
A visit from an uninvited soul [{Highschool Dxd X Kiyotaka Ayanokōji}]

This Story is my very own Fan-Fic that came to my mind....Yeah it's mine.....Yeah..... This story starts off with a boy named Kiyotaka Ayanokōji from the popular anime/Manga/Light novel series Classroom of the elite who finds himself waking up in a world totally different from his own, in this new world Ayanokōji eventually meets with the main protagonists of the new world nonother than the protagonists from the popular anime/manga series Highschool DxD. Soon after Ayanokōji and rest of the house of Gremory meets each other's acquaintances they embark on some comical, dramatic, suspenseful and heartbreaking adventures causing each and everyone of them to remember each moment that took place when they were together forever.... I made this so U will Likeee....

Jayden_Swartz · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
16 Chs

Serious explanation and Serious mishaps

I did it, I finally did it, I killed him, he's dead so that means everything will be alright from here, right...Right?.....But why, why can't I still not ignore the feeling that it- it isn't over yet??


Back at Kuoh Academy in the clubhouse after school, the Gremory team are having a meeting to discuss what they witnessed Ayanokōji pulled off with his one sided battle against Diomedes

Everyone seems to be in their seated position or either standing, curiously waiting for a confession to be heard from Ayanokōji

Rias: "Ayanokōji, I bet you can already read the room as you look around and understand what's on everyone's mind, so please do what you think is needed"

Rias Indirectly tells Ayanokōji to give his confession

Ayanokōji first starts looking around the room and sees that everyone is looking at him with great curiosity and confusion, so he takes a deep breath and tells his confession on how he was able to defeat Diomedes so easily

Ayanokōji: "President Rias, do you remember the time I told you that I had a sacred gear, well that's what I used to easily defeat Diomedes"

Rias then gets a flashback to when Ayanokōji mysteriously told her about him also having a sacred gear and that he'd reveal it to everyone when needed

But for the rest of the group who never knew Ayanokōji had a sacred gear in the first place, they all showed suprised and curious faces with thousands of questions surfacing the back of their minds

Issei: "No way Ayanokōji!! you had a sacred gear all along and never told us about it!!?? And what's this I'm hearing Rias already knows, am I missing something here??"

Koneko: "That's not important now Issei, What's important now is that you explain to us how this sacred Gear of yours work Ayanokōji"

Kiba: "Yeah that's true, if this sacred gear of yours is that power that It could kill a deity like Diomedes who can overpower all three the great dragon emperors combined with ease than your gonna have to explain it to us Ayanokōji, because I never heard of such a thing"

Everyone seems to be with the idea of Ayanokōji giving them an explanation on how his mysterious sacred gear works

Ayanokōji: (Well, no way out of this one, guess I gotta feed the minds of curious) *exhale* "My sacred gear is called the ultra advanced multiplier, and it can be activated by using this watch I'm wearing"

(Ayanokōji says as he rolls up his sleeve revealing that he is indeed wearing a watch that seems like any other normal watch)

Ayanokōji: "When the watch is activated, it multiplies all the user's senses, power and speed by 10 000, this helps me to notice things that the normal human or Devil can't, allowing me to gain a great advantage over my opponents, one mayor benefit for this sacred gear of mine, is that it can be detached from me, but it'll only work on me and none else"

Ayanokōji explains to the group of his unique sacred gear

Even after Ayanokōji explained the abilities of his sacred gear, everyone still seemed curious and Rias decided to act on that curiosity

Rias: "Well I do admit Ayanokōji that your sacred gear is unlike anything I've heard of, but that's the thing, I've never heard of your sacred gear before, could you please explain to me who the maker or original owner of this sacred gear is that your carrying, or at least tell me about its past"

As Ayanokōji now glares around the room, he than notices everyone staring at him with even more curios faces, as if what Rias asked him was on there mind aswey

