
A visit from an uninvited soul [{Highschool Dxd X Kiyotaka Ayanokōji}]

This Story is my very own Fan-Fic that came to my mind....Yeah it's mine.....Yeah..... This story starts off with a boy named Kiyotaka Ayanokōji from the popular anime/Manga/Light novel series Classroom of the elite who finds himself waking up in a world totally different from his own, in this new world Ayanokōji eventually meets with the main protagonists of the new world nonother than the protagonists from the popular anime/manga series Highschool DxD. Soon after Ayanokōji and rest of the house of Gremory meets each other's acquaintances they embark on some comical, dramatic, suspenseful and heartbreaking adventures causing each and everyone of them to remember each moment that took place when they were together forever.... I made this so U will Likeee....

Jayden_Swartz · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
16 Chs

Strange visit

At Kuoh Academy

In the middle of class during third period, Issei seems to be sleeping through class with the teacher not even realising. Ayanokōji on the other hand notices Issei laying face down in the middle of class so he starts poking his back trying to wake him up, but all of his attempts find no success, he starts quickly calling out his name but to no avail does he get even a reaction

Ayanokōji: *Sigh* (Well that's what happens when you go all out the day before you gotta wake up early, pretty careless I might say)

Ayanokōji thinks to himself

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding* (The school bell goes off)

Ayanokōji packs his items into his bag then gets up to leave, but he first tries another attempt of waking Issei

Ayanokōji: "Hey Issei, wake up, Hey"

Issei: zzzz....

Ayanokōji: (Hold on I have an Idea) "Hey Issei, I just saw the whole girl's locker room walking outside with no clothes"

Issei: zzzz....

Ayanokōji: (What the....he didn't react to it even a little, he must be totally out of it)

Zenovia: "Hey Ayanokōji!"

Ayanokōji hears his name being called so he turns around and sees Zenovia, Irina and Asia walking towards him

Asia: "Hey Ayanokōji what are you up to?"

Ayanokōji: Hey, don't mind me I'm just trying to wake Issei up with the best tricks I got, but none seems to be working

Zenovia: "Oh, well have you tried telling him in his ear that their's a bunch of naked girls roaming around the school, because that's what we usually say to wake him up?"

Ayanokōji: "Yeah I tried that, but he's still not responding"

Irina: "Oh really!!?? Wow than he must be totally out"

Ayanokōji: "Yeah that's exactly what I thought, that's why I'm giving up, you guys can try waking him up instead, I'm have to meet somebody right now, see ya later"

Ayanokōji tells Zenovia, Asia and Irina as he exits the classroom

Ayanokōji begins walking around the sports field area behind the wired fence, he then notices Kiba running laps around the track while crowds of female audiences cheer him on from the spectator seats.

Ayanokōji: (Gotta say, Kiba sure knows how to work a crowd)

Ayanokōji thinks to himself

As Ayanokōji turns the another direction he notices Akeno sitting under a nearby tree in the shade, Ayanokōji then get's flashbacks to the previous night's dramatic events

Ayanokōji: *Sigh* (Well that sure was something interesting, I think it's time to address that matter with her while there's still time)

Ayanokōji walks towards Akeno in hopes of negotiating with her over last night's occurrence while she's currently sober and more rational.

Ayanokōji then taps Akeno on the shoulder causing her to break her gaze, she turns around and sees Ayanokōji.

Akeno: "Oh, Hey Ayanokōji, you need something?"

Akeno curiously asks Ayanokōji

Ayanokōji: "Not anything in particular but I do need to discuss about last night's event that took place"

Akeno: "Huh, wh- why do you wanna talk about that? I was drunk and just flat out childish"

Ayanokōji: (Do you think I believe that?) Oh really??, well I do believe that you were somewhat under the influence Akeno, but even then you acted more sober than the rest of last night's participants, as a matter of fact, what I heard from Mikami is that you barely stumbled over any of your words and that every line you asked her sounded almost strategically planned"

Akeno: (What?! Mikami told him everything!!??) "Well i- it wasn't strategically planned, I was just asking her those questions because I was curious, that's a-"

Ayanokōji: "Akeno how do you really feel about me?"

