
The past

"Who was that?" Sitting on a boat, Lucky summoned Aquarius, wanting to get answers from her. Aquarius was not in a good mood, which scared Lucky and Happy slightly, as Aquarius had a short temper. but to their shock, she sighed as began explaining.

"He is the demon lord, although the records of back then should be hard to find, you should all know about the event which almost ended humanity... right?" Aquarius asked, to which everyone looked at each other, no one bother Natsu as he looked as if he might throw up his stomach. Dragon slayer had many drawbacks, one of them was motion skips,

Seeing as no one had a clue as to what event happened so long ago, Aquarius sighed for a moment before she went on explain everything from the beginning.

"In the past, a great evil appeared within our universe, leading all the gods to unite to just barely seal away that evil. these universes were almost destroyed by this evil, but using their life they were able to link with the seals. so long as the gods live, then so does that seal." She said softly, she didn't come into existence that far back, but the celestial king along with other spirits did fight in that battle to seal that monster away.

Aquarius then went to tell them about Asura, what the gods did, and how he went berserk slaughtering man gods, and the letter went on to be sent to the world between the realms, where he exploded, forming the demon realm.

even after death, his rage remained, and from that rage, demons were birthed, filled with the same hatred towards the gods. Due to the overwhelming numbers of demons which were being birthed, the gods realized that they were in trouble.

So, they created the human race. a race that had short lives, but in exchange, they had explosive growths. She explained how the gods would pick humans to become the heroes and fight against the demons, meanwhile, the demons would pick a demon lord who would fight against the hero

the humans became the perfect shields, and with the god's blessing, the heroes could overcome many things and grow extremely fast, allowing them to fight the demon lord to the demon. for millions of years, it has been like this. the heroes step forward and fight the demons to the demon lord to the death, with the support from the gods,

She explained how it all changed with the demon lord before Sora, who forced herself to the gods, she threw away her own life, just to upon up a path for the future demons, as she inflected huge among of injuries upon the demons before her death,

She then explained how the demons placed humans within kingdoms, avoiding those kingdoms with humans. Sora's mother managed to marry the king and give birth to a son, with the demon realm's support, this king was to take over the throne, and push forward with the plans, but he had his plans.

"That was Sora, He was a freak of nature, a ruthless man who was willing to do anything... the first time I meant him, it was because he wanted the human I had formed a contract with back then to fully submit to him. he refused, so he killed her without a second thought. He almost destroyed my ket, but he stopped." She said softly stunned Lucky

"If i'm not wrong, you too seemed close," Gray asked to which Aquarius just snorted slightly,

"He is my boyfriend... Of Course, you wouldn't understand" She said calmly while throwing a disdainful look towards Lucky, making a vein pop on her forehead, as she never had a boyfriend.

"He doesn't seem like... your type," Grey said softly, Aquarius nodded slightly, but shook her head slightly, she didn't know how to explain the Sora of the past.

"He went through many phases though out his life, while aiming for the king, he used the lie he had the blood of the gods which drew many people towards him. but when news came out he was the demon lord, many of his actions became clear. he poisoned one of his brothers while blaming the crown prince. he then used his brother's hatred to draw him towards his side." Aquarius said shocking the group, even more so Erza as this was most likely their father she was hearing about.

"He led to the death of another brother, and all the blame he put on his brother... there was a reason why he was targeting the crown prince so much, the crown prince tried to assassinate Sora on the day before his 3rd birthday. this led to his mother's death, and since he was part demon, once he found out who caused this, his hatred was... uncontrollable. He didn't care if he slaughtered every sibling he had, so long as he destroyed the crown prince's life, it would have been worth it." She said with a soft sigh, stunning them once more.

"and he did just that, his death a painful death which I can't say... " She said with a slight shake while thinking about what happened to him. as for how she knew, after Anna's death, the crown prince's soul was found, seeking revenge for his death. sensing him, she appeared and from the crown prince's mouth, she found out everything.

and so, everything was told by Aquarius, from Sora killing his father to take the throne faster, to meeting Anna and the battle which took place within her kingdom, to how he slaughtered all the bad eggs within his kingdom, and so many more, she left the group speechless that through most of the story, Sora was not even 13 yet. she even explained that Sora was the one who created things like suits, candy, cakes, and many other things which helped him to get the throne

"... I seem to have forgotten Irene... you look a lot like her... wait, who are you." Aquarius's eyes widened in shock while looking at Erza, why did this girl here look a lot like Irene?

"My Name is Erza Scarlet... this Sora seems to be my father, so I ask you to continue with the story," Erza said with a slight bow, leaving Aquarius's eyes twitching madly. Is the bastard cheating on her? Erza was like 19 years old, so it was not hard to guess what happened,

"That no good cheating bastard., no, that means Irene had kept you from being born for 400 years?" Aquarius's unease calmed to a stop upon reaching this point, if Sora dared to cheat she would hate him to the core.

