
A visit from an uninvited soul [{Highschool Dxd X Kiyotaka Ayanokōji}]

This Story is my very own Fan-Fic that came to my mind....Yeah it's mine.....Yeah..... This story starts off with a boy named Kiyotaka Ayanokōji from the popular anime/Manga/Light novel series Classroom of the elite who finds himself waking up in a world totally different from his own, in this new world Ayanokōji eventually meets with the main protagonists of the new world nonother than the protagonists from the popular anime/manga series Highschool DxD. Soon after Ayanokōji and rest of the house of Gremory meets each other's acquaintances they embark on some comical, dramatic, suspenseful and heartbreaking adventures causing each and everyone of them to remember each moment that took place when they were together forever.... I made this so U will Likeee....

Jayden_Swartz · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Cure found

Two days go by

Issei and his entourage are preparing themselves for yet another school day

Once everyone successfully got themselves dressed, Issei swings by Asia's room hoping that today would be the day that Asia would finally open her eyes

Issei opens her bedroom door just to sadly find her still laying unconscious, he starts feeling parts of himself slowly creaking with sadness as he slowly feels that all their efforts of helping Asia may be useless

Issei then slowly closes Asia's door, leaving her to hopefully recover on her own

Down stairs, Issei is met with mourning faces from Koneko, Rias, Rossweisse, Akeno, Zenovia and Irina.

"Issei, have gone into Asia's room yet to see if she's awake" (Irina asks hoping to get a positive answer)

Issei just puts his head and clenches his fists

"Yeah I was in her room, but she still isn't awake yet"

Issei's heartbreaking answer puts signs of worry and devastation on everyone's faces

Will Asia ever wake up, is there even a cure for her condition? Questions that surfaces everyone's minds.

"Guys I know we're all very devastated about Asia but unfortunately we still need to be heading to school because at the moment their's nothing we can do for her except mourn, we'll have a early meeting when the first bell for break goes off and discuss about her situation there" (Rias says with a helpless voice)

Rias's suggestion turns out to be the group's only option so they all agree to get moving

After a few minutes of silent and awkward walking, they arrive at school and head their seperate ways

Issei, Zenovia and Irina enters the classroom and heads to their assigned seat, but when Issei heads to his he notices that Ayanokōji again isn't in class, Issei asks his teacher if he'd seen Ayanokōji anywhere, to which the teacher replies that he didn't

Zenovia and Irina approaches Issei

"I notice that Ayanokōji isn't in class yet, it's strange that he keeps being absent" (Irina tells Issei)

"Ayanokōji better have a good reason for not being here before Rias finds out, because she doesn't take such academic absences lightly, especially now that he is part of the occult research club" (Zenovia says)

The teacher tells the class to take their seats because class is about to start, everyone abides and takes their seats,

After a few classes the bell goes off

Issei, Zenovia and Irina immediately head to the clubhouse as Rias had ordered

They arrive at the clubhouse and is welcomed by Rias

Slightly confused with the sudden meeting schedule, Kiba asks Rias if the meeting their currently holding is to discuss about Asia and her condition

With a sad look on her face Rias slowly nods her head

"Before we begin I notice that Ayanokōji isn't here with us right now, may I ask why he isn't here? I had already announced to him and Kiba that there would be a meeting as soon as break started, I'd like to know from you Issei, Zenovia and Irina why he isn't here since he is your classmate, did he have something better to do?" (Rias asks with curiosity)

Issei, Zenovia and Irina exchanges glances at each other knowing that the real reseaon for Ayanokōji's absence today

Zenovia decides that she'll be the one to inform Rias of Ayanokōji's absence but before she could say a word at that same moment Ayanokōji walks through the door and looked to be in a hurry as he quickly gasps for air,

"Sorry for being late (pant) my alarm didn't go off this morning so I overslept, I saw Zenovia, Irina and Issei enter the clubhouse at the last moment so I ran here" (Ayanokōji windedly excuses himself to Rias)

"You need to be a little more tidie Ayanokōji, I called you up to this meeting because this is a very dire situation that I felt you needed to be apart of since your part of my household"

"Sorry President, I'll be sure to make sure this never happens again" (Ayanokōji solemnly promises to Rias while taking a bow)

"If I may ask what is this meeting about that your highness would just so suddenly announce" (Ayanokōji still asks Rias while still being a bit winded)

"The reason for this meeting might come as a bit of a suprise to you Ayanokōji because it's something I forgot to inform you about earlier, so I'd advise you to please sit down"

