
A Villainess Reborn

Bai Mei Li is a woman that is grounded in reality and science. What happens when a woman of science falls into a world where science and reason don’t prevail and instead might makes right? Jin Hong Hui a man more beautiful then any God ever created and certainly more powerful. He descends on the lower bound hell on recovering the precious treasure stolen from his family… burning to ash anything that dares get in his way. Jin Hong Hui “Where are you going.” He asked looking at her with a wicked grin curving his thin and sexy lips. “I uh… just um… I thought I’d go for a walk. You know know to help my digestion.” She said looking at his perfect face nervous as she slowly backed away. His grin deepened as he crowed her. “I have a better way to help with that.” She didn’t even bother trying to argue and just directly made a break for it. He laughed as he watched her run. A game of seek and capture before dessert always made his appetite bigger…

camizzle · Lịch sử
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43 Chs

Few people like a busybody

Chai Ying watched them leave. Although he didn't mean those two any harm he also didn't agree to let the boy stay because of purely selfless reasons either.

While there was a good chance that Jin Yuan Jun's family had been met with some kind of calamity that wasn't a guarantee. There could be any number of things could that be delaying his family. Having that child here was without a doubt a risk.

The potential gain was the reason why he decided to gamble. Those people Jin Yuan Jun was likely to be kin too were said to always repay debts properly. That was the reason why the artifacts from their society could be very rarely found around the other continents around the world.

Giving Jin Yuan Jun a safe place to safe was definitely a debt of gratitude that they would need to repay if they were still alive to retrieve him.

If they weren't it wasn't a loss. It was just a child and Bai Mei Li was taking care of him. She was fully capable of providing for him… she merely needed a safe place to do it. He wasn't taking a loss.

Besides that if the child was one of them then… In the future they would have one hell of a ally.

When Chai Ying brought them out of Fan Tao's building Bai Mei Li was shocked. The once deserted streets were now bustling with life. It was as though that former scene of a ghost town had only been a part of her own imagination. Bai Mei Li was shocked.

There were now plenty of people going too and fro in streets.

"Is that standard procedure when someone new comes?" She asked Chai Ying. She understood the situation immediately.

"Yea it is. Not everyone that crosses over feels and wants the sense of community that the rest of us all want. There must be security measures."

Bai Mei Li agreed. She was certain this wasn't the only security measures in place. She was sure that they'd created many ways to protect themselves and everyone here from that hid themselves well. In that other world that they came from there were all sorts of people there. There people less and far more cruel then the people here. She could imagine the havoc some of those people could cause in this world. If decent people could cross over it stood to reason that evil people could find their way here as well.

Because of her understanding of the importance of protecting themselves Bai Mei Li didn't ask anymore questions. She had no intention of pretending that she thought they should somehow immediately trust her enough to share any secrets with her. Instead she was already more than happy that she and Xiao Jun had been allowed to stay here at all.

And of course Bai Mei Li wasn't a fool She understood that there were likely more than one reason why Xiao Jun was allowed to stay, but so long as they didn't intend to harm him then she was willing to take her time and slowly understand the true motivations of the people that lived here.

"Hey Ying… are these the newbies?" A bright and youthful voice sounded from off to the side of them.

They both stopped walking and watched as a energetic and beautiful young woman bounced over. Bai Mei Li eyes widened and she stared. Even though she was a woman she couldn't help but blush at the woman's extremely large and extremely elastic breasts. They looked like they would probably bounce with even a subtle movement let alone with her running like that.

Bai Mei Li had been watching this entire time and she honestly couldn't understand how this girl hadn't been smacked in the face with her own breasts already with the way they were bouncing and swaying. They were simply a perverts dream land.

"Yep this is them. Come on over and meet them." Chai Ying had long become accustomed to this girls looks. She was extremely delicate looking. He couldn't even count the amount of fights he'd gotten into because of her. Honestly speaking whenever he got too bored and wanted some excitement he didn't have to go looking for demon beasts. All he really had to do is invite this girl to go to other cities with him. She attracted every pervert within a twenty-five mile radius. She drew them in like a magnet without fail or effort.

"Hi I'm Chu Ling! It's great to meet you. I'm so happy that you were lucky enough to find this place. Oh my God… is this little guy your son? How long have you been here? Are you married?" Smiling from ear to ear she touched Xiao Jun small head rubbing his silky soft hair. "Oh my God! He's soooooo cute! Are you married already… is your husband coming too? Is he one of us as well? Why didn't he come with you?"

