
A Werewolf in an Anime World

Going to sleep, dying, and waking up with an envelop on you explaining your situation: It's a pretty confusing set of events, honestly. But those are the events Haru has to deal with. In a new body, in a new world, and surrounded by characters from all types of anime, read as Haru comes to terms with his new 'powers' and grows as a person with the help of his ever-watchful helper, Monika, and his moral support agent, Shizuka Hiratsuka. Oh, and paying rent for his apartment with his part-time job as a waiter at a cafe which seems to be popular with all the weird Anime characters. Who knew being a Werewolf could be so troublesome...

Mr_Laughing · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

A Yandere Appears On A Wolf's First Full Moon

And that's how I met the helper Chaos had provided me.

It was Monika from DDLC. And she seemed to be...the one from the end of the game. So, she knew where she came from and where she was. She had this cynical wit about her which told me she wasn't the same popular highschooler she was meant to be but rather a girl who's experienced what it was like to be the only person in a game, who actually knew they were a game character.

I'd asked her about it, and she told me how weird it was to look back on it - apparently it all felt more like a dream. She said something about back then she was a game character and now she's a real person, so her brain has problems processing what she felt and saw in the game.

Apparently though, she still knows it was hell. Which is why she's so grateful to be given the position as my 'helper'. A bit too grateful, at times, but she's a nice enough girl. Fun to be around.

Right now I was on the train, riding to some backward town so I could run off into the wild so I could transform without worrying about hurting someone.

...Though I am truly doubting I'll be able to get far enough away to not hurt anyone.

You might be thinking 'Why don't you lock yourself in a cage?' Well, voice of anxiety and self-doubt, that's because I've already tested that out, and even with my non-transformed strength, I ripped the cage apart like it was made of wet paper mache. So I could only guess that it would take some truly special metal to keep my werewolf form in a cage.

Scratching at my now sharp nails, I sighed as I looked around the carriage, hoping there was no one else around--

"Senpai?" a redhead came into view, entering my carriage, her red eyes widening and her cheeks reddening as she saw me.

Ah shit.

Smiling at her, though making sure not to show my sharpening teeth, I replied to her, "Hiyama-san," I nodded in greeting and she quickly rushed over to me, her eyes full of excitement and joy, yet her mouth was shaped in a pout.

"Senpai, didn't I say you could call me 'Akane'? We should act more informally - we are co-workers and fellow students, after all," she smiled and I felt some seriously dark energy coming off of this chick, so I just nodded and her pout turned into a smile as she spoke again, "Can I sit next to you, senpai?"

Just as I nodded, she sat down next to me - very close - and looked up at me with a smile, "Why are you out this late, senpai? I thought you'd be asleep after your long shift today."

...How did she know I had a shift? Easy answer - she's Akane Hiyama, a yandere from an anime called Love Tyrant. I somehow got involved with her after an accident when I was messing about with my claws. Quick tip with budding werewolves out there, get your claws under control as quickly as possible. If not, they may, or may not, pock into your eye when you're scratching it.

Man, I'm lucky I have a very potent healing factor otherwise I'd have to wear an eye-patch and look like some kind of 80s action villain.

What did that have to do with me attracting the attention of a Yandere? Well, after a spurt of blood covered my vision, Akane just appeared and asked me if I needed help. I said yes, like some kind of idiot - like serious, who could have said what she said, so calmly?! Especially after seeing a guy with a face covered in blood, right?! I should have known she was a yandere by that alone! - and said she was kind and thanked her or something like that.

...So yeah, it pretty much went how it went in the 'Love Tyrant' anime where Akane fell in love with the MC after he called her very kind or whatever. Though that anime didn't involve a werewolf poking his eye out.

Don't complain to me. This is anime logic at work. I am in an anime, you know?

I have the distinct feeling Chaos had something to do with that situation but whatever. Not like I can do anything, right?

"I could ask the same thing, Hiy--Akane-san," I corrected myself as I looked out the window at the rice fields we were passing, "It's pretty dangerous for a 17-year-old girl to be traveling alone at night, right?" I said this but I knew that any guy who tried to do anything to this redhead...he'd die. He'd die a very gruesome death.

Just sitting next to her allowed me to smell the stench of metals on her - she had multiple knives hidden under her clothes.

She gave me a vague smile before blushing a little, "I guess it's good that I met you then, isn't it, senpai?" she asked before answering my indirect question earlier, "I'm only going to see my mother - she lives away from the city because of our family business. I'll be getting off in a few stations, so don't worry, senpai~" she said but I could tell she wanted more of my 'worry'.

...I'm not worried about you, I'm worried for the men in the world. Mainly myself--hold up, she couldn't have possibly planned this meeting after knowing I was getting this train, right? I did buy my ticket on my phone, a few hours before getting here...but there's a limit to Yandere power, right? Right?!

Keeping my face straight despite the yandere next to me and the thoughts going through my head, I just nodded at Akane with a smile, "Mhm, that's good to know. But even then, stay safe, okay?" I reiterated, just to be polite.

She nodded and things went silent, which I was glad for. Akane isn't a bad person, and I'm not dense, so I know about her yandere-ness around me, and it's cause, but I'd rather not have her get too close to me. Not for my safety...but for hers. Who's to say that one day I won't just lose it and rip her in half? Honestly, that's a big problem for me lately. The closer it gets to the full-moon, the more my wolf instincts take over.

Right at this moment, for example, I'm holding myself back from either ravaging Akane or killing and eating her.

...It's a complex scenario.

I can see why being a Werewolf could be seen as a curse. The fact I had to live my life like everything was fragile was annoying at best and terrifying at worst. Over the last 2 weeks I've found friends, people I don't want to hurt...yet if I continue to stay near them, I don't know if they'll be safe or not.