Ayanokōji: "I'm sorry I have to bring all your curiosity to a halt like this, but I don't know anything about its past, all I know is that I was born with the capability to harness its power, an old woman from a village I came from told me that the watch never had a owner before me and that I was the only one worthy for it, the old lady than died a week later, than after I transferred to this school, I heard news that the entire village was burned down"

This tragic news shocks the entire group

Rias then pities Ayanokōji for his tragic story

But Ayanokōji informs Rias that he'd already move on from the news and that no one had to show pity to him

Ayanokōji's strong ability to move on than causes Rias to smirk

Rias: "Okay Ayanokōji, I guess we're done for today, we should be heading out now"

Rias says finally putting they're meeting to a close


While everyone now walks the route to their homes, everyone starts having conversations with each other

But Ayanokōji seemed to be lacking a bit behind the group and just looks to the stars

Rossweisse, who was first talking with Rias and Akeno than notices Ayanokōji lacking behind and seemingly gazing to the stars, she then cuts her conversation short with Rias and Akeno than also heads to the back of the group to approach Ayanokōji

As Ayanokōji looks up at the beautiful night sky he than feels a slight tugging on his arm, he faces down and sees Rossweisse looking at him with a friendly smile

Ayanokōji: "Hey Rossweisse what's up, is there anything you wanna talk about?"

Ayanokōji asks with Rossweisse in his usual monotone voice

Rossweisse: "Its just- I'm still in shock of me witnessing how you killed Diomedes, and from what I overheard, you killed him in the same way he held Akeno, that's pretty crazy if you ask me"

Rossweisse says as she chuckles a little

Ayanokōji: "I did what the monster deserved, in no way do I believe that a man should treat a lady like that, even if your some kind of all powerful god, men must remain by strict principles"

Ayanokōji says

Rossweisse suddenly takes a liking to Ayanokōji's words

Rossweisse: "Well you sure are wise Ayanokōji *chuckle* but still, going that far for Akeno was pretty sweet of you"

Rossweisse says as she chuckles

Ayanokōji: "I'd also go that far you too Rossweisse, if it comes down for it"

Ayanokōji nonchalantly says

Rossweisse immediately starts blushing as she gets flustered by Ayanokōji's sudden statement

Rossweisse: "Huh!!? Ayanokōji!! Don't say stuff like that so suddenly!

Rossweisse tells Ayanokōji with embarrassment

Yet Ayanokōji still continues on with what he said

Ayanokōji: "Sorry, I just thought it would be best that I at least let you know that I care about you"

Rossweisse than feels as her heart skips a beat from what she is hearing coming out of Ayanokōji's mouth

Rossweisse: "Really?? I mean, w-what do you mean when you say you care about me??"

Rossweisse asks as she stutters mid sentence

Ayanokōji: "Huh? What you mean what I mean? Its just as it sounds I care about you, you and I might not know much about each other but that still doesn't blind me from the fact that you have a great personality"

Every word that seems to be coming from Ayanokōji's mouth seems to be making Rossweisse's heart beat faster and faster

Rossweisse: "A-Ayanokōji come on stop it already, don't just casually say these things to me, what about Akeno?"

Rossweisse tells Ayanokōji as her face is turning boiling red

Ayanokōji: "Huh? What about Akeno?

Ayanokōji asks Rossweisse

Rossweisse: "Aren't you and Akeno like, starting to get really close or something?"

Ayanokōji: "Yeah we are starting to get close and I do love her company but if your asking it as if we're dating I can assure you that we're not there yet"

Rossweisse's eyes all of a sudden lights up as she then nods her head in understanding

As the group continues there walk Ayanokōji all of a sudden tells the group that he'll be taking a longer way to his home than tells everyone goodnight and leaves

As Ayanokōji is walking a now different direction as he usually does, he then hears Kiba shouting his name from behind to which he immediately stops, he turns around and sees Kiba running towards him

When Kiba finally got to him, he then asks Ayanokōji if his sacred gear is the only thing he relies on when he's in the midst of battle

Ayanokōji responds by saying

Ayanokōji: "If it were to be a very overwhelming opponent, then yes I would have to rely on the watch"

