
A Wizard In A World Of Heroes {{STORY CHALLENGE}}

A crossover Story Challenge between My Hero Academia and Harry Potter.

MoonFairy425 · Tranh châm biếm
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A Wizard In A World Of Heroes: Story Challenge Ideas

Harry Potter wakes up & finds that,

1) He is 11 years old again.

2) He has woken up in a anime that he knows, called My Hero Academia (or MHA).

3) He meets Izuku (Deku), while protecting him with his magic from Bakugo's explosion quirk. Who was bullying Izuku for wanting to be a hero, even though he's Quirkless.

4) Afterwards Harry became Izuku's first real & true friend. Since he was diagnosed as Quirkless.

5) Harry gives Izuku's insulting nickname, Deku, (which means 'Useless' in kanji) a new meaning. Which is a shortened version for the name Dekiru. Which means 'You can do it!' in kanji.

6) Harry is the same age as Izuku.

7) He learns that Izuku is a huge hero fanboy & finds that Izuku loves analyzing quirks.

8) Harry also learns that Izuku has a habit of going off topic & has a habit of muttering non-stop if no one snaps him out of it.

9) Harry learns that Izuku has a habit of apologizing for things that weren't even his fault.

10) He noticed that Izuku has low self esteem, is self-conscious around others, & has shown signs of PTSD to loud noises. Especially to explosions.

11) Harry has the Elder Wand, the Cloak of Invisibility, & the Resurrection Stone. Making him the Master of Death.

12) Harry has knowledge on everything dealing with magic from the world of which he originally came from.

13) The MHA world has a strong magical atmosphere, that makes manipulating & controlling magic easier.

14) Harry learns a lot about the MHA world from his new friend. This world is filled with heroes. It was like those heroes from those comics that Harry had always seen his cousin reading. Had jumped from the pages.

15) People that use their powers for evil are known as villains.

16) This world, 80% of the population, has powers, called Quirks. The other 20% that don't are known as Quirkless.

17) Harry's Quirkless, but he can still use magic.

18) Izuku has magic, but doesn't know that he can, or how to use magic. So Harry made a focus for him & taught Izuku how to use magic.

19) This world has magical creatures. Tho not many can see these magical creatures.

20) Harry is considered an orphan. Since he appeared in this world. He has no records that he even exists.

21) With nowhere to go & no money to find somewhere to sleep. Harry was about to leave to find a place, but Izuku asked if Harry wanted to come over to his house. He agreed & followed his new friend. Harry stayed with Izuku for a few weeks, but Inko soon became suspicious of what was going on with Harry's home life.

22) One day Izuku out of curiosity. Asked Harry about his parents, Harry answered that they were underground heroes from Britain, They were killed by a villain in their own home when he was 5.

23) The villain also tried to kill Harry too, but his mother had made a powerful shield when she sacrificed herself to protect him. That the shield had deflected the attack back at the villain & which had kill the villain.

24) Tho Harry didn't get out unscathed. Cuz the attack left behind a permanent lightning bolt shape scar on his forehead just above his right eyebrow.

25) The ability to use magic is considered rare in this world & it's not even considered as a Quirk. Cuz of how much more powerful magic is.

26) Since there isn't a Ministry of Magic in this world. Harry decided to create things with his magic to help him make money.

27) Harry becomes a student at UA High School, the top hero school in Japan.

28) Harry's presence in this world causes quite a stir, as his magic is unlike anything anyone has seen before.

29) Harry's magic is not only powerful, but it also has a healing effect on those around him, making him a valuable asset to any team.

30) Harry quickly becomes popular among his classmates, both for his magic & his kind & caring nature.

31) He also became popular with the rest of the school for his natural ability to take control of chaotic situations with his magic & his natural ability of being a leader or a commander. Due to his role in the Wizarding World.

32) He also becomes a target for villains who want to use his magic for their own gain.

33) Harry, along with his new friends, uses his magic & knowledge of the wizarding world to help protect the city from villains & help the magical creatures that are in this world.

34) He also helps Deku & other Quirkless individuals learn how to harness their own unique abilities, showing that one's worth is not defined by their Quirk or lack thereof.

35) Harry with the help of UA's Principal Nezu. Got permission to help teach magic to those who can use it.

36) Knowing who can & can't use magic is easy to find out. Cuz of one thing. Only those who can see his familiars can use magic.

37) Harry has a Void Phoenix, a Grimm, a Puffin, a Loyal & Sharing Niffler, a Basilisk, a Hippogriff, a serpent like Dragon (basically a Chinese Dragon {🐉}), a black Unicorn, and a Thestral (Only those who have witnessed death can see a Thestral), as his familiars.

38) Harry's classroom & Magical creatures habitats areas are separated from the UA school & is located in the forest on UA's Campus.

39) Harry teaches those who have magic the basics of how to properly mold their magic.

40) Harry teaches them about Potions, Ancient Ruins, Arithmacy, Transfiguration, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts (or DADA), Herbology, Care For Magical Creatures (CFMC), & reluctantly Dark Magic (Which Harry explains is something that shouldn't be used unless the situation is dire & it's needed).

41) Sometimes Harry will tell facts about some of the magical plants & creatures that they are working with.

42) Harry teaches them how to properly & safely capture a wild Magical Creature & also how to properly care for them.

43) Izuku found he had a knack for Care For Magical Creatures, Charms, DADA, Herbology, & Arithmacy.