Akeno gets stunned by a question that Ayanokōji asked her that seemingly came out of the blue

Akeno: (What???, where did that come from? wh- why is he asking me this? This doesn't makes sense, what do I say to him?)

Akeno asks herself as her mind jumps through hoops on end

Ayanokōji: "Mikami told me that she asked you a question in hopes of finding a reason why you were interrogation her about me, she asked you if you and I were a couple, mysteriously then you started to lose your- as Mikami explained to me, your calm and focused tone, you suddenly began to stutter and take long pauses, strange doesn't that sounds familiar Akeno?"

Akeno: (Familiar?? What is he talking abou- *suddenly gets flashbacks* I-its true, I don't know why but everytime the topic is about him I always seem to freeze or lose focus, but I can't admit that to him)

Ayanokōji: "Akeno, I need you to be honest with me, however I'm not forcing you to answer, how do you really feel about me?"

Akeno still pauses for a few more seconds before answering

Ayanokōji: (She's doing it again, and I bet she doesn't realise it, well that proves she really does)

Akeno: "Ayanokōji, I- I, I don't really know, it's hard to explain right now"

Ayanokōji: (Exactly the answer I was expecting) "Well than, I guess we'll just have to leave it at that, I don't need to hear more from you, sorry for asking in the first place"

Ayanokōji tells Akeno

Akeno: (He caught me so off guard, Ayanokōji what's wrong with you?)

Ayanokōji: "Anyways, I'm done with what I came here for, I'll see you later Akeno"

Ayanokōji says as he turns around readying himself to leave

Akeno: (He's walking away, but, w-why do I feel like calling out to him?)

Akeno then gets another flashback to when Ayanokōji saved her from Echion and when she stubbornly denied helping Ayanokōji find the bathroom

Akeno: (These memories, why are they always popping up at these moments? wait was I being rude to Ayanokōji because I was, Jealous..? That- it- it can't be, there has to be another reason, yet, that reason seems to be the only that makes sense)

Akeno confusedly thinks to herself

Akeno: 'Ayanokōji WAIT!!"

Ayanokōji then stops and turns around as her hears Akeno calling out to him

Akeno: "if you don't mind you can still sit next to me for a while, we are on our break afterall, it'd be nice to have you around"

Akeno embarrassed invites Ayanokōji.

Ayanokōji still straight faced looks at Akeno

Ayanokōji: "Sure, I Don't mind"

Ayanokōji then sits next to Akeno on the green grass

A few minutes then goes by as Ayanokōji and Akeno sit in silence while they watch the students playing a peaceful game of soccer

Suddenly Akeno brings up an interesting question

Akeno: "Ayanokōji, in your whole life, have you ever felt like their was something, or someone very important missing"

Akeno asks Ayanokōji.

Ayanokōji just continues looking forward at the students

Ayanokōji: (It seems what I asked her still plays a part in her current question) "Yeah I have, but I actually felt the feeling your talking about recently after I joined this school and I'm still hoping that the day we finally unite will be the day we'll be together forever"

Akeno is almost brought to tears by Ayanokōji's almost poetic answer, her thoughts begin trying to solve the riddle that Ayanokōji just set up for her to try and figure out if he's talking about her or some other mysterious person.

*DING* *DING* *DING* (The school bell goes off)

The bell rings for intervel to conclude

Ayanokōji get's up from his seated position then stretches out his hand to Akeno, Akeno looks Ayanokōji in his calm eyes as she is holding out her hand to grab his and begins feeling senses of peace, confusion and warmth.

As Ayanokōji pulls her up he tells her that he's heading back to class and wishes her fair well, Akeno wishes Ayanokōji fair well as he heads off

Akeno then suddenly feels a sense of warmth spreading through her chest as she puts her hand to her heart

Akeno: "Ayanokōji, it has to be you, I don't know why but it is, my feeling don't lie, I don't know what's going on in your head but I hope your head is racing with same thoughts as mine"

Akeno confesses in her inner monologue.