Kiba than asks Ayanokōji if he had fought any humans or Devils in the past

Ayanokōji than denies having any sort altercation with anyone and asks Kiba why he's curious

Kiba then questions Ayanokōji on a interesting topic

Kiba: "I'm only asking because that day when we sparred together you and I seemed to rival each other at strength but as I look back to that time I never saw even one glimpse of you wearing a watch"

Kiba tells Ayanokōji sounding curious and suspicious of him

Ayanokōji: "Your indeed right about that Kiba I wasn't wearing my watch that day, but the reason I rivaled you at strength and speed was because even though I never had any real combat experience, I did study in martial arts and never skipped a day of training after I left martial arts"

Kiba: "Really!? But there's noway that martial arts could have made you so strong and fast as you are now, I've heard of a lot of martial artists yet I never seen one move anything quite like you"

Ayanokōji: "Like I said, I never skipped a day of training after I left, so it would only be natural for me to be nimble when in combat"

Kiba than nods his head in understanding to what Ayanokōji has just explained to him

Ayanokōji asks Kiba if there still is something he wants to ask him to which Kiba responds that he doesn't

Ayanokōji then waves Kiba a goodnight than heads to his house, when he arrives at his home he goes inside his bathroom and starts splashing water in his face

Ayanokōji then looks at his reflection in the mirror and asks him a burning question

"What do I do now??"


The Next Day

Ayanokōji sits in his desk by the window and gazes out the window when hears his name

"Hey Ayanokōji!"

Ayanokōji turns and sees Asia standing next to him with a nervous and gentle smile on her face

Ayanokōji: "Hey Asia, how's it going"

Ayanokōji asks Asia

Asia: "It's been pretty good with me, how bout yourself"

Asia politly asks Ayanokōji

Ayanokōji: "Can't complain either really, is there anything you wanna talk about Asia?"

Asia starts slowly rubbing on her arm as to show that she's nervous

Asia: "I-, I just wanted to thank you for yesterday, you came through for us when it looked like we weren't going to pull through"

Asia thanks Ayanokōji

Ayanokōji: "You don't need to thank me Asia, I only did what I signed up to do, really it's no need"

Asia: "Still I do believe that you saving us deserves a reward, so if there's anything you need from me, anything at all, I won't hesitate to help you with it"

Ayanokōji: (This is a rather strange reward, let's see how far you really would go to keep your word) "Really Asia? Well then, I need your help with a situation on my cheek"

Asia: "Huh, Situation on your cheek? What's the matter?"

Ayanokōji: "It's been feeling really uncomfortable lately and my doctor told me that the only way to cure the problem is to let a cute girl kiss it"

Ayanokōji's request causes confusion for Asia for a few seconds till she fully realises that Ayanokōji's request involved her kissing his cheek, this than makes Asia turn red in the face

Asia: "K-K-Kiss you on the cheek, l-like right now!?"

Ayanokōji: "Yeah that's about it, as we speak my cheek is really starting to make me feel uncomfortable"

Asia: "But what if someone sees us?"

Ayanokōji: "Don't worry Asia, it'll be quick, it'll be like a peck on the cheek but make sure not to go too fast"

Asia starts looking around to make sure no one is looking at them

Asia: "Okay Ayanokōji here I come"

Asia then closes her eyes and starts moving in closer towards Ayanokōji to kiss his cheek

Ayanokōji: (Just as I thought, she's really going through with this)

The moment Asia kisses Ayanokōji on his cheek a girl in the back of the Classroom than calls her out on what's she's doing

???: "Hey guys look! Asia's Kissing Ayanokōji!

