and on the prow of the massive craft was a large golden statue of a man leaning on a two handed sword. The top of the ship had oddly placed viewing decks one would expect over a cliffside, NOT on a sky faring vessel. The entire craft was a deep red, with shot of gold torn out of the sides while a large crest of a dragon being slain by the same sword wielding man on the prow statue was seen. Tyler gaped at the magnificent craft when he noticed a panel open near the keel of the ship, and a girl poke her head out of the confines of the interior. Tyler was jerked from his awe by the sight of another person and saw she was a beautiful girl with long, flowing golden hair and light skin. She seemed to notice him on the ground as she waved at the boy on the ground looking at her. He waved back and he saw her smile. She got hailed from within and was gone. The craft wasn't alone in the sky either. Now with a clear head, Tyler could see smaller escort crafts in a rigid box shaped pattern around the hulking thing. These smaller craft resembling large birds with machineguns in their metal wings. They too, had rotating circles beneath them, but not to the extent of the main beast. The sky procession drifted by and headed in the direction of a massive white tower that even at the distance Tyler was at, it was still a good three inches across, even though he couldn't see the base of the tower for the land. The craft went on it's way and Tyler looked around seeking a focal point, or a FUCKING EXPLANATION. He was still clad in his denim jeans, hoodie and work boots, but was unarmed, broke, and lost in a very foreign landscape. He was on the side of a small hill that over looked the village with a large forest behind the hill that seemed to stretch on for miles. To his left lay a burbling river with the clearest water he'd ever seen, which as he noticed this found the air tasted purer then he could ever remember as well. On his right was a large cattle field with a large herd of brown cows, some black furred bulls, a few dairy cows, and a shepherd and his dog tending the animals. Tyler ran his hands through his hair and tried to understand what just happened.

"Where the FUCK am I?"

He looked at the town, and found he could see quite clearly as well as hear even more clearly. He looked at the sky in the direction of the flying convoy and nodded.

"Step one: figure out where I am."

He looked at the ground around his feet, and spotted a small dagger laying in the dirt. Well. That's convenient. He lifted it and found it to be a steel weapon not unlike a large bowie knife. There was even a sheath and belt for it. As he took it there was a note attached to the belt.

"Welcome to Vera! Enjoy life in a new world!"

Tyler just snorted.

"Okay. I just got Isekaied. Yippee."

He put the note away and looked at his new best friend. It was about 7 inches long with a grip of polished oaken wood perfect for his fist. The blade had a large bill that tapered to a needle-like tip. He fitted the weapon belt into his empty belt loops. The thing hung at his right hip and he found he could reach it with a flick of his wrist. He then looked at the town and nodded.

"Let's see who I live with now."

He started walking towards what looked like the main gate. His eyes taking in as many details as he could. The black stoned wall was twenty five feet high and seemed to be made of outright obsidian. That little observation raised an eyebrow. Any culture that would have access to that much obsidian is either well off, the supply is very plentiful, or they don't know the true value of the stone. He noted the clothing of some travelers entering the city was very similar to his hoodie and jeans. Good. As long as they speak my language I won't stick out too much. The stranger in a strange land took a spot behind the group of five travelers as they approached the gate. The group consisted of three women, two men. Tyler could tell from the weaponry they were carrying they were either militia or active fighters or both. One lady had a large white bow on her back with a quiver of black arrows, her friend directly to her left had a short sword and shield on her back, while the last lady carried a gem tipped staff while wearing a set of red robes. Ten bucks say she's a mage of some kind. The first man had a massive greatsword strapped over his back while the last member merely had a set of long daggers. Tyler chuckled silently as he saw the party. A shielder, a mage, a greatsworder, a rogue, and an archer. That's a rather well-balanced party. Smart. The musing boy also picked up on the fact he'd been noticed as their conversation stopped and a few hands went to weapons on belts. I guess just having a tall, sullen looking guy like me just magically appear behind them is enough cause for caution. Fair enough. They reached the gate where the party was waved along as the helmed guard seemed to know them.