She asked one question after another occasionally coming to her own conclusions and then asking questions about the conclusions she came up with.

Bai Mei Li wasn't bothered. She laughed. She could tell that this was just apart of her bubbly personality. "I'm Bai Mei Li and this is Jin Yuan Jun. It's very nice to meet you as well. Jun'er isn't my son he's my adopted little brother so I'm sorry I have no husband to introduce you too." She chuckled. "Jun'er is very obedient I'm sure you too will get along well in the future."

Chu Ling giggled happily. "That's fine two. I'll introduce him to my daughter, although she's only two it'll be nice for her to have a big brother to play with." Her cheeks flushed with happiness when she spoke of her daughter.

Bai Mei Li laughed while she listened to her talk. "Of course. Once we are all settled, of course they should be introduced."

"Let me get them to temporary living quarters. Bai Mei Li has been traveling for a while. I'm sure she's tired."

Chu Ling nodded readily. "Sister Mei I'll come find you with little Fei'er later." She waved at as she and her breasts bounced off.

Bai Mei Li couldn't help but shake her head and then a very serious glint flashed across her eyes and she sighed inwardly. Sometimes ugly things happened to good people. As she watched Chu Ling run off happily she didn't say anything.

She'd just gotten here and saying anything about something like that so soon after meeting with someone was something that wouldn't get you the outcome you were looking for, instead it would put off the other party and make them feel as though they needed to guard themselves against you.

Bai Mei Li had learned that the hard way.

If you really wanted to help a troubled person it was best to take your time and move slowly. Only with enough knowledge about their personality and the way they reaction to different situation would you be able properly help them and not cause more damage.

Although Bai Mei Li understood almost instantly what the problem was, developing and individualized treatment plan was another thing altogether. Every person was different.

She was very good at her job. She'd always been able to pick up on clues that other people missed or simply couldn't notice far easier then the average person. That made it very easy for her to connect dots quickly and come to accurate conclusions that people would think would be impossible for her to do in such a short amount of time.

But she never rushed treatment. You always risked doing more harm then good when you did that.

What she'd noticed about Chu Ling she'd keep to herself. At least for now. If in the future there was a opportunity for her to help then she naturally would. For now she didn't want to turn a perfectly peaceful haven hostel simply because she didn't know how to mind her own business and move at a reasonable speed.

Few people truly appreciated you picking at wounds without an invitation.

Without saying another word she followed Chai Ying to a two story building. Chai Ying walked up to it and directly opened the door. "Come on in." He said with a smile and then stepped aside to let her enter.

Inside the building there was a large sitting area that was currently empty but look very inviting. "This is the common area. This is a kitchen here and a indoor hot spring." He led her to that area and let her take a look. He then took her to the back to let her see the pool, small play area, and barbecue pit. Then he took her to the guest cultivation rooms so she would know where they were. After that he led them back inside and to the second floor. He took her down a hall that resembled a modern apartment building except the artificial lighting inside was a lot dimmer. There was just enough light to see the room numbers that were carved into the door.

"You can stay here." He handed her the keys that had been prepared in the event that they would be staying.

"Thanks a lot." She didn't stand on ceremony and directly took the keys.

"I'll let you and Jin Yuan Jun get settled in. The room is similar to a hotel room. It isn't very big but it should be able to meet your needs for the short term. It shouldn't take long for us to get you guys settled down permanently." After he watched them enter he turned and left.

Bai Mei Li entered and then locked the door behind her. She placed the very quite Xiao Jun door and let him look around. Now that it was just the two of them again he started to act more like himself.

"Elder sister are we staying here?" He asked as he looked around curiously.

Bai Mei Li walked around. There were four living areas. A kitchen, living room, bedroom, and restroom. The whole space wasn't big but it was large enough for the two of them and it was fully furnished with very simple but sturdy furniture. Bai Mei Li was totally satisfied.

"Yes we will stay here while we build our house. That is were we will actual live. Do you like this place."

"Xiao Jun thinks there's too many people but that's okay. Xiao Jun is happy."

Bai Mei Li laughed and shook her head. She'd just been about to say something else when she abruptly stopped. Xiao Jun was holding out his hand. In it was a identification token. She hadn't expected him to suddenly show her this. She looked at him.

"Mommy and daddy said that I can't show this to anyone. But Xiao Jun trusts elder sister so Xiao Jun doesn't want to keep a secret from elder sister."
