
Plans Of The Future

the days within Dragnof passed, and most of that time Sora stayed with Irene who showed him around or tried to go for a rematch with him after thinking of a counter to his summon or staying up to enchant something which best worked against ice magic. but Sora always wins, which left her stumping her feet helplessly.

if Brandon was not around, Irene and Sora might be around the same level... no, Irene would be stronger. the fact Sora summoned Brandon was his lucky draw, this guy was like the strongest human, so lucky Sora.

anyways, while within the kingdom, Sora took the time to go through their library, he was someone who liked learning more about this world after all. and some of the few things he liked learning about were ways he could be immortal.

already, he had found many ways to be immortal. from finding the fountain of youth within the fairies' forest to being blessed by the gods, Sora has seen all of such things and was currently in deep thought about which one he should go after.

"What are you reading about?" Irene asked while looking over Sora's shoulder, who was reading into the fountain of youth,

"Your kingdom has more information about this than ours. our information is mostly sea-based." Sora said with a smile.

"you're weird. other princesses or forming connections while you are here reading." She said weirdly, but she had to admit, she liked Sora's way of doing things, other than those boot lickers.

"What? Do you want me to get to my knees and lick your feet or something?" Sora asked with a roll of his eyes, his past life was him working himself to his death, this life was him working his youth to death so he could enjoy his adult life. that means getting away with all the annoying stuff. this is why he didn't mind killing his siblings,

in his past life, most of the mistakes he made were because he was too nice, being too nice to others, leading to him overworking himself. he couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if he pointed a middle finger at the world, and no longer tried pleasing others and only worked on pleasing himself.

"Sure, if you want me to stick my foot down your mouth." She said with a snort, Sora shrugged at her words before returning to reading the legends this world had.

"I heard my father talking about the foundation of youth, before he was king he explored this world and trapped foot into that forest. but it was like the whole forest was alive, so he didn't dare to go deeper. he believes the foundation of youth holds so much life energy, that the forest might have gained wisdom," Irene said stunning Sora

"Really? so, do you plan on exploring the world before taking the throne?" Sora asked with a smile, Irene's eyes narrowed at Sora's words.

"Are you by chance asking me to tag along on your adventures?" She asked to which Sora nodded slightly,

"There are many people out there I want to see. like The Minotaur, or that woman with the snake for hair and so many others. do you not want to explore such things? it would be boring alone." Sora said with a smile, it had been 4 days since he and Irene met, and the two have gotten close. Although arrogant and prideful, Sora liked Irene's mindset the most out of everything. they were not too over the top, she was able to take steps back and admit she lost or was in the wrong,

she was also hard-working, having great pride didn't make her lazy, she had been working hard to find a way to defeat Sora, and although she failed each time, that didn't stop her. something which made Sora see her differently from others. so currently, she was maybe his only friend,

"... sure, pick the day." She said with a stun, not every king needed to be powerful, Sora's father was not strong and he was currently king. but for Dragnof, you needed a few things to check off before taking the throne.

strength, you didn't need to be the strongest, but you needed to have a strength that would not make you some type of cannon folder on the battlefield. in this kingdom, you as king would step onto the battlefield if needed.

second was the mindset. you needed to have the mindset of a ruler, your mind should be opened to gain knowledge of the world and be capable of seeing other points of view. be too arrogant and you shall lose all rights to the throne, but too prideful and the same shall happen.

third is wisdom, a ruler should seek wisdom to better improve and strengthen his or her people. So the future ruler should explore the world for 5 years before returning home. If they die on the way by chance, then they were not suited. this should be kept top secret from all kingdoms.

forth was a heart. the most important thing a ruler should have is a heart for their people and dragons. they should put their citizens above everything else, even above their own life. and princes and princesses are born with everything they could want, in return, they shall give back everything to the people.

these were the teaching Irene grew up with, so if needed, she was able to make the hard choice of picking the greeter picture over her feelings.