"Ahh, Welcome back Gorg! Nice to have the Warlocks back!"

The Warlocks? THAT'S your party name? Pff. That is so cringey! Tyler walked up next and the guard assailed him.

"Oi. I don't know yer face. State yer business in Term."

Tyler smiled ruefully at the suspicious man.

"I'm a lost traveler, Sir. No clue WHERE I am. Was hoping to figure that out here."

The man's brown eyes narrowed as he saw the lack of ANY gear for a traveler.

"A traveler ya say? What's yer name, lad?"


"Tyler? The hell kinda name is that?"

Tyler sighed.

"I know, I know it sucks. Me mother wasn't very good at names."

That got a snort.

"I guess not. So, you're just a 'lost traveler' eh? Where's your gear and weapons?"

Tyler sighed and lifted his hoodie to show the knife.

"I'm used to hardship. Be amazed how far a good knife can take ya."

That got an approving nod.

"Well said that. Well, ya seem true and I detect no lie in yer words. I can ALSO tell yer a copperless one at that."

"Oi! I try Dammit!"

that got a laugh from the man.

"Yer a funny one too! If ya need coin head to the guild at the end of the street there. Ya get lost again just ask."

"If I get lost on a straight street I might as well just find a ditch."

That got another laugh as Tyler noted the man's spear and sword. The guard wiped a tear now,

"Okay. Ya be granted access to the township long as you obey her laws. Ya open yer mouth deal with the consequences, if ya play us for fools the stocks and gallows enjoy visitors. We clear?"


"Get going ya rogue."

Tyler chuckled as he walked into the town. okay. I got a lot from that. Coppers must be the low end of currency here. Ten bucks say it goes up to gold. I need money, INFORMATION, and a plan. He walked along the street taking in the sights of the town. the main street just inside the gate was hard-packed earth lined with shops, wagons drawn by horses, men, women and children in leather based outfits while armed and armored guards patrolled the streets. I feel like I just stepped into a town from Spice and Wolf. He looked to see a small crowd gathered around a man at a stall. Curious, Tyler walked over to hear the man speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, wish to test your eyes? Place a bet on the tray and prove your strength of sight!"

Tyler smirked. Hello money. He walked up to see a man place a knife on the counter and the man put a gold coin, a silver coin, and a copper under a set of five cups. Tyler frowned as he saw this. A street hustle. Not bad. The man moved the cups around with a speed born of hours of practice until he stopped.

"Choose wisely."

The man picked the center one without hesitating, only to come up empty. The miffed man walked off as Tyler stepped up now.

"So, me knife when I win gets me?"

He placed the thing on the counter, and the man laughed.

"A confident one! That will get you, if ya win that is, 5 gold coins!"

He heard a low whistle from behind him. Guess that's a decent amount.

"Sure. Butta, I wouldn't recommend a cheat. It won't work."

The people behind him blinked at this proclamation as the man smirked at this arrogant boy. The vendor put the gold coin under the cup and Tyler's eyes locked onto it. Then the shuffling began and Tyler's eyes followed it's every move for a solid three minutes. Then the man tried a fakeout, and made the claim.

"Choose wisely."

Tyler flicked the cup over and the gold coin was seen. The crowd gasped at this feat. The man slumped as Tyler took his knife back.

"five gold please."

The crowd laughed at his confident tone. The man handed Tyler the five golden disks with s sullen expression.

"Well earned lad."

Tyler chuckled as he walked off with the gold. I half expected him to cheat me. I mean that fakeout was a decent trick. But still. He shrugged and looked at a gold coin. The thing being the size of a quarter from the other world with the image of a crowned man stamped onto it. I wonder if this is real gold? Be kinda nifty if it were. The boy looked to the end of the street and saw a large building with a large number of people flowing in and out in various types of gear. Guess I found the hall. He walked to the door where the same party that he'd followed in were leaving with a piece of paper and a picture of a larger T-rex looking thing on it with the words,

"Wanted: Slaying of a Forest Tyrant. Reward 10 gold."