As Ayanokōji enters the classroom much to his expectancy he sees Issei still out and about sleeping on his desk, the rest of the students are entering the class with the teacher not far behind them, not wanting Issei to be scolded for sleeping in class the whole day Ayanokōji then hits him in the ribcage

Issei than instantly jolts awake with a sudden shock traveling through his entire body, he than quickly starts favouring his ribcage while he is softly grunting in pain of the sudden shock

Issei: *Softly Grunts* Ayanokōji?? What the hell did you do that for that seriously hurt!!!

Issei tells Ayanokōji in anguish

Ayanokōji: "My bad, it's just I've tried to wake you up using simple jesters like poking your back and calling out your name all morning and you didn't seem to budge, so I decided that a little force might bring better results, which in your case, it did"

Ayanokōji calmy responds to Issei.

Issei still remains angry at Ayanokōji

Issei: "Bullsh*t, what you call "a little force" is actually making my ribcage ache

Ayanokōji: (Wait, did I really hurt him that much?) "Hey Issei, try using your finger to poke on the ribcage that hurts the most"

Ayanokōji politly advises to Issei

Issei thinking that Ayanokōji might be mocking him then starts scolding at him, Ayanokōji tries signalling to Issei to calm down and that he's not trying to mock him and is actually trying to help and make sure he isn't seriously hurt but Issei still angrily interrupts Ayanokōji's help recommendation

The teacher then shouts at Ayanokōji and Issei to settle down and for Ayanokōji to take his seat so the class can commence.

Ayanokōji knowing that he's only attracting unnecessary attention to himself then wisely takes his seat behind Issei.

During math period as the teacher is tutoring the class on how to solve the Pythagorean theorem, a somewhat faint sense of evil temporarily grabs Ayanokōji's attention

Ayanokōji: (Huh? That aura?)

he tries concentrating on this strange aura that's grabbing his attention but he doesn't sense it again

*DING* *DING* *DING* (The school bell goes off)

The bell rings and the students head out for break, Ayanokōji taps Issei on his right shoulder and asks him if he felt the same faint aura he felt just a moment ago. Issei looks at Ayanokōji with a nervous look on his face,

Issei: "Yeah I felt it, even though it was very faint, it still felt very strong"

Ayanokōji: "Issei correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't that aura we felt contain both angelic and demonic energy?"

Ayanokōji asks Issei.

Issei: "I'm afraid your right Ayanokōji, and it doesn't give me a good feeling either"

They both suddenly get interupted by Xenovia, Irina and Asia who approaches them with faces that are just as concerned as Issei's.

Asia: "Did you guys feel that?"

Asia asks with concern in her voice.

Issei: "How could we not, it's so disturbingly irritating?"

Ayanokōji: "Yeah we felt it alright; it's kinda hard not to feel that"

Ayanokōji also responds.

Xenovia: "Looks like all of us felt it, Rias and the others must have as well"

Xenovia tells everyone

Irina: "Whatever that is, it sure isn't human and it couldn't possibly be a normal fallen angel"

Irina nervously states.

Issei: "Well wherever that strange aura is coming from I sure as hell don't think it's here for a friendly visit"

The group's little discussion get's put to a stop when Kiba enters the classroom

Kiba: Hey guys, The president has ordered everyone to immediately head to the clubhouse so we can discuss about the strange aura we felt

Without a second to waste everyone hurriedly walks towards the clubhouse.

When they arrive they notice that Akeno, Koneko and Rossweisse are already part of the meeting.

Once everyone got seated Rias addresses to everyone the matter why they all are currently here

Ayanokōji:"Rias, do you have any clue on what it was that everyone felt?"

Ayanokōji asks Rias

Rias with a very hesitant look explains

Rias: Yes I have a clue, as a matter fact, I know exactly who it is, the aura we all just felt came from one of the deities from to the underworld....his name is Diomedes also know as the Holy Devil

The whole room than immediately gets filled with apprehension

Asia: A holy what??