"what do you mean?" Erza and everyone were confused, Aquarius thought for a moment before she explained what Sora and Irene meant, and how their small rivalry began. but at the same time, they became friends,

"for a long time, Irene was Sora's only friend, It's when Anna popped up that he began making more friends." so she went on to explain how they all promised to travel the world when they were 18 or so years old, but before she could go on to start with their adventure, the necklace around Erza necklace glowed before it shot a beam in the sky, which turned into a dorm,

They found themselves back in past, with Erza being in the middle of everything, they looked around and saw that many people's faces were blank, but soon 3 people entered the bar they were in, and walked towards Erza.

Erza's heart skipped a beat, as one of the people before her was none other than Irene, another one looked a lot like Lucky, they came over and sat at the table with Irene

"When did you start drinking alcohol?" Irene said with a disapproving look while looking at the mug in Sora's hands,

"first drink, what you wanted to drink with me?" A voice sounded from Erza, even though her mouth was not moving, everyone could tell it sounded like Sora's voice... just younger. Irene snorted as she took the mug away, and with a flick, it flew to the counter.

"What was that for?" Sora asked with a frown

"Watch your health, you don't want to also become an alcoholic," She said seriously while Erza stepped side, and saw at the spot she was at, Sora was sitting,

"she is right, you shouldn't be drinking," Iris said with a nod of her head, Sora rolled his eyes, but he didn't dive deeper into this matter.

"Alright, let's head off to the lands of Giants. it's perfect as it's near to the fairy's forest," Irene said everyone nodded, as they got up, but at that moment Irene noticed something around Sora's neck, a glowing necklace, but the glow was slowly disappearing.

"what's that?" Irene asked with a raise of her eyebrow, Sora looked down at what she was pointing at before holding the necklace.

"It's a necklace I created. if I'm going to be immortal, I would like to store my memories, at least the important ones I might forget." Sora said with a smile, Irene's eyebrow raised slightly before a mocking smile appeared on her face,

"so you were moved that I cared so much for your health." She asked, it was not hard to guess that it blowing was storing this moment away.

"It's more of a pain in the ass... this is the start of the journey, so it's most likely choice now to store," Sora said with a sneer. but his words only made Irene smile grow, So Sora didn't know when it would store moments, it was all based how his feelings. it was proven even more so by the fact it was glowing right now,

"I still don't think it's a good idea for you to get immortality," Iris said softly, and so the group watched as they talked before they headed off, and the dorm disappeared, making everyone turn towards the Erza.

"well, that's a better story taller than me... it has all of the memories Sora holds dear, try and picture what happens next?" Aquarius said with bright eyes, she could see everything that went down, but Erza ignored them while holding the necklace, she could feel hints of Sora's emotions while within that illusion, it was like she was in Sora's shoes.

Irene was right, Sora was moved that they cared so much, but he was too prideful to speak. this necklace she found was along with one of the gear, but she never found the use for it, other than her having a sharper mind with it on. so she kept it on at all times.

when the others snapped her out of her thoughts, she hesitated she didn't want to go through others' minds. but Aquarius explained that if Sora didn't want you to, that necklace would have been taken from you. the fact she can see was in a way, Sora opening the door into her life, and knowing Sora, he would not give a fuck about such things

after a moment, she nodded slightly as she went on to try and picture what happened next, and that she did. they got to see everything thing the necklace recorded, from Sora meeting with the hunted painting to them entering the elves' forest, they saw many things and even got to see how overpowered Sora was with his summoning.

but when the part with Sora and the others walking through the slave trade arrives, all of them were disgusted, by the sight within. yet that kingdom was destroyed that day by Sora, they were a bit torn on this, not everyone should have been slaughtered, but Sora didn't care, leading to the destruction of that kingdom. his rage overwhelmed him,

"It's like Romeo and Juliet," Lucky said softly seeing Sora and Irene and how close they were, but they could never reach that step due to their reasons.

but when they got to the scene of Sora and Irene at the party missing, and under the effect of alcohol headed up to their room, everyone turned away, while Erza quickly tried to skip, but it was too late as she might be traumatized from seeing Sora with a bit too little clothing on.

Like her mother and father, she didn't care much about such things, but she found it to be hard to watch her parents kiss while about to do such things. when while, Aquarius was starting regretting watching this. most of the good memories were with Irene, the world within this illusion even seemed to disappear when he was around her as if Irene was all that mattered. but she couldn't leave now, she wanted to see more.