Tyler noted this and walked inside as the mage happened to look him in the eye as he passed. She blinked and seemed utterly shocked by his face, and Tyler paused to lift an eyebrow. And she FREAKING BLUSHED! Now confused by her severe reaction he went to look at her properly, only for her to start walking a bit faster with her head turned forward. The hell was that about? He shrugged and walked inside. First thing that hit him was the noise. Jokes, insults, jabs, challenges and calls for ale were thrown thick and fast inside the rowdy hall. Tyler smirked as he saw this. I kinda feel like I just stepped into a Fairytail guild hall. Nifty. He looked around as a large, broad shouldered man hailed him.

"Oi!, Laddee! Ya lost!"

Tyler chuckled at the bigger man.

"More an ya know."

That got a chuckle as the man waved him over.

"If it's information ya looking fer I can help."

Tyler chuckled as he sat down.

"Thankee kindly. First one. Ahhh, what's this country called?"

They just looked at him, then laughed.

"Oh he's lost all right!"

The man took a swig from his ale.

"I can see yer not a drunkard. Sit tight lad. I'll be glad to help out."

The country Tyler had SOME FREAKIN HOW wound up in was called Vera. A large human monarchy governed by the crown king and his family. From what the man told Tyler the kingdom was close to 4000 years old. That made him blink as he next learned the currency system WAS copper to silver to gold. 5 gold coins lasting the average family of four a full week of meals, and clothing. Hearing this bit, Tyler felt an immense relief. Okay. So I've got a good start. Then he remembered.

"What was that craft flying overhead?"

That got a snort.

"That be the royal airship, the DREADNOUGHT. She be returning from a trip to the country neighboring Vera."

Tyler rubbed his chin.

"Hmm. They seemed oddly under manned for a royal transport."

They looked at him now. And the big man asked the question.

"How do ya mean, lad?"

Tyler shrugged.

"I counted a mere ten escort craft beside the main ship. Plus they had the looks of mere interceptors. Not royal craft defenders."

They looked at each other now.

"Lad be right."

"Aye. It did seem strange to me as well."

Tyler shrugged.

"Eh. Could just be as simple as a small force moving quickly."

That got a nod from the more experienced men.

"Aye, lad. That does make sense. Ya got a rare ole head on your shoulders."

Tyler chuckled.

"I'm not sure if I'm smart or insane. More fun that way."

he got a rowdy back thump from the rowdy guild members.

"Well said! If you lookin to join the guild, just talk to Roxy there in the booth."

"Wow. There goes the last bits of sanity in the joint."

They laughed heartedly as he walked over to the booth in question. The person in the window smiled kindly as he walked up.

"Welcome to Vera's Adventurer guild. How may I help you?"

Tyler smiled kindly.

"Lookin to join the rabble."

She smiled.

"I see. The fee for the guild is ten silver."

Tyler flipped her a gold.

"I needed to break a gold anyway."

She shook her head now.

"Great. ANOTHER rich kid adventurer. Just try not to die today, okay?"

"I'll save my death for the morning. What about YOUR morning plans?"

She full on blushed at that attack! The men behind him gave a low whistle at the line.

"Well played lad."

"Most impressive."

Roxy recovered.

"That'll be 20 silver."

"For the fee or the lay?"

She blushed again as the guild lost it. Tyler chuckled.

"That's why context is important."

The woman just sighed as she passed him the 90 silver back.

"Great. A heartbreaker rich kid adventurer. Well. Here's your new ID. Just write your name and it'll display your rank."

he wrote his name on the note card sized paper and it was engraved with it. She smirked.

"Tyler eh?"

"Yeah. It sucks I know."

"It does. So. Your rank is dirt. Or the bottom rung. Put in work at the board and you might actually get somewhere. The highest rank is sky. The job board is over there. See something you think you can handle bring it here and I'll put it under your name. complete it with honor and return here or another hall to receive payment. Questions?"

"These empty slots seem like they have a purpose."