Xenovia: President did you say Holy Devil???

Issei: What the heck is that?? A devil that's holy??

Everyone curiously wonders what the meaning of this holy devil is Rias is speaking of

Rias then takes a deep breath and explain to everyone it's existence

Rias: "Diomedes otherwise known as the Holy Devil, is a deity that controls both the peaceful and destructive power of a high class holy angel and the raw and destructive power of a high class devil, My brother introduced me to him for the first time at a ceremony in the underworld when I was very young, even then I was terrified by his aura, but the strange thing about him is that he's one of the most beautiful deities in all of the underworld and on earth.

Diomedes's strength as I heard surpasses that of the three great dragon emperors Albion, Crom Cruach and even Ddraig's strength combined"

The whole room instantly silences, as a look of shock, disbelief and fear appears on everyone's faces

Till Ddraig, Issei's partner and the red dragon emperor finally breaks the silence

Ddraig: "Yes that's true, this guy is on another level that I couldn't even scratch with my true form"

Ayanokōji: (That voice must be coming from Issei's hand, so he must be the great dragon emperor just as Asia told me)

Ayanokōji thinks to himself

Akeno: "Ddraig, why do you think Diomedes is here on earth right now?"

Ddraig: "it's tough to say, Diomedes being technically invincible, can be here for any reason, but what I do know is that Diomedes usually only shows up if someone called him out, but my guesses on who might be that foolish is limited"

Issei: "What!! somebody called him out, why the hell is he here than, that dumbass that called him out is trying to get us all killed"

Akeno: "Which is why we should try finding Diomedes and the person responsible for calling him out, if that's even the case?"

Rossweisse: "Rias, doesn't Sirzechs know anything about this? has he tried contacting you yet?"

Rias: "Unfortunately no Rossweisse, but even if he did know Diomedes's reasons for coming to the Earth, I'd have no doubts he'd still inform me about it"

Asia: "Maybe the reason nobody has said anything, is because Diomedes is only on earth to just stroll around instead of causing trouble, the underworld can be a very boring place sometimes *nervous laugh* "

Asia says with a nervous voice

Ddraig: "I doubt that's the reason for his strange visit, Diomedes is a very focused warrior, things like enjoying the scenery isn't like him"

Rias: "I agree, Even if that was the case, he'd obviously be looking for me and it wouldn't take him long to find out where I am"

Issei: Wait, What!! Why would he be looking for you Rias??

Issei asks Rias in a curious and concerned voice

Rias: "I'm sorry I never told you this Issei but, Diomedes used to frequently visit me in the underworld and always told me that when I had finally married Riser, he would kill him and take me for himself, but luckily You came along Issei and prevented me from marrying Riser while also saving his life. After that day I never heard anything from Diomedes again, so then I chose to keep his existence silent to everyone after he so suddenly disappeared"

Rias explains to everyone

Everyone including Issei is in shock of what they are hearing

Issei: "So that explains why you so desperately didn't want to marry him, you wanted to save his life"

Ddraig: "Whatever the reason may be, there's still a chance Diomedes is only here to start trouble, so we need to pinpoint his location to find out his reason ourselves"

Asia: "But what if he sees us as a threat and tries to attack us"

Issei: "I won't let that happen, if that assh*le even tries laying a finger on you I'll kill him where he stands, using my full power if I have to"

Rias: "Issei don't be stupid, I know care very much about Asia and the rest of us but didn't you just listen to what I just said, Diomedes is stronger than Ddraig himself in his true form and Ddraig's power alone eclipses your own, we need to think rationally about this before we just spring into an onslaught"

Issei than just sits quietly in frustration and with a feeling of helplessness

Kiba: "So President Rias, what's the move??"

Kiba asks Rias

Rias: (Since we're talking about Diomedes, we certainly can't just bring along more recruitments, he might think we're trying to start a battle) "We have to immediately go to Diomedes's location"


Things are starting to switch up from now on, so be ready....

New character Introduction: Diomedes

enjoooooy reading