Ayanokōji: (I should've known this would happen, this can't end pretty)

Asia's eyes than widen in shock as her cheeks turn red from embarrassment

Asia than turns around and tries explaing herself but the gossiping has already started

"I never knew they were a couple"

One girl says

"They're both really quite, so I guess it makes sense"

Her friend replies

"I knew they were a couple, it's all in the way they act"

Another girl says

"I bet they're only good and behaved in school but when their alone, they probably have all sorts of freaky s*x and sh*t

The girl's friend says

Ayanokōji: (Well that one was really inappropriate)

Ayanokōji thinks to himself about the girl's inappropriate comment

Asia: "Now come on guys it's not anything like that I swear!!"

Asia tells the class, trying to reassure them

But Ayanokōji can already tell that the topic and it's rumours are now far out of their control


The bell for Intervel than rings

As Ayanokōji packs all his books in his bag he than feels a tap on his shoulder, as he turns around to see who it is, he than sees that it's Irina

Ayanokōji asks her if there's something she needs than Irina tells Ayanokōji in a serious and curious voice that she wants to talk with him

Irina than sits backwards

On the desk infront of Ayanokōji

Before Irina spoke, Ayanokōji seemed to notice that she looked a bit concerned

Irina: "Ayanokōji, tell me, Asia didn't really kiss you did she? be honest?"

Feeling as if he doesn't have any reason to lie Ayanokōji responds with

Ayanokōji: "Yeah she definitely did, but it isn't really her fault, she only did it as a "thank you" for saving her against Diomedes"

Irina: "Oh, so how did you feel after she kissed you?"

Ayanokōji: (Huh?? How did I feel?) "If your asking me if I felt somewhat aroused I can assure you I didn't, I only saw it as a friendly thank you from a friend"

Irina: "Really!?? That's great!!"

Ayanokōji: "What do you mean by that?"

Irina: "I mean- It's great your not like Issei who gets really lustful when he interacts with a woman"

Irina nervously says

Irina: "Anyways would mind walking with me around the school for a bit, It's been a month since you and I met and I still feel like we don't get to hang with each other enough"

Ayanokōji: "Sure sounds like a plan"

Irina and Ayanokōji began walking in different intersections of the school seemingly having normal conversations with each other as go along

They both than decide to sit on the grass under the Shade of the trees

Ayanokōji and Irina then starts having silly debates between which is more faster, Light or Dark

Once they're seemingly endless debate ended, Irina then changes the topic to a rather strange topic

Irina: "So Ayanokōji, now that I atleast know a handful of things about you, there's still something else I wanted to know about you, something important, what kind of girls would you say your into?

Ayanokōji: (Well that topic changed quickly) "I can't necessarily say, I've never been one to be picky, but if given the opportunity to choose, I guess I would like someone that's easy to talk to and has a very friendly and outgoing personality, eventhough I'm not very out going myself, but I still think it would be fun"

Irina: "Wow that's pretty nice to hear, it almost sounded like you were talking about me since we do easily communicate"

Irina says as she nervously laughs

Ayanokōji: "Hey Irina, I'm a bit confused on why you brought such a topic to the surface in the first place, is there something you wanna tell me?"

Ayanokōji nonchalantly asks

Irina: "Huh!? N-No I was just bringing up random topics, you ask like I'm up to something sketchy like indirectly flirting with you but I'm not I swear, we're just friends and I don't have any romantic feelings for you or anything!"

Ayanokōji: (I call bull on that and why did you suddenly start to stutter?) "Well do you mind if I put that to the test?"

Ayanokōji asks Irina with his calm and monotone voice

Irina: "Huh?? Ayanokōji what are you talking ab-"

Irina's questions then gets cut short as Ayanokōji suddenly grabs on Irina's thigh

Irina: "Ayanokōji Wait what are you doing!?"

Irina startely yells at Ayanokōji as her cheeks slowing becomes visible red, but Ayanokōji doesn't respond and just instead chooses to slowly move his hand up Irina's thigh

Irina: "A-Ayanokōji Stop! W-what are you doing this?"

