
A Wallflower in the background

Naoko Ito stood there in shock, at the statement that befell her father's mouth. "Boarding school?" Unconsciously she repeated the words out loud, trying to grasp the information and to confirm if she had heard it right. An answer came from her mother in the form of a nod, confirming that she had heard it right. Her expression was that of disbelief, confusion consumed her and she was honestly scared. The thought of being with people for 3 years, sharing a room, and that they would know her every secret, scared her. She's never the best with communication, how is she going to survive this? she thought to herself. ***The Cover art is not mine. Credits to the rightful owner. Temporary cover.

Usami_Shiro · Thanh xuân
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23 Chs


A girl who was fairly normal in every aspect, from her looks to her grades, never stood out. That girl was Naoko Ito. She's always daydreaming about becoming someone entirely unlike herself: active, intelligent, and loved by everyone.

It wasn't that she was hated or bullied; she simply never stood out, for better or worse. Even though she exchanged words with her classmates a few times, whether for a group project or a greeting, she didn't have any noticeable presence. Her closed body language made her seem unapproachable, causing her to fade into the background.

After graduating from middle school, she became a recluse, rarely leaving her house. Her parents, growing increasingly worried, decided to send her to a boarding school.

In the middle of the large hallway decorated with all sorts of paintings and antiques, the voices of two people can be heard echoing through the place. 

"I hope she agrees to this," Naoko's mother said, glancing up at her husband.

"I'm sure she will," Naoko's father replied, wrapping his arm around her waist in reassurance.



  When they reached the front of their daughter's room, he knocked the door softly. Not long after the knock, sounds of unlocking could be heard coming from the door.

The door revealed their daughter and her disoriented room, with silhouettes of her unfolded clothes all over the place, looking like a dump. It was a dimly lit room, everything was dark you could barely see anything, with the only light source being the blue light coming out of her computer.

Naoko, with her disheveled brown hair and clear blue eyes, was wearing an oversized hoodie and shorts that barely reached her thighs. Her eyes widened at the sudden visit.

"Mother, Father? Is something wrong?" she asked, filled with confusion.

Why did Mom and Dad suddenly come? Did I do something wrong?

"We have something to discuss with you," her mother said softly, her voice filled with concern.

What could it be? I hope I didn't do anything wrong...

Noticing Naoko's distress, her father quickly reassured her. "There's no need to worry, Nao. We're considering sending you to a boarding school. What do you think?" her father asked, making her freeze up.

"Boarding school?"

Me? No way... Why did they want me to go to a boarding school? How is this supposed to work? I can't even talk to people; I get too shy and nervous. Living with strangers is just too big a hurdle for me! I mean, I'm just too awkward, tense, and... well, thinking about it, I'm quite inept in many ways.

Though she was mostly thinking it to herself, it couldn't be helped that a word had escaped her mouth. It was only a low mumble from her, but it was answered with a small nod from her mother.

Oh crap, did I say that out loud? I don't know. I didn't have any plan to apply to a specific school anyway, and though it's scary, it doesn't feel right to refuse my parents' request... It feels like I'm being a disrespectful child! I don't want to be hated by them... Though I know they won't hate me...

Stammering and filled with doubt, Naoko struggled to express herself.

"Um... Yeah, I'm fine with it."

I hope I won't regret this...

As she agreed, her parents smiled, relieved by her willingness.

Well, it can't be that bad, I guess...

It crossed her mind for a split second.

Hello! Welcome to my first ever webnovel! I hope you enjoyed the read, and if you like it. I'd appreaciate it if you share this and add it to your library!

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