
Prologue:Before Rebirth

Thunder rumbled outside as I hid in my closet. The sound of chairs and tables overturning could be heard.

I covered my mouth and held my breathe as I heard footsteps outside my closet. Closing my eyes, I prayed that I wouldn't be discovered.

"Hey boss! Where did ya say the girl was?"

"Should be in her room. Find her at all costs."

The sound of the lights turning on and the man rustling around in my room was heard. A while later, the man banged the closet doors.

"Hehe. Little girl, I found you. Come out. I promise I won't hurt you."

As the door creaked open, I prepared to run out. The door opened fully and I jumped out from the full of clothes closet, kicking the man in the process and surprising him.

I spotted a knife he dropped. I grabbed the knife and stabbed towards his chest. The man grabbed my hand and flung me across the room. I fell below the window and hurridly got up.

"Why, aren't you bloodthirsty girly. Too bad you're no match for me. Why don't you obediently-Hey, what are you doing? Get back here!"

As the man was speaking, I opened the window and climbed out. I ran towards the forest.

I glanced back and saw men in black coming out of my home to see what the man in my room was shouting about.

"Hey! What are you standing out here for? Hurry and chase her you idiots!" The man shouted at the men in black.

When the men in black herad the order, they started chasing me. I ran as fast as I could, but the men in black were cattching up to me.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of gunshots behind me. Startled, I tripped on a rock.

Pain shot through from the back of my head and I knew that I had been shot. As I lay dying on the ground, the rain pittered and pattered, making the ground muddy.

As my vision darkened, my life flashed before my eyes. I, Winter White, am 14 years old. I go to Johnston Academy with my best friends Amy Browns, Jay Cumbersome, and Lokie Nets. People call me a genius, but I just work a bit harder than others.

I have a great family. My parents are caring and loving towards my brothers and me. My brothers and I look out for one another. Overall, I love my family and my life.

But all of that cahnged that they. My parents were murdered . My brothers got into an accident. They didn't survive. My supposedly best friends who would follow me to the ends of the world betrayed me for their own interests.

As the men in black run over, they were cursing the man who shot the gun. They checked my weak breathing and pulse and concluded that I was close to death . They then left.

I smiled wretchedly. As I take my last breath, I swore that in my next life I will become the strongest. Then I could protect my family. I will learn from my mistakes.

I will never trust anyone again.

This is my first time writing. Please bear with me and tell me what you think.

BoatOfBowscreators' thoughts