Ayanokōji abides to what Rias says and takes a seat

"By the way I notice that Asia isn't currently in the room right now, and correct me if I'm wrong she wasn't last week here either, is she sick or something?" ( Ayanokōji curiously asks Rias as he looks around the room)

Rias looks at Ayanokōji with a somber facial expression

"Your right Ayanokōji, Asia wasn't here last week and she's not gonna be here today, as a matter of fact this meeting is about her"

'Huh? Has something happened to her president??" (Ayanokōji asks with his voice filled with curiosity and concern)

"I'm afraid we don't know exactly what happened to her, all we know is that one day we went to wake her up because she was sleeping in again, but it still was nothing too serious, Asia told us that she'd been secretly sneaking out with her friends to go out to parties after we confronted her which made us understand why she always was so tired, the next moment we saw her she was crying and suddenly just passed out, she hasn't woken up since and none of our magic seems to be helping her" (Rias explains to Ayanokōji In a somber tone)

Ayanokōji looks around the room and notices that everyone has their head slightly tilted down as to show defeat or hopelessness in their incapability to help their friend

Everyone stays silent for a few moments

"Hey Rias, do you have any ideas that could be affective in helping Asia, since you brought us together I thought you might have a plan" (Issei asks Rias hoping to hear a full proof plan)

Rias slowly shakes her head

"I'm afraid I don't have any idea how to help her, I was hoping we could brainstorm ideas together in hopes of finding a solution to help Asia, that's the only reason I called for this meeting" (Rias says sounding as unsure as ever)

Nobody seems to be coming up with any new ideas, and everyone just sinks deeper in the ship of helplessness

"Hey guys I think I might have an Idea on how to help Asia" (Ayanokōji says breaking the silence of the room)

Everyone's curiosity peaks as they listen to the words coming out of Ayanokōji's mouth

"What is it Ayanokōji, what's your plan??" (Zenovia curiously asks Ayanokōji feeling some sense of hope)

"I bet I'll know exactly when I see her because the condition The president just spoke of sounds really familiar, and I'm pretty sure I know how to help her"

Suddenly the whole room gets hit by an impact of Hope

Wait Really!? Your sure you can help her, your not just trying to be funny Ayanokōji are you? (Rias asks while quickly sitting up from her chair)

"Like you said President this is a serious matter and I find it really inappropriate to joke about this" (Ayanokōji assures Rias)

"Ayanokōji if your telling the truth then we've got to get you to Asia right this second!!!" (Issei shouts out to Ayanokōji with a voice of Hope)

The whole room get's filled with a whole new sign of Hope, so much so that Rias orders Akeno to open a portal that will take them straight to Issei's house

Akeno happily abides and opens a portal for them to go through

Rias thanks Akeno then she, Ayanokōji and Issei, stands on the portal, Kiba stands up and says that he wants to come along as well, Koneko gets up after him, and Zenovia.

Irina unfortunately cannot join them because she is not a devil and informs them that she'll meet them their.

Akeno activates the portal and transports them to Issei's house, everyone immediately starts running up the stairs to reach Asia's room, Rossweisse still sits in Asia's room waiting to hear something from her, then she starts hears footsteps outside the room, the next thing she sees is Issei, Zenovia, Koneko, Akeno, Rias, Kiba and a boy she has never seen before burst through the door.

Rossweisse gets starteld by the sudden Entery and falls of her chair, The group slowly start approaching Asia's Unconscious body, Ayanokōji takes the seat that Rossweisse just fell from and sits on it

The room is silent and everyone's eyes are now on Ayanokōji

Ayanokōji grabs Asia's hands and starts closing his eyes, after few moments of silence go by

"Hey guys I know this state of sleep, it's called the Endless Slumber in other words Asia had been cursed" (Ayanokōji shockingly announces to everyone)

Everyone's eyes widen in absolute shock to Ayanokōji's announcement

"Cursed!? Wh-who would do such a thing" (Issei angrily asks Ayanokōji while still stuttering in shock)


I think we have more important matters to worry about than that Issei, do you how to cure her Ayanokōji? (Koneko asks Ayanokōji hoping to receive assurance)


"Yes I know how and I'm going to do it now, but before I do it, Issei I would like you to understand that I'm only doing this because there is no other way"

What Ayanokōji says causes confusion to surface the room with Issei being the most confused

Then suddenly as if it was without warning, Ayanokōji kisses Asia creating a bright green light to emanate from them

Everyone is in absolute shock of the sudden kiss, it's something that no one expected

They then get blinded by the bright emanating green light coming off Asia and Ayanokōji so everyone shields their eyes from it.