Irina says as she uses her hands to cover her crotch area to prevent Ayanokōji from reaching there, while her whole cheek starts turning red

Ayanokōji notices this and decides to take it a step further by pushing Irina down by her shoulders and being on top of her

Both Ayanokōji and Irina now staring into one another's eyes with Irina's face now completely overblown red from embarrassment as she just looks at him speechless

Ayanokōji: "Irina, I'll ask you a few questions, you'll have three seconds to give me a straightforward answer without stuttering or taking long pauses, otherwise I'll just assume I'm right than proceed to the next question, correct me if I'm wrong, but you quote said, "we're just friends and that you don't have any romantic feelings for me or anything!" Is that right?"

Irina doesn't respond and still looks into Ayanokōji's eyes with embarrassment from the situation they are in

Ayanokōji: "Earlier today, you approached me with a rather sad and disappointed expression and asked if Asia had Kissed me, tell me, was what happened in class the reason for your expression?

Irina than finally decides to wanna answer

Irina: "A-Ayanokōji I- it wasn't-"

Ayanokōji: "On to the next question"

Ayanokōji says as he cuts Irina short

Ayanokōji: "In class you indirectly asked me whether or not I felt aroused by Asia kissing me on the cheek, strangely when I told you no you quote said, "Really!?? That's great!!", a rather strange response from someone who doesn't see me other than a friend but I am inclined to change the way I look at it if you tell me otherwise"

Irina: "Ayanokōji wait please-"

Ayanokōji: on to the next question

Ayanokōji says as he once again cuts Irina's sentence short

Ayanokōji: "Just a moment ago, you suddenly brought up a topic that involved me describing what I would consider my type of woman be, tell me, was it all just to find out if my type of girl would me you? it's really hard for me to ignore that, since we've been talking for a while and never once did we involve any romantic interests in our discussions, but I'll let you in on a secret before I ask my next question, the girl I was describing was you"

Irina than feels her heart skip a beat as it suddenly like everything her has gone quiet

Irina: (Really!?? Wh-Why me?)

Ayanokōji: "Are you gonna skip this question by also admitting that I'm right?'

Irina just nods her head from embarrassment and indirectly admitting that Ayanokōji's correct

Ayanokōji: "Now for my last question, since you weren't able to prove me wrong on the last 3 questions, now you have to be totally honest with me because I now have enough evidence if you give me a false answer, this time I'll hear you out even if you stutter or take a long pauses, Irina, How do you really feel about me??"

Once again Irina can't help but feel her heart skip a beat and the whole go silent all of sudden

Irina: "A-Ayanokōji, I-I really-"

"Oh my God what are you two doing!?"

Just as Irina was about to respond to Ayanokōji's question they both suddenly look up after hearing a girl with a very shocked tone ask them what they were doing

But upon looking up, Irina's heart immediately drops as she now sees probably over 50 female and male students standing around them in shock

Ayanokōji: (Well this isn't good, It seems there's an audience, no way of excusing ourselves out of this one, I'll just have to take Irina and leave)

But before Ayanokōji could execute his plan he than hears a familiar voice behind him

"What on Earth are you two doing?"

Ayanokōji turns and faces the person than sees that it's Koneko and Akeno

Irina: "W-Wait guys I promise it's not what you think!!"

Koneko: "It looks like you and Ayanokōji are about to get intimate"

Koneko says

Irina: "No no no, its not that, it was an accident"

As Irina tries explaining the situation, she stops as she hears students begin to talk amongst each other

"Oh my god look isn't that Irina?"

"Yeah it is, but I don't know who the other boy is, he must be her boyfriend"

"Are they doing the nasty on school grounds? That's so weird"

"Hey guys, isn't that Ayanokōji that's on top of Irina, didn't he just make out with Asia?"