But I guess all I can do is play it safe, right? Don't isolate myself from people, but don't get too close either.

Yeah. That seems like the sensible thing to do.

So...what am I gonna with the redhead who's stalking me?! I have the nose of a wolf, you know!? Do you think I can't smell the pheromones you're putting out, Akane-san?!

"Say, senpai," Akane speaking brought me out of my mental reprimanding of her and I turned to her, seeing her sparkling red eyes looking up at me, "What are you doing on this train? You never answered me," she curiously looked up at me and I just shrugged before replying.

"I just thought I'd get on a train and go visit somewhere. I'll probably stay on the train until it gets to the last stop and see where it's taken me," I said, lying, but also saying something that I actually wanted to do one day. Still looking at Akane I saw that she seemed to want to ask something, and I could already kind of guess what it was.

"Hm...you could come, uh, to my family house, senpai...I could show you around the town, if you want," she went all bashful and innocent, and if I didn't know who she was - from having watched Love Tyrant - I'd have thought she was a really cute girl.

I mean, she still is a really attractive girl. But underneath all that beauty...is a hell of a lot of crazy.

Even if I did kinda want to take her up on her offer - hey, it'd be fun, even if she is a yandere - I couldn't put her and her family at risk like that. So I shook my head to her dismay and gave her a reassuring smile, "Not tonight, Akane. I'll make it up to you with lunch or something, if you want--!" before I could even finish my sentence, she replied with sparkly eyes and a flushed face.

"Yes! That's fine--No, it's perfect, senpai!"

...I've just fueled her yandere nature, haven't I? Haah~ I just hope she doesn't meet Monika...they'd probably get into a massive fight.

Just as I thought this, a sound I didn't want to hear entered my ears...


It was near silent and I doubt Akane heard it. But I heard it, and I knew what it meant. Looking out of the window in a hurry, I looked up and saw the moon shining so brightly that I felt entranced. Like the moon and I were becoming one.


"Hm? Did you hear that, senpai?" Akane said from behind me and I was snapped out of my trance. Pulling a strand of hair toward my eye line, I saw that it was definitely grey instead of silver-white and I was thanking whoever picked the lights for this carriage as they were too dim for Akane to see anything.

Looking innocent, or at least trying to look innocent, I turned to Akane and shook my head.


Another crack rang out, a bit more audible. I flexed my muscles, keeping the bones in place through sheer willpower. If I let go, I'd kill everything around me. I know I will. My instincts want to relish in a fight, in a hunt where I can drown myself in blood. You think werewolves are romantic creatures? Fuzzy fuzzballs who want to be pet by you like your goddamn dog?! No! We're practically wild beasts!

Looking out the window and ignoring Akane's stare, I saw that we were about to get to a station, and I thanked my lucky stars and simply closed my eyes as I controlled my transformation, suppressing it.

When I felt the train coming to a stop, I stood up and looked to Akane who jumped at my sudden movement, "Change of plans, Akane-san. I'm getting off here. I'll see you at school on Monday or at your next shift," was all I said before rushing off the train quicker than she could even utter a reply. I didn't care if she saw my speed - I'd rather answer those questions than be slow and have the change happen in a train station.

Once out of the train, I took a few steps out of the train before turning around and sprinting and jumping over the train into the fields behind it.

Then...I got into a full-on sprint.

The ground crumbled underneath me and I broke through the sound barrier near instantly. My trainers exploded off of my feet and my clothes were ripping from both the rigorous movements and intense air resistance.

But I didn't care. I was too busy feeling the pain of my bones snapping and rearranging themselves. My muscles feeling like they were being pumped full of acid. Like every nerve in my body had a car battery attached to it. Everything in my body was in pain and was currently undergoing it's first metamorphosis.

I felt a few feet get added to my height first, my heel lifting off the ground and my arms lengthened past my waist. My entire body widened before a few hundred pounds of muscle got added to my body.

At some point, I'd gotten to the top of a massive mountain and I finally let my suppression of my transformation go.

My hair was completely black by now and I could only assume my eyes were glowing a bright silver and were completed by the slit pupils. Black fur began to sprout all over my body and my sharp nails instantly elongated into massive dagger-like claws. I felt my mouth and skull contort as my mouth lengthened into a snout, filled with impossibly sharp fangs. My canines were the biggest however, as they stuck out of my mouth even as I kept it closed. Like tusks. Very, very sharp and deadly tusks.

As I looked up at the moon, I felt what little control I had, slipping away. I reached my head upward, arching it toward the moon, and let out a deep, guttural howl that quickly became a roar.

Then the instincts were in control. Everything was fuzzy and colored red to me - which meant everything was prey in books.

But I heard a voice that was like an angels, which made me look toward the figure.

Unlike everything else in this red world, the figure was pure white, tinged with blue.

"Oh? There's a little wolfy all the way out here?" the voice, obviously female, said, "I should take you back to Kyoto so you can't hurt anyone out here, shouldn't I?" the woman said, and I took a few sniffs of the air: she wasn't human. She smelt similar to me but still, ultimately different. Maybe she's a Therianthrope of the Canidae family, like me?

But even then, her saying she'd capture me and take me away...my wolf instincts could only take that as an insult. As a slight against my pride.

So I attacked.

Any of you budding Sherlocks should be able to figure out who that last woman is, so I'll just tell you:

It's Yasaka from Highschool DxD.

But I'm not adding the whole of Highschool DxD, just the Yokai Faction. Why? Because I don't wanna deal with the world ending plots of DxD. But mainly, I don't want that pervert Issei near Yasaka. She's the MC's MILF. Not some object of lust for a pervert like Issei. Though I might add other characters just for the sake of it. Mainly characters like Le Fay or Xenovia.

Mr_Laughingcreators' thoughts