"18th birthday, 14 years from now. what do you say?" Sora asked with a smile, Irene's eyes widened for a moment, that was perfect. by then she would be 19, and if she would be back home before she was 25, just in time for her to take the throne,

the reason Sora wanted to explore was because of a few things, he wanted to see if these famous beings all over the world were capable enough of joining his army and turning their swords against the gods. Irene was a kid, it would be easy to change her and have her join him. with her talent, she would be greatly useful.

with the year set, Irene went on to the seat with Sora as she took began pointing out places she had always wanted to go.

Time passed, and soon it was time for the 15-kingdom meeting, standing behind his father, Sora looked around at the 15 human kings. all of them at the person who would be the next king standing behind them but knew if those picked would live long enough.

then of course had their saints with them, making it a total of 15 saints within one room, all of the saints were all elders of a kingdom. old man, and old females, none of them were as young as Brandon who seemed to be in his 20s or 30s.

of course, Brandon wasn't in the room, only one saint could enter this meeting room, along with the king, and next in line for the throne.

as one might expect, the meeting the boring, they were over the current conditions of the humans, while pointing out kingdoms that needed help, while others tried to help as least as they could. the problems with war and fights were tired to be calmed down here, although it was clear it barely had any effect. there were many things they went over until they reached the main thing, the dragons.

with how the dragons have been moving in the past few days, it could be expected that the dragons were displeased with the humans. why? why would the dragons be displeased by a race they looked down upon?

well, that's because a few dragons have been going around talking about dragons and humans living in quality. the word Human Lives Matter has been spread to a good amount of dragons, a few joined while others were displeased.

Some Dragons said that all lives Matter, while the dragons on the human side grew offended by such words. so, it seemed like a fight between both sides might start. although both sides were just talking shit, they had to be careful of the worst outcome. and that was war,

The kingdom had to be on guard against this, Dragnof king was considered the leader among the 15 people here, so he took charge of things, but it also meant that he had the biggest pressure, stopping battles between kingdoms, keeping the peace while also trying to point everyone towards a common goal.

although he was in his 40s, he looked old, and the stresses of being the Dragnof ruler were far above what the other rulers had to deal with.

well, after the meeting, the kingdom got ready to leave. Irene, who was standing behind her father went on to see Sora off, something which caught many people's attention, many princesses have been seeking to form connections with her, but she was hiding from most of them. it seems someone beat them to it.

His father also noticed this, and his eyes brightened slightly, forget Sora being the king, he would marry him off in a heartbeat. he knew the two became close, but seeing it for himself, his son has become friends with the princesses. if they could get married, the benefits their kingdom would get would allow them to climb the ranks.

"What is on your mind?" Brandon asked while looking at Sora sitting opposite him within the carriage, in deep thought.

"Nothing much... it's just that the dragons are weak, only being around level 80, what makes them powerful is their magic resistance and durability. they also have a huge amount of magical energy, some are not even stronger than a human, but they would win because the magic used isn't as effective." Sora said softly, Brandon was confused as to why Sora was asking this. he too could reach such a point one day,

"Dragons are impressive. I just can't help but wonder what the gods are like. what level would they be at? 150? 200? or even higher? I'm really weak, I need to put more time into training, this time let's put all attention on me reaching level 50, at which point, I could find some good equipment to put on." Sora said with a smile, Brandon nodded. slightly.

so far, Sora had bought nothing from the system, he didn't want the drop he would get to be of this level, he wanted them to be of a higher level. he also wanted to get pets, of course mostly dragon pets, with some phoenixes, and so on. all of which can be gained through the store, he simply had to open a pack and wish for the best.

before Sora didn't buy any because of two reasons, one was he was weak and would have to explain stuff, and secondly, it cost 100 Gold Coin per card pack, which was expensive as well, he wanted to save up 1 million Gold Coin, he only needed like 10 more years until he had a million to throw away.

he would buy everything in one go, get all of the TC, all of the cool summonses and spells which couldn't be normally learned. Sora wanted to get them all at one go and be done with it. also, before doing that, Sora wanted to buy a house within the system, which would only cost 50,000 Gold Coin,

there Sora would be able to go all out in training, something he can't do in the outside world thanks to the power behind his spells.