"I never knew Ayanokōji was such a playboy"

Ayanokōji: (It seems I have officially ruined my reputation just cause I wanted to seduce my answers out of Irina)

The interval bell than goes off signalling the end of break

The students then start walking back to class while they're gossiping about what they witnessed

Ayanokōji than stands up and pulls Irina upright while also apologizing to her

Irina tells Ayanokōji that he doesn't need to apologize to her than leaves for class aswell

Ayanokōji: (She must be real upset now)

Ayanokōji thinks to himself

Koneko: "Hey Ayanokōji, you'd better hope Rias never hears of you pulling a move on Irina, which she probably will"

Ayanokōji: "Come on Koneko, you don't really believe that I would do something like that"

Koneko: "Not sure, but I do hope it was all just an accident"

Ayanokōji: (Well I wouldn't call it a accident since I purposefully went for it)

Ayanokōji then looks to Akeno and notices that she seems unfaced by the entire situation

Ayanokōji: "I'm gonna get going to class now, see you two later"

Ayanokōji says as she walks away to class

Once Ayanokōji was out of sight Koneko than looks to Akeno and sees her seemingly unfaced expression

Koneko: "Akeno, your hurt aren't you?"

Akeno's almost expressionless face than suddenly begins creaking as Koneko's words startle her

Koneko: "You tried shielding yourself before Ayanokōji because you didn't want him to know that what happened hurt you, don't even try denying it"

Akeno just stays silent as she looks away with a now somber expression

Koneko: "Whether you answer me or not, I know exactly how you feel, and I think you'd better talk to Ayanokōji about those feelings before you regret it"


In class

As Ayanokōji enters the Classroom he then quickly notices the room change as female students are now quietly talking to one another and the males in class are now weirdly staring at him

Ayanokōji: (Looks like I'm gonna be today's main topic)

Ayanokōji than tries taking another step towards his desk but he than gets pulled by the arm by someone dragging him outside the classroom

The person than pushes him against a wall, but than to Ayanokōji suprise he sees it's Rossweisse who has her hands on his shoulders as he's pressed up against the wall

Rossweisse intently stares Ayanokōji in his eyes while breathing very heavily as if she'd ran a long marathon

Rossweisse: "Ayanokōji, please don't tell me that the rumours are true"

Rossweisse asks Ayanokōji seemingly urgently desperate for an answer

Ayanokōji: (Why is she being so agressive about it, I'd expect this reaction from Rias if she'd heard the news but from Rossweisse, somethings off) "Yeah it's true, but can you calm down for a sec"

Rossweisse: "Calm Down!!?? How can I calm down when I'm hearing from other students that your some kind of playboy, as a teacher I cannot allow such actions, but as your friend it's really upsetting me!

Ayanokōji: "Huh? Upsetting you?"

Rossweisse than starts blushing as she realises that she said something that she didn't mean to let slip out

Rossweisse: "No, I-I didn't even, i-its nothing like that, you probably misheard heard me"

Ayanokōji: "But Rossweisse, your face is turning pink as I look at you"

This seems to startle and embarass Rossweisse even more because her face starts turning bright pink as starts even more tightly gripping onto Ayanokōji's shoulderblades

Rossweisse: "Ayanokōji no, y-you've got it all wrong, it's not what it seems!"

Rossweisse says very nervously

Ayanokōji than grabs onto Rossweisse's hands that are now painfully sinking into his shoulder blades and tells her to calm down

But he ends up accidentally startling Rossweisse to the point where she tries removing her hands from Ayanokōji's shoulder blades but it seemed that Ayanokōji still hasn't let go of her hands

Now in the position of a Romance Manga couple, Rossweisse than starts to feel as her heart begins beating in a rapid and uncontrollable pace

"Uh-hum, what's going on here?"

Ayanokōji and Rossweisse both slowly turns their head to the direction they hear the voice coming from

To both of their indefinite shock, everyone in class 3-B including Asia, Xenovia, Irina and Issei along with a few teachers and students in the hallway, see them both holding hands

Ayanokōji: (You have got to be kidding me!)

Rossweisse's blood turns cold knowing exactly what position she's in and what are on the other people's minds

Suddenly a girl from class 3-B speaks up

"So, are you two like- dating?"

Rossweisse than starts yelling at the girl for assumptions

Rossweisse: "W-what on earth are you talking about, I'm a teacher how dare you make assumptions that I have an affair with one of my students!"

