
A Villainess Reborn

Bai Mei Li is a woman that is grounded in reality and science. What happens when a woman of science falls into a world where science and reason don’t prevail and instead might makes right? Jin Hong Hui a man more beautiful then any God ever created and certainly more powerful. He descends on the lower bound hell on recovering the precious treasure stolen from his family… burning to ash anything that dares get in his way. Jin Hong Hui “Where are you going.” He asked looking at her with a wicked grin curving his thin and sexy lips. “I uh… just um… I thought I’d go for a walk. You know know to help my digestion.” She said looking at his perfect face nervous as she slowly backed away. His grin deepened as he crowed her. “I have a better way to help with that.” She didn’t even bother trying to argue and just directly made a break for it. He laughed as he watched her run. A game of seek and capture before dessert always made his appetite bigger…

camizzle · Lịch sử
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43 Chs

Community Center

Bai Mei Li made the community center her next stop. After finding out what it was she became very interested in it. She felt as though the previous owner had a very linear view of the world. She'd been focused on only what directly effected her. She hadn't cared in the least about anything else.

This completely contradicted with Bai Mei Li's view on learning. Bai Mei Li had never felt as though any information was irrelevant, but then she never looked at things the way most people did. She felt that a person should just fill the mind with as much knowledge as they could about everything because you never knew what information would be useful in the future.

After walking around for a bit she asked for directions from some people passing by and then slowly but surely made her over to the building. Xiao Jun was still extremely excited still. Even though they'd been walking around for a while his excitement had lowered by even a bit. He was animatedly chattering beside her while eating food she'd bought him from the stalls.

He was reciting everything that he'd seen and everyone that he'd talked to. He was very happy to find out that there were plenty of other children here for him to play with. Before she could even stop him, he'd already made several play dates all by himself. All she could do was go along with it.

After some time walking they finally made it to the building. It was two stories and had the clear glass windows that all the other building had. From the outside she could see people moving around. Some were sitting on the couches others were sitting at what looked like a bar. She looked down at Xiao Jun. She didn't want to take him to a placed filled with drinking adults.

She thought about it for a little while and then finally decided to at least check it out. If it wasn't appropriate for Xiao Jun she could just leave. From the outside it didn't look like this was a place were drunkards hung out.

She walked in with Xiao Jun and looked around. It looked as though it were a mixture between a bar and a café. There was a comfortable sitting area as well as booths and tables and chairs. It looked like a all purpose area. There were about thirty people inside, they were all just relaxing and talking. When she and Xiao Jun entered no one approached, instead as she made eye contact they would smile and or nod in acknowledgment then go back to what they were doing.

Bai Mei Li wasn't bothered or put off by this she just walked to the bar.

"Excuse me." She said politely to the woman behind the bar. "Where to you go to check out the latest information?" She asked once she got the woman attention.

The young woman that was behind the bar stopped cleaning the glass she had in her hands and looked at Bai Mei Li. Her plump lips curved into a charming smile brimming with youth. She was a attractive young woman wit an usually short hair cute. Her shiny black hair barely made it past her shoulders.

Bai Mei Li couldn't help but frown a little. Did they encourage modern hair styles here? Wouldn't that just cause trouble for the natives?... Especially if they were women.

The woman noticing Bai Mei Li's inquisitive look and immediately understood. "I was caught by a demon beat some months ago my hair was cut to save my life." She said amicably with a smile. "What you're looking for in on the second floor. I'm Guan Li Fen, are you new here?" She looked over to where the staircase was to show her the way.

Bai Mei Li nodded. "Thanks a lot. It's nice to meet you miss Guan. I'm Bai Mei Li, and yes we just got here."

"Welcome then. You'll like here. If you have any questions you can come find me. You can call me Li Fen."

"Alright, I'll do that. And if that's the case call me Mei Li."

"Alright Mel Li then." She grinned

Bai Mei Li grinned and then waved and walked over to the stairs.

The winding staircase was built sturdy and like everything else it was very simple. Simple and functional. While the designs of the building showed the architect was very talented the actual construction lacked any flair. It was as though the builders had gotten how of an extremely well made design but they lacked the ability to bring it to life.

When she got to the top of the stairs she saw that it was designed to be a kind of library. There were books and scrolls.