"They're your title slots. As you complete feats and perform actions you may be granted a title for the deed. For example that man over there is known as Farsight for his skill with a bow. Or, in her example, the heart stealer."

Tyler looked at the 'her' in question. She being a tall, black haired lady with piercing blue eyes and a massive rack barely contained by her tunic. Her weapons being a set of daggers with a one handed axe and shield. An axe shielder. Don't see one of those every day. Then he dismissed the beauty to look at Roxy.

"I'd say more heart taker too. These slots to the right of my name?"

Roxy smirked at the heart taker jab.

"Those are your ability slots. Skills and magic take them. In order to obtain a skill, you must either purchase the corresponding pamphlet from a shop, or loot it from a fallen foe. Magic Cards can only be obtained from shops or bandits. They're usually upgraded through use and experience. That make sense or I lose you?"

Tyler put the ID in his pocket.

"I got it. Okay. I need a decent map, some camping gear and maybe a new blade. Then I get to hunting."

He walked off to the door as he passed the busty woman.

"I see YOU have fire."

He smirked as he passed her.

"More darkness. You do too."

He left her with that and left the hall. Okay. I'm a decent shot with a bow. I need a tent, a map, and maybe a horse. He looked at the buildings in town and spotted the town smithy. He walked over to the large outdoor shop and spotted a large bow in his size. He tested the draw and smiled as he found he could draw it easily.

"I see ya got a good eye for bows, lad."

he looked over to see the burly shop keep wiping his hands. Tyler smiled as he looked at the weapon.

"I used to have one like this a few years back. Then it snapped beyond repair."

He got a sympathetic look.

"That's a shame lad. That goes for 50 silver. A full quiver for about 15."

"Really? Nifty. I'll take it."

He put the coins on the counter and the man blinked.

"No bartering?"

Tyler shrugged.

"I suck at it. I shit you not I once wound up paying 10 silvers for a 5 copper drink! I STILL thought I coulda gotten a better deal!"

The smith cracked up laughing at the image. Tyler put the bow over his right shoulder with the quiver over his left. He then spotted a vest of mail rings in his size.


The smith got a twinkle now.

"75 silver."

Tyler got the vest and put it on under his shirts. That got an approving nod from the bigger man.

"I see you're a canny one. A rare thing an no mistake. Be that dagger your only close range weapon?"

Tyler nodded.


The man rubbed his chin.

"I see. Well. Be ya an adventurer with the guild?"

Tyler nodded.

"I am-is that a mining skill?"

Tyler happened to glance at a box in the corner and see a skill called mine. He took it and smiled.

"Mine. Costs 30 copper. Uses strength to rip ore from rock. When combined with a pickaxe the job is the easier. And right behind that is prospect. 30 coppers again. Uses perception to scan rock for useful minerals and ores. Yup. I'll take these too."

He put the pamphlets on the counter smiling sheepishly.

"Sorry. I saw these and got excited."

The smith laughed.

"You DO have a working head! Okay. I have a job for you."

Tyler's smile died and he tilted his head.

"What kinda job?"

Sensing he'd become serious the man sighed.

"I'll hire you to kill a creature and bring it's horns back. Sound easy enough?"

"It's sounds straightforward. Yet so does smithing when talked about."

"Wise lad. The beast is called a Plains Walker. Here be the image."

Tyler looked at the shot. That looks just like a moose from my world. Should be a good run then.

"And you want the horns?"

"Aye. They be part of an order for a lady at the guild and I haven't the time to hunt the beast meself. The reward will be one item from me shop as payment."

Tyler looked around now, and spotted a pickaxe on the wall.

"That costs 5 silver lad."

"And the things I can get with it will let it pay for itself in no time."

That got an approving nod.

"I see you know what you're doing. So. Do we have a deal?"

Tyler smiled.

"Sure. Where can I find this thing, and when do you need the horns by?"

The man laughed.

"It lives in the plains. Looks for prints like this lad."

He made a weird heart shaped print on the paper with a brush. Tyler took it and nodded.

"I'll go get me some gear and get to hunting."

