
A Witch's Accidental Love

Synopsis: When has listening to her best friend ever been the wise decision? Luna Ravenwood knew better, or at least, she thought she did. While trying to win over the guy she had a crush on for years, Luna listens to her best friend and decides to use magic to win over Adam Fisk' heart. What could go wrong? Excerpt: "Really? Sweets? You're taking this 'food is the way to a man's heart' a little too seriously." Kwon sneered. He went to grab a cookie from the pile but Luna moved the plate away from him. He raised an eyebrow, probably thinking that she was acting childish. Reaching with his left hand, he made a move toward the plate. What she didn't see was that his right hand was in position with the plate moving right towards it. "Better luck next time." He smiled as he took a bite of the heart-shaped cookie. Adam came back and grabbed another cookie. As he ate, he looked around. "No water?" An idea hit Luna. She fished in her bag for the spare love potion that she had stored in a water bottle. It was completely full and the lid was tightened enough that it could pass as a brand new, unused bottle that she just got out of the machine. "Here you go. I just happened to have an extra." He gratefully accepted the water then he and Kwon walked off toward the coach. Luna slammed the plate into the arms of a confused Carl. It worked. The plan actually worked. She was so excited that she could start dancing at any moment. "Don't celebrate just yet." Isaac pointed to where Adam and Kwon stood talking to the coach. Kwon unscrewed the lid to his water and took a drink. Fear seeped into her. She was positive that Kwon did not have a water with him earlier. She looked down at Adam's hands and saw that he no longer had the bottle filled with love potion. "No!" *This is an urban-teen-romance novel with fantasy, action, and drama thrown in.*

C_E_W · Thanh xuân
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35 Chs

Mark Kwon (1)

Luna slammed down onto her bed, burying her face into her pillow. How in the world could Adam think that she liked Kwon? That she was in love with him, with Kwon? The thought sent shudders down her spine. There was no way that she would ever have feelings for him. He could do a one-eighty and change completely and she still wouldn't have feelings for him. She wouldn't even think about being his friend. She would never make that mistake again.

During their freshman year, he had transferred into their school. It had been during the middle of the school year and his arrival had raised many eyebrows. The students and staff were used to transfer students from all around the United States and even from other countries. But Kwon was the first one that they had seen from South Korea.


Luna sat in her seat, reading the book that Mrs. Dickinson had assigned for homework the day before. The book was none other than Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. She was enraptured by the book. She dove into the Shakespearean world and lost herself into the plot and characters.

The quiet of the classroom became a different kind of quiet. One that was filled with whispers and murmurs that were loud enough for her to pick out individual words and even full sentences.

"A new student?"

"A foreigner."

"Wonder if he speaks English."


Luna flipped her book over onto the desk. Turning around in her seat, she looked to see who was the cause of all the commotion. Standing inside the doorway fidgeting with the hem of his shirt was a boy around her age. His hair and eyebrows were a deep black and his eyes were a dark color. His skin was the color of toasted almond and it reminded her of the Japanese student that had studied at their school last year.

He shifted his weight onto his other foot and looked down at the floor. A pink blush bloomed across his cheeks. Luna looked behind her to where Mrs. Dickinson's desk was located. It was empty. Weird, class technically started five minutes ago, and she still hadn't arrived.

Luna stood up from her desk and walked across the little walkway in front of the desks to the otherside. Lining the wall by the door were shelves filled with books. She grabbed a copy of Romeo and Juliet and walked up to the boy. She held out a hand for him to shake. "I'm Luna, Luna Ravenwood."

He looked up at her, taking her hand in his and gave a small, relieved smile. "I'm Kwon Mark. I mean Mark Kwon." The whispers around them increased as the students soaked up the information.

She smiled at him, hoping to show him that he didn't need to be embarrassed or nervous. "This is the book that we're reading for this class. We just started reading it yesterday, so it shouldn't be too hard for you to catch up." She handed him the book. He grimaced as he read the title. "It's not that bad and if you need any help with understanding the old English, just ask someone."

"Trust me, you won't be the only one lost," Lyla told him. When Mark looked at her, she gave a small wave. The blush on Mark's face deepened, causing Lyla and a few of the girls surrounding her to giggle.

"Must not be used to all the hot girls." Carl sneered. Luna shot him a glare, which only caused the jock to burst into laughter. She needed to work on her glare if she wanted to be more intimidating to the idiots that she was surrounded by.

Shaking her head, she turned her attention back onto Mark. "Do you have your schedule yet?" Mark fished around in his back pocket and handed her a folded piece of paper. She carefully unfolded it and read the schedule. "It looks like we have lunch and biology together." She smiled.

"Lunch? Does everyone not eat lunch together?" He took the paper back from her and stuffed it into its home in the back pocket of his black skinny jeans.

She shook her head at his question. "Because there are so many students, lunch is broken into two sections, A and B." He looked down at his feet. His fingers found the hem of his shirt and started twisting themselves in the fabric once again. "By lunchtime, if you haven't found anyone to sit with, you're always welcome to sit with me."

Mark looked up. Hope shined in his dark brown eyes. "Only if you want your social reputation smeared by being friends with the nerd." Carl scoffed.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Luna tilted her head in contemplation. "I would think that it would be a good thing to be friends with someone that could help you with homework problems."

"You wouldn't have to worry about failing a class." Lyla smiled sweetly at Carl while her tone of voice was mocking.

"Oh!" Mrs. Dickinson almost bumped into them. Luna instinctively tugged Mark out of the way. "You must be my new student. I'm sorry I'm late. The printers on this floor are malfunctioning."

Mark gave a slight bow. "I'm Mark Kwon." He introduced himself.

Mrs. Dickinson gave him a warm smile. She handed him and Luna each a paper. "The desk behind Luna is empty." She called over her shoulder as she handed papers out to the rest of the class.

Four hours later, Luna sat down at the table that she and Isaac had claimed at the beginning of the year. Today's lunch was hamburgers and french fries. She, of course, just had a side of fries and what was constituted as a salad. "Did you finish your biology homework and did you hear about the new student? Apparently, he's a total cutie."

She fished her biology folder out of her bag and handed it to Isaac. "Remember not to copy it word for word."

He gave her a look, his hands on his hips. "I know. I don't even know half of the words that you use."