Bai Mei Li couldn't help herself and went to the shelves to take to take a look. There were all kinds of books here. The ones she was most attracted too where the ones on the history of the continent. This was the kind of information she needed the most. She'd also seen books on historical figures, battles, and cooking. There was also gardening and other little hobbies one could take up. She wanted to just stop and stay here for a few days. It was all these little details that she craved because she knew from personal experience how important they were.

When she'd been working cases there had been plenty of times when the most mundane and seemingly useless information had turned out to be critical to an assignment that they'd been working on.

But the previous Bai Mei Li couldn't get past herself. She was very focused on her reputation and her face was as thin as piece of paper she could accept even the smallest insult. While at the same time she pretended to be magnanimous and kind. She held on to all grudges and paid them back a hundred fold. Many people suffered because of her.

Her selfishness had been bone deep and it had been learned. The previous Bai Mei Li hadn't been born evil she was born to a self absorbed mother and a selfish father. Both of her parents were focused on power and they used their children as a tool to get the power they so craved.

The previous Bai Mei Li honestly hadn't had a chance and because she was so focused on herself and what other thought about her, her knowledge base was extremely shallow… at least as far as the currant Bai Mei Li thought.

The Community center offered a safe place to filter through the information gathered from the neighboring cities and she was sure even beyond that. This place was perfect for closing the gap in knowledge that she felt that she had right now.

"It's too bad… I really want to just stay here." She mumbled under her breath.

A frown was slowly forming on her face. She knew she couldn't do that, she had Xiao Jun. She couldn't just leave him alone and immerse herself in books. She looked to Xiao Jun who was also looking around.

It was as though he could feel her eyes on him, he looked up and tugged at her sleeve. "Sister look there are so many. Where did they come from."

"Some were brought here and others were made here." Came a soft voice from behind them.

Bai Mei Li turned around to find a pale and extremely beautiful boy. He wore all black which starkly contrasted his white skin. A calming smile curved his slightly red lips. His flawless face held a relaxed expression.

"You can treat this place like a library from our world, just ask the librarian working today for a library card and you check out the books you want for a limited amount of time just like back home." He explained gently in English. "I'm Liao GuoZhi" He then said in the language of Great Yan. "You must be Bai Mei Li and Jin Yuan Jun. It's great having you guys here."

"It's nice meeting you as well." She said extending her hand to meet and shake the hand he'd extended toward her. "How long have you been here?." She asked in curiosity.

"Four years. I occupied this body when it was eight."

Bai Mei Li noted that he didn't ask her any questions in return… coupled with the fact that he'd known there names already she understood that he'd gotten all her information from Fan Tao already. She didn't find that odd, she figured that all the transmigrators here had probably grown pretty close over time.

"This is a great place that you guys created here. I was extremely impressed with the design when I first found my way here."

"I'm glad you like it. I tried to incorporate a little of everything so that we don't forget what we left behind."

She smiled and nodded understanding that he was the architect that designed this place. "Were you a architect in your last life?"

"I was." He said with a nod. "Fan Tao Told me that you were a psychiatrist… a worthy profession. I'm very glad to have you here. Unfortunately I have to leave as have some pressing matters, But I'll come look for you when I'm back."

"Alright. Thanks for the welcome."

He nodded then turned and left.

Bai Mei Li watched him leave in silence. Her eyes narrowed slightly in concentration. It was rare that she felt stomped, but with this Liao GuoZhi she felt like she hadn't seen through him at all. It wasn't as though he'd been lying to her or anything like that… it was more like she just wasn't getting any of the normal social cues from him. She couldn't put her finger on it but there was just something… off about him.

She wasn't sure if that something was good or bad but she didn't sense any ill intent coming from him, it was more like he just a aura of… 'strange' about him.

Her frown deepened.

She understood that this was likely because of her lack of knowledge about this world. If it had something to do with the previous world she was confident that she would have been able to pick up on it.


Xiao Jun's sweet little voice forced her to return to the present. She stopped looking after Liao GuoZhi and looked down at Xiao Jun who had been waiting patiently beside her all this time. Feeling guilty at keeping him waiting so long she no longer wasted any time and picked the books she was looking for then started too look for the 'librarian.'