"Aye, lad. Long as you're back by tomorrow night I'll have enough time for her order."

Tyler took the track sketch and headed for the general store. Okay. That mine and prospect will be a very good source of income. Plus if I can get some good meat from the moose looking thing same thing. He walked into the general shop and was greeted by the keep.

"Welcome adventurer! What can I do fer ya?"

Tyler smiled kindly at the man.

"I be needing a sturdy pack, tent, and basic camping gear."

The man nodded.

"I see you're a worker. Good lad. Coin?"

"We'll say 75 silver."

"Quality. Wise. I'll be a moment."

"I'll poke around."

The man vanished into his shop as Tyler spotted a box of Pamphlets. He flipped through them.

"I need a tracker skill. Oh. Hello. Track, cliché as hell, but whatever. Uses perception to highlight the tracks of a chose prey for ten minutes. Upgrades through use. Thirty copper. Not bad."

he took the thin thing and looked at the others.

"Skin. Uses dexterity to aid in skinning an animal. Also feeds off the actual skill level of the user. 25 copper. Good find."

he set the two skills on the counter as the man returned with a large haversack, a one person tent, a magnifying crystal, a grate, woodaxe, basic fishing gear and bait, and a map. Tyler placed the two skills on the counter and the man smiled.

"I see you think. Rare these days to see a young man with something in his head other than women."

"They're in there too, never you worry."

He laughed as Tyler gave him the 65 silver, 55 copper. The young man loaded the sack and slung it over his shoulders. Finding it hung under his bow and quiver. Perfect for hunting on the move. He left after thanking the man and looked at the map. He smiled as he saw it even had a Plains Walker image over a field outside the town about an hour walk from the front gate. Not bad for the first quest. He walked to the gate and was accosted by the same guard.

"I see ya figured it out!"

Tyler chuckled.

"Nah. I'm bullshitten this!"

He laughed as the hunter moved off. Okay. Quick recap. I got transported to some kinda fucking fantasy world, with magic. I'm now a part of the adventurer's guild. And am hunting a moose for a smith. In a matter for three hours. All that happened. I died and have yet to figure out if I'm in hell or heaven. He shook his head and focused on the task at hand. I'll start at my drop zone. Makes sense I'll find my prey there. So, he made the trek up the hill to the spot he got dumped into the world. Once there he used his first skill.


Sure enough, a set of hoof prints leading away from the town were seen. Tyler took off at a light trot with his bow ready with an arrow on the string. I know enough about moose to know where the heart is. Plus how the get the antlers, and maybe skin the beast. Thank god I helped my grandfather skin that roadkill! He saw his skill go out and saw a 30 second cooldown. He waited patiently for the cooldown,


He was off again, finding that the gear on his back weighed less than his usual backpack for school. He smirked at that thought before spotting movement ahead. Crouching, he made out his prey. A 7 foot tall moose with 6 foot wide antlers. And just HOW am I going to transport that kinda weight? Eh, fuck it I'll play it. He moved silently as he could in the grass as he circled the beast, looking for a clear broadside shot. The wind was blowing towards him from the moose, so he knew it wouldn't smell him. The hunter found his spot as the lumbering beast fed on some berries as Tyler drew on his string. His shaft not wobbling as he fired at the beast. He scored a hit, got a loud mooing grunt of pain before the creature fell onto it's side.

"Bull's eye!"

Tyler ran up and smiled as he made his first kill.

"Nice. Moving up in the world. Now comes the nasty part."

He set his pack aside and pulled his dagger. First thing was the horns. He dug them from the skull of the large animal and found them amazingly light considering their large size. Once the main loot was taken, Tyler got to taking the hide. Since the fur felt soft and in his world Moose fur was used as a clothing material. He used his second skill.


The lines he had to cut were then light up with a blue light that made the grisly job a far sight easier as he had the pelt off in a mere five minutes. Next he used the skill again for the best cuts of meat, and took those too. Once his bag was filled with all he could carry he headed back to town. He chuckled as he found the weight to be rather manageable.