"Well miss, that's probably because you and Ayanokōji are still holding hands"

Rossweisse starts feeling even more embarrassed and quickly removes her hand away from Ayanokōji's

And just as quick as Ayanokōji's last situation the gossip again began to start

"Oh my god, So miss Rossweisse is into young students now"

"Isn't this Ayanokōji's third time being caught intimate with a woman?"

"How does Ayanokōji keep pulling this off, is he really that great with woman"

One girl asks

"I don't know but I actually am impressed"

Her friend responds

Ayanokōji: (I can't believe how much is going wrong with my day, my luck must be on vacation or something)

Out of nowhere someone than knocks Ayanokōji on his head causing him to crouch down in pain, when he looks up he sees that It was Xenovia who hit him on the head

Xenovia: "Ayanokōji what the hell is wrong with you today, your suddenly spiralling out of control!"

Ayanokōji tries explaining the situation to Xenovia but he then again gets hit on his head, again causing him to crouch further down

This time when Ayanokōji looks up he sees that Issei was the one that hit him on the head

In other confusion he asks Issei Why he hit him, to which Issei responds

Issei: "The same reason why Xenovia hit you, your really going out wack all of a sudden Ayanokōji and why did you have to get Asia involved in all this!!??"

Ayanokōji: "I didn't intentionally mean to make things turn out that way for her, I swear"

All of a sudden one of the nearby teachers that was busy teaching his class yells for everyone to immediately head back to their classes because he's busy teaching

Almost in an instance, every student of class 3-B then enters back to class, with Ayanokōji, Irina, Asia, Xenovia and Issei following behind them

Ayanokōji finally takes his seat as what he planned an hour ago and than breathes a sigh of relief, but not without noticing stares from the girls in his class and the death strares from all the boys in class

Ayanokōji then readies himself for the day to speedily go by so it can all be over, but it seems as if the universe wasn't planning that Ayanokōji could catch his breath for long

The next moment Ayanokōji almost felt like flipping over his table as he now sees Rossweisse enter the classroom as she will be teaching civics to them

Ayanokōji also noticed that Rossweisse entered the class looking super uptight and nervous, probably the results of earlier's altercation

Rossweisse than very shakingly takes the piece of chalk and begins slowly righting on the board

But halfway through her writing on the board, students suddenly began asking questions

"Miss Rossweisse, how long have you and Ayanokōji been a thing?"

This causes Rossweisse to get starteld and accidentally drop her chalk piece, causing it to coincidentally roll to Ayanokōji's desk

Ayanokōji: (Why in the world did this piece of chalk roll my direction? This has got to be the most annoying coincidence I experienced in my life)

Another girl than speaks

"Ayanokōji aren't you gonna help the teach and pick up her chalk than bring it to her"

Ayanokōji: (Looks I have no other choice)

As Ayanokōji tries picking up the chalk he than gets stopped by Issei

Issei than insists that he'll pick it up for him than reaches down to pick up the chalk

But out of nowhere a book flying at high-speed hits Issei directly in the face, a girl than shouts

"We weren't talking about you perv, Ayanokōji should be the one to do it!!"

Ayanokōji then insists to Issei that he'll be pick the chalk so this all can be over quickly

He than reaches down and picks up the chalk than brings it to Rossweisse

Rossweisse than blushingly takes the chalk in embarrassment and thanks Ayanokōji

However to Rossweisse and Ayanokōji's extreme misfortune, one of the girl's in class noticed Rossweisse blushing

"OMG everyone did you guys see that, miss Rossweisse just blushed when Ayanokōji gave her the chalk!"

"So adorably romantic"

"You get em miss!"

