
Chapter 1. Dark Moon Pack

Ekon's POV

I sat there as a human staring out the back of the class. Class was quite boring really. Anyways how should I start. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Ekon, I am 17 and I am in my last year of school. The world I live in is full of human and Werewolves or Calweras and Lycans. The world I live in is spectacular.

I live in a family of 6, I'm not going to go into details. I am the oldest in my family though. I go to a school mixed with humans and my kind. So Lycans and Calweras. As everyone knows abouts mates. Well I haven't found mine yet, and I'm glad. I like roaming other Packs territories alone by myself.

I am apart of Dark Moon, the most feared Pack but that's because of our Alpha. We'll not my 'Alpha' because I don't want someone controlling and telling me how I should live my life. I spend most of my days at school or running free. In the Pack I am apart of, people think I am the weakest so they label me as weakest. People bully me but I don't care because I can defend myself.

I spend my days living in secret. Running in the day, hiding in the night. Believe it or not but I'm actually the strongest in my 'Pack' Now let's get on with the story.

"Ekon.... Earth to Ekon!" someone shouted. "huh what?" I asked like a confused moron. "were you even listening?" Blake asked. Blake was one of my classmates. I would call anyone my friend. Let's pause for a sec. In Dark Moon Pack anyone who goes behind the Alphas back will face consequences. So far I haven't been caught because I'm tricky, sneaky. Even in a challenge I could even beat the Alpha. Now let's continue.? "uh no, I was daydreaming." I said. "as always." Blake mumbled. I punched him in the side of his arm. "ow, what was that for!" Blake exclaimed. The whole class heard.

I thought it was funny. Even though I didn't punch him that hard. "I did it because I can." I said. See I'm also cheeky. It's in my blood. "Blake, Ekon settle down please." The teacher said. The teacher was nice. Later on it was lunch. I liked lunch. I ate alone all the time. It was nice and peaceful, yes I get angry alot but being alone helps me with my anger.

One problem alot of people had with school was that the Alpha of Dark Moon goes to this school. He's only 16. A year younger than me. How he even became Alpha at a young age was a long story. His Pack is the strongest Pack around but I'm still stronger. I also have a stronger howl.

I chose to sit outside where I usually sat. Outside was nice. I hated the view of the city. Every Lycan went to a human school so it wouldn't be suspicious. Talking about Packs though. I was able to sneak through a lot of Packs without being caught. I've never been caught. I could do things no one else could. One thing I missed about my Pack was my best friend. He's not here now. He had to move away. He said he moved to South Eastern Pack because his sister found her mate. I didn't care about mates. Maybe one day I could travel there myself or start my own Pack.

I ate nothing for lunch because I never got anything. For some reason I was still tall I was still well built. I guess it was all the time I spent running around and eating what I could.

My family always hated me because I was 'weak'. But I wasn't weak. In school I hated learning about our history about our old Alphas. It was boring. All the teacher talked about was how they carried on a good legacy.

The good thing was I was able to drive. I had a crap car but it still worked. The dumb thing was the Alpha of Dark Moon Pack was supposed to be strong. But he wasn't since he was young. I was also taller than him and bigger. He didn't like competition, he always wanted to be the best.

I got up and walked inside to head to class. I walked through the corridor. I wasn't looking where I was going. Suddenly I smacked into someone. I looked down and saw I had knocked into the Alpha of my Pack. Haha well that I wasn't expecting. Obviously if he lost his temper humans would find out. He growled. There was a lot of people watching. People were chanting fight, fight, fight. He got up and tried to punch me. Instead of using strength I decided to dodge.

He pulled his hand back and tried to pick me up by my neck. He looked so embarrassed. I pulled a stunt that made him let go. "what the heck!" he shouted. "what are you a little weak 'Alpha'." I said. I was winning. He threw punches and kicks but they all missed. This was pretty pathetic for an Alpha. "how is this possible?" he asked. "I dunno but who was the one that trained you, your mother?' I asked. He was not happy about that. He threw a stronger punch but it missed me. This was super funny. I picked him up." hurt me again and I will end you!" I shouted at him. Yes, I stood up to the Alpha.

"well I don't want to die soo.... I Alpha Jason Woods banish you Ekon from Dark Moon. Never return." he said. Haha one little threat and he already banishes me. He's scared. I dropped him and left the school. I have a car that I never use. And since I'm banished from my Pack well I may as well move Pack.

I ran towards the forest. I heard my bones crack, it wasn't painful at all because I had shifted when I was very young. I was finally in wolf form. I was in my large auburn wolf. I ran freely with the wind. Later that night the weather changed alot there was a big storm. I was going to go to South Eastern Pack because that was where my friend was.