After the green light disappears Ayanokōji then pulls his face away from Asia's, the room is met with another few moments of silence and then what seemed like a miracle everyone notices Asia's eyes slowly opening, she slowly starts sitting upright and starts confusingly asking where her current whereabouts are, Issei, Zenovia, Rias, Koneko, Akeno and Rossweisse starts getting emotional so their eyes begin to water and the next moment they all rush to Asia who is now sitting upright

The next thing Asia notices is a barrage of people she loves now jumping on top of her and cuddling her, saying that they missed her and that she should never leave them Again.

Asia is in complete confused on the matter so she asks what happened

"Asia you've been unconscious for 4 whole days we were so worried!!!" (Zenovia tells Asia with tears of Joy streaming down her face)

Asia questions on how that's possible with a confused voice

"Asia your so lucky Ayanokōji came all this way to save you, he told us that you'd been cursed" (Akeno happily explains to Asia)

Asia's facial expression immediately changes to a blank expression

"Akeno, where is Ayanokōji?" (Asia asks sounding very curious)

Akeno tells her that he is right next to her, Asia slowly turns her head and instantly makes eye contact with Ayanokōji, Asia gives Ayanokōji a off smile and thanks him for his help

"Its no problem, just make sure you don't do anymore sneaking out with your friends anymore, the person that cursed you might have been there so I'd advise you stay where it's safe


Asia nods her head in understanding while giving off a thankful smile

"Well then I guess my job here is done, I'll be seeing you guys at school, seeing how happy you guys look I bet you'll be staying here a bit longer, so see ya" (Ayanokōji waves off as he walks walks away)

But before he can leave the room Rias calls his name and thanks him for helping them

Ayanokōji stops in the middle of the door

"I told you I'd do anything to help you guys and I ment it"

Without saying another word Ayanokōji walks out of the room.

Feeling as if she is had been left too deep in the dark Rossweisse asks Rias who the boy was that performed a unbelievable miracle that not even their magic or the Phoenix tears could fix

Rias looks to Rossweisse with a bright and relieved smile

"I'll get more into detail about him later, but all you need to know now is that he's on of us, as you just witnessed" (Rias happily assures Rossweisse)

After what felt like a long time

Irina finally enters the room heavily gasping for air after running all the way from the school nonstop, she sees Asia awake and uses her second wind to begin sprinting her direction while calling out Asia's name, Irina knocks everyone that's on the bed with Asia out the way with tears in her eyes.

"Asia I missed your consious self so much, don't you ever scare me like that again!!!!" (Irina crys out to Asia while holding her in a bear hug)

As Rossweisse watches on as Irina squeezes Asia out of pure Joy and happiness she can't help but crack a smile at such a beautiful revelation

"I don't mean to spoil this beautiful revelation that's taking place right now, but aren't you guys still supposed to be at school" (Rossweisse chuckles as she reminds everyone knowing that it had slipped their minds)

The once happy and joyful atmosphere of the room then suddenly changes to an atmosphere of realisation, everyone's heart instantly drops as they realise that the first break must have ended a while ago

Rias orders Akeno to make a portal for them to jump back, Akeno immediately starts the process of creating the portal but unfortunately for Irina she realises that she will need to find another way to school. Akeno teleports the rest of the group to the school and each make their way to their classes missing almost half of the school day, Issei and Zenovia runs into the class winded and apologizes for them being late, the teacher scolds them and promises if they were to come late again it would mean detention, they once again apologize for coming late and immediately head back to their seats. As Issei returns to his seat he notices that Ayanokōji isn't in his seat as well as Irina

'They must still be making their way here' (Issei thinks to himself),

The final bell goes off after a few more classes

Issei and Zenovia decide to head to the front gates of the school to wait for the rest the group and hopefully regroup there.

As Issei and Zenovia approach the gates they notice Ayanokōji and Irina already standing there, they run towards them and asks them what took them so long, Irina stays silent and just looks at Ayanokōji

"We're sorry for not making it to school today we were held back by the police for a bit" (Ayanokōji calmly informs Issei)

A wise man once informed me that some things in life are better short and sweet --> (My actual excuse is that I'm currently working on a new project, so this chapter will have to be cut short...but only temporarily enjoy 👍)

If the soap falls to the floor is that soap dirty or is the floor clean??

Jayden_Swartzcreators' thoughts