The girls seem to be showing support towards Ayanokōji and Rossweisse but neither Rossweisse or Ayanokōji is having it

Rossweisse starts scolding the students for their inappropriate accusations while stuttering over her words

But unfortunately It looks like the students aren't gonna see it any other way and Ayanokōji already knows this, so he just goes to his desk in annoyance

Ayanokōji: (This day better be over soon)


The final bell than goes off and students begin exiting the Classroom

Ayanokōji lays with his head to his desk feeling really worn out since it's his first time since coming to this school that he'd been so worked up

Issei than starts tapping Ayanokōji on his back to figure out whether he's alive or not

Lucky for him Ayanokōji than lifts his head in response that he indeed is alive

Issei asks Ayanokōji what he thought about his day

To which Ayanokōji responds that all the attention completely wore him out

Issei starts Laughing at this and tells Ayanokōji that he'll have to get used to it since he'll be receiving such attention till he graduates

The news doesn't sit well with Ayanokōji so he lays his head down once again

They both than hear Xenovia calling out to them, telling them both that they need to leave

Issei nods in agreement than tells Ayanokōji that it's time for them to leave

Ayanokōji on the other hand had a different idea

Ayanokōji: "You guys can go without me, I'm- kinda not brave enough to face President Rias at the moment"

Issei than chuckles at what he is hearing but eventually respects Ayanokōji's choice knowing exactly what kind of person Rias can be

As Issei gets up and walks towards Xenovia, Irina and Asia, he informs them of Ayanokōji's decision to leave without him, that same moment Ayanokōji then peaks over his arm he rested on and noticed that Irina for just a moment glared at him with a kind of down in the dumps expression

Ayanokōji: (Irina- Don't tell me that You-)


After a while Ayanokōji finally sits up from his chair and exits the Classroom

As Ayanokōji looks up he then sees that it's already past noon and realises that he must have fallen asleep in class

As he's walking towards the school's entrance to exit the school he then sees someone standing by the gate in the shade who takes him by surprise, it's Akeno he sees

When Ayanokōji gets to her he then asks her if she was waiting for him the whole time

Akeno responds in a uncertain and nervous voice that she was

Confused Ayanokōji then asks her why she was waiting for him

Akeno doesn't respond and instead just tells him to walk with her for a bit

In complete silence, Ayanokōji and start walking in a different direction than their usual routes

Ayanokōji starts questioning himself on what Akeno's reasons may be for waiting for him for so long and ultimately deciding to just have a walk with her

Akeno than starts tightening her fist and inhales a deep breath

Akeno: "Ayanokōji, on the day you killed Diomedes, when I tried stopping you, you told me that I was too late and that the moment he layed a hand on me was the moment he needed to die, please give me a reason for what you said"

Akeno curiously asks

Ayanokōji: "Well that's pretty simple, it's because I care alot about you"

Akeno than gets slightly starteld to what Ayanokōji said

Akeno: "Well if I mean alot to you, then why did you do all those things today, if I ment alot to you then why did you let those things happen, didn't you think about how I might feel, didn't you think about how the person you say you care alot about might've felt when she saw you on top of one of her friends, I bet you didn't because I heard that you were getting Romantic with Rossweisse in the hallway, Ayanokōji be honest with me, how do you me? Or How do you think I feel about you?"

Ayanokōji gets starteld by Akeno's questions

Ayanokōji: "well, if I'm taking everything you said alone, to answer your second question, I would guess that you probably care more about me than you let on, but when it comes to answering your first question, than I'm afraid that I don't have an answer for you yet Akeno"

Akeno doesn't respond to Ayanokōji's answer and instead just starts smiling

Akeno: "Well your right about one thing Ayanokōji, I do care more about you than I let off, a lot more, so from now on just keep that in mind"

Akeno says as her mood seems to change to a more upbeat attitude

Both Ayanokōji and Akeno further walks down random routes until Akeno thought that she needed to be heading home, they then arrive at Issei's home than parts ways from there

As soon as Ayanokōji arrives at his home he than immediately collapses on his bed from fatigue

But before passing out in bed strange thoughts once again comes to his mind

"Today was really strange, I guess this is what happens to people who live normal lives, but unfortunately for me, I still don't think I can live a normal life yet"