"I kinda feel like I'm carrying two of my backpacks at once. Nifty workout."

he reached the town and was greeted by the guard.

"A worker, eh? Good on ya!"

Tyler walked to the smithy and the man laughed.

"Ya work hard lad! And got great luck! Let's see the horns."

Tyler put his pack down and handed the man the loot. He nodded approvingly.

"This be good quality. As agreed lad, pick an item and it be yours."

Tyler frowned as he looked at the shop.

"Hmmm. I need something for- Ah. You'll do."

He took a hand and a half bastard sword from a rack. The man nodded approvingly.

"A wise choice lad. That can use one handed and two handed skills."

Tyler put the thing over his back.

"Thanks. Where can I sell the hide?"

"The hide eh? I can make some good leathers from the hide of a plains walker. Let's see."

Tyler passed it to him and he nodded.

"Good quality here as well. I can give you…90 coppers."

"Make it an even silver and ya got a deal."

He laughed.

"Aye lad. A proper deal an no mistake. I trust you got some of the meat?"

"Even if I can't cook worth a damn. I got a few hunks."

The man laughed jovially at this lad.

"A real man's flaw and no mistake! Take it over to the tavern. They'll buy it for good coin. Maybe you can barter a night for the keeper there."

"Thanks. I'll head over."

The armed boy walked out and headed for the tavern. The building being made of cobblestone with a large set of double doors. He walked in and approached the burly woman behind the bar.

"Hi, I heard you buy Plains walker meat?"

she frowned.

"Aye lad. I do. Payment based on cut. Deal?"


He laid the five hunks out and she nodded.

"I see you've a good sense for meat. I'll give you 50 coppers."

"How much does a night cost?"

She got a twinkle in her eye now.

"About 30 coppers. Meals 10 coppers and up."

Tyler smiled.

"I'll need a room for the night. And, since I can't cook worth a damn, food too."

She snorted.

"An honest man in this day an age? Surely not? Aye lad. The room be yours till morning. You'll need to pay another 30 for another night. Any damage comes out of your hide. Sound fair?"

"Very fair."

She passed him a key and 20 coppers. He took the money and headed back to the guild to see the job board. He walked in and saw Roxy shake her head in his direction as he walked over to the job board. The thing being a good 15 feet long with fliers for everything from deliveries and searches to monster hunts and requests for aid. Tyler rubbed his chin as he looked for a lower tier task.

"See anything ya like rookie?"

Tyler looked over to see the broad shouldered man take a spot beside him.

"Not yet. I'm more looking to stay local for the time being. Least till I know what the hell I'm doing."

He got a laugh,

"Wise policy lad. I see ya made some progress already."

"I got hired by the smith to bring down a Plains Walker. That was a messy one."

The hall laughed at that. Tyler looked and spotted one bill.

"Wanted. Strong worker for a delivery from the tavern to the mayor's manor. Reward is 50 coppers. That fits the bill."

He got a snort as he took the bill and headed back to the tavern. The same lady recognized him and laughed as he held the bill up.

"And a worker too? Careful or you might land yourself a wife!"

He chuckled.

"Sadly, marriage is NOT in my cards."

She gave him a wrapped bundle and he was off to the large manor at the end of the road. There a man in a suit took the bundle and tipped him 10 coppers.


He got his coppers from the guild and then looked at the sky. He noted it's deep blue and frowned. Looks like I don't have time for another run. Not bad I guess. He returned to the tavern and got a meal of fried plains walker, some ale, and a bit of bread that cost 15 coppers. The girl serving him seemed rather on edge as he smiled kindly at her. Once fed he went up to his room and looked over his wealth. As of that night he had 3 gold coins, 45 silver coins, and 85 copper coins. He had a bow, a full quiver of 50 shafts, a bastard sword, that fits me more an it should, his knife, four skills, his pickaxe, and his camping gear with the mail vest. He settled down in the ridiculously comfy bed without a shirt on and felt his body cracking.

"Well. Looks like I'm home. Kinda sorta."

he laughed at his own joke as he closed his eyes and drifted off.