So, they saw how the fairy had tails, shocking them, as the guild was built off the question if a fairy had tails or not. they watched as Sora healed the tree of life and was gifted with immortality, they watched as the demons attacked, how Sora became the demon lord, how Sora found out his kingdom was destroyed,

But Erza had to remove the necklace when it reached the scene where Sora saw everyone he knew tortured, the rage, and anger Sora felt were enough to scare her. Sora had been angry many times before, but that was the first his rage reached such a level.

After calming herself down, she put the necklace on and watched everything that followed, and their face turned palace when they saw how Sora slaughtered so many humans but kept those saints and their families, and close friends alive, just so they could suffer. the torture which awaited them was just... too inhumane, it was fucked up, their mind was not even allowed to go crazy from the torture, they shall remain clear to feel it all. children, teens, adults, and the old, Sora rag at that moment turned him into something worse than a god, even Aquarius didn't know of such things, scary her as over a hundred people had to suffer

But that was not all, as those females who betrayed him, the ones he saved were thrown back into the condition Sora saved them from, this time far worse, and their minds never went crazy.

Erza and everyone needed some time to comprehend what they just saw... no, they wanted to forget. Sora was the devil, he was just too scary. even Natsu who had motivation sickness found himself frozen by the sight as well,

but there was more, so Erza checked, but the next scene was Sora and the group arriving at the island they just left, and the much lovemaking that came with it, that she had to skip so many times until she reached a point where Irene was feeling sick.

"that's the day she found out that she was pregnant... and the day she became enemies with Sora," Aquarius said in a soft voice, stunning everyone who watched closely. and soon, the gods announced that Sora's grandfather and grandmother would be punished for being demons,

and they went on to match as Sora gathered all his minions and the lords of death and headed off into the heavenly realm, where Sira went on to kill many lesser gods, leaving only 3 behind, they watched as Irene arrived and tried to ease both parties, and the fact she was the hero came out, and Sora being the demon lord came out.

Erza felt the disappointment that Sora felt that Irene would side with the gods, but Ezra saw something different. Irene was the hero, and she was given the choice to be a hero and fight the man she loved, or step side and allow him to slaughter the gods and risk the destruction of the universe. So of course Irene would weather both side stop fighting, but Sora was not going to step down before the people who just ripped the flesh of his grandmother,

But Sora in the end had to fall back as he sensed a powerful being deep within the heavenly realm awakening. and from there, they saw how Sora went on to plan to slaughter the whole human race, not allowing emotions to cloud his judgment,

they watched the final battle, but it came to a stop when Irene removed Sora's clothing, which also removed the necklace. but they returned, and Erza understood that it was when Sora marked the necklace, he was filled in the memories of what happened after, now what to leave them at a cliffhanger,

So, they watched the chin of the betrayer, the god betrayed their kind showing they were on Sora's side, just for Sora to be betrayed by Iris, and lastly for Sora to betray the gods, and kill many of them.

they then saw the final battle, a naked Sora vs Irene, Anna, Iris, and the 3 sisters, only for Sora to find out he was poisoned, this only enraged Sora who turned into a demon, and Shockley could fight all of them, including all 12 celestial spirits along with the king,

Irene also was enraged and turned into a dragon, leading to the top to fight each other to the death, until they were separated by the others and Sora was sealed by the 3 sisters.

Erza stood there for some time, how could a story start with a group of friends wanting to see the world, turn so ugly, did her mother abandon her because she was the daughter of the demon king? But Aquarius stopped her from thinking like this and explained everything that happened after the battle, and the problem with dragon slayer magic.

"Your father did change... he put the work to change after being free, he controlled his rage and is now the richest person alive," Aquarius said shocking all of them, and they knew who was the richest person and his name was Sora. to think that Sora was the same one they were watching.

"but he going to fight the gods again," Erza said softly, Aquarius frowned upon seeing this before she sighed.

"the gods are in a weakened state, with his strength he would slaughter a huge amount... but he is doing this to save his mother's soul, which most likely has been tortured for the past hundreds of years. the fact he was so calm and took his time with everything shows how much he had changed. not letting his rage get the best of him... but that only makes him scarier." Aquarius said softly,

"We need to go to the demon realm, h-he can't..." Erza went quiet, he couldn't do what? save his mother? was he to stand back and smile while his mother suffer? what was the right choice here... there had to be a right choice,

"like back then, there is no right choice... this time I will be sitting out of this, He is my boyfriend I will not go against him. but I can't support him unleashing a devil into this world." She said with hints of fear towards the devil, a devil was just too powerful, almost completely immune to every magic out there. she just hoped Sora thinks things through.

"no... he will not kill them. he will torture them like he did the others." Erza said after some time, going off Sora's feelings, this is the route he would most likely take. capture the gods, and make them suffer, and it would be far worse than what he did to the humans.