
A Wallflower in the background

Naoko Ito stood there in shock, at the statement that befell her father's mouth. "Boarding school?" Unconsciously she repeated the words out loud, trying to grasp the information and to confirm if she had heard it right. An answer came from her mother in the form of a nod, confirming that she had heard it right. Her expression was that of disbelief, confusion consumed her and she was honestly scared. The thought of being with people for 3 years, sharing a room, and that they would know her every secret, scared her. She's never the best with communication, how is she going to survive this? she thought to herself. ***The Cover art is not mine. Credits to the rightful owner. Temporary cover.

Usami_Shiro · Thanh xuân
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23 Chs

A relaxing close to the day

Nao looked up at them, her brows furrowed, "I didn't pack a pair of spare clothes with me. " She complained as she was expecting to bathe with Ema in the evening like usual.

Yumi and her friends exchanged sympathetic glances, understanding Nao's dilemma. Kuro, ever the practical one, came up with a solution.

"Well, it's not too late to go back to the dorm and grab a change of clothes," he suggested.

Nao's face brightened at the idea. "You're right! That's a great idea, Kuro-kun. Let's head back to the dorm quickly, and I can pick up some spare clothes."

Shiro playfully grinned and added, "No worries, Nao-san. We'll wait for you. After all, it's the perfect way to end the day and relax before the real hustle and bustle of the semester."

Nao brightened at the words, "Can I invite my roommate too? " She asked.

"Of course, the more the merrier! " Yumi responded.

Nao was grateful for her friend's understanding and willingness to accommodate her sudden change of plans. With renewed enthusiasm, they made their way back to the dormitory. The walk was filled with laughter and cheerful chatter, washing away any lingering anxieties from the first day of the semester.

"Takane-san, I'm back! " She burst open the front door of her dorm, surprising Ema in the process.

"Oh, welcome back, Naoko-san."

"You seemed lively. Did something good happen? " Ema asked, leaning in her chair to glance at Nao.

"Ehehe, how did you know~? " Her face stretched with grins.

Ema smiles and thinks. She looks like an idiot.

"It's written all over your face. " Ema remarked.

"Hehe, I can't help it! "

"Oh yeah, Takane-san, do you want to go to the bathhouse with me and my classmates?" Nao asked.

"Hm, sure, if they don't mind me intruding. "

"I already asked, and they'd be happy if you could come. "

"Then I'll gladly take you on that offer. "

They continued to the bathhouse after Nao picked up her spare clothes.

"Hey guys! I'm done, let's go. " Nao exclaimed, walking out from the girl's dormitory building.

"Wait! Before that, aren't you forgetting something? " Yumi asked, gazing at the tall figure behind Nao.

Nao tilted her head in confusion, not quite getting it, glanced in the direction Yumi was looking, and finally got it. "Oh! This is my roommate, Ema Takane. " She responded, her palms directed towards Ema, the figure behind her.

"Takane-san, this girl is

"It's nice to meet you all. " Ema said.

As they entered the bathhouse, the soothing ambiance enveloped them.

The waft from the wooden structure created a cozy feeling.

"See you later, Kuro! " Shiro said, parting from her twin, who went in the men's bath.

After they quickly changed into the towels, the girls headed inside the shower area, where the hot steam of the water enveloped the room.

"This feels heavenly~ " Nao expressed.

She felt her worries melt away as she soaked herself, replaced by a sense of tranquility and relaxation.

"I couldn't agree more. " Yumi said, leaning back inside the bath.

"I can feel my soul healing! " Shiro exclaimed, jumping up from the bath.

"Calm down, Shiro! " Yumi scolded.

"The two of you seem close. Did you go to the same middle school?" Ema asked as she settled into the warm bath, the steam swirling around her.

"No, we went to different middle schools but were childhood friends," Yumi replied, smiling at Ema.

"We've known each other for as long as I can remember. Our families live in the same neighborhood, and we've been inseparable ever since."

Ema nodded, understanding the deep bond between the friends. "That's wonderful. It's nice to see such close friendships."

"Take this! "

Shiro playfully splashed water at Nao and Ema, starting a silly water fight. Laughter filled the bathhouse as they released their stress.

After their bath, they wrapped themselves in fresh towels and headed to the changing area. As they dressed, preparing to leave, Ema warmly smiled at Nao's friends.

"Thank you for letting me join you today. It was a wonderful way to relax and get to know everyone. I appreciate your kindness," Ema said, genuinely grateful for the warm welcome she received.

Yumi beamed and draped an arm around Ema's shoulders. "You're part of our group now, Ema-san. We're looking forward to more days like this together."

Feeling content and surrounded by friends, Nao looked at Ema with a grateful expression. She had been welcomed into Class 1-A with open arms, and her roommate was now a part of her group of friends. There's no way, she wouldn't be happy.

As their day at the bathhouse ended, the group walked back to the dorms, carrying the warmth and camaraderie that had developed on the first day of the semester.