
A Villainess's Mother

Adriana, the divorced wife of Duke Auguste Von Britten, the youngest Swordmaster in the Kingdom, and the mother of the supposedly villainous woman, Annalise. She, along with her family were executed for being the family of the villainess. She came back to a time when her daughter just became three years old (15 years back), and when she was still a married couple with the Duke, only to realise that things were not as simple as they seem to be.

justa_livelyghost · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Distorted truth

After laying Elaine down on the bed, the three women immediately ignored the doctor and started crowding around their young miss. Their eyes were twinkling while looking at the child, waiting to hear the child's voice again.

Annalise after feeling no hostility but love from them giggled at them and then pointed at her mother with a sweet smile on her face and said 'Mommy'. Hearing that the three women started tearing up.

At a time when Annalise was calling out to her mother earlier, Adriana who was stuck in the loop of painful memories saw the crack to leave the loop. She knew that she could wake up after leaving through the crack following her daughter's voice, but she stayed.

Not because she was unwilling but she wanted to see if she could gather any clues from her memories that she might have missed about her enemies.

She didn't want to leave a single clue missing. Once she wakes up, she wouldn't be able to see her memories being played out like a play in front of her, where she can watch it in the perspective of a third person.

The memory playing out now was the time when her husband's behaviour suddenly changed. The man who first confessed his love, telling her all his little secrets and the foolish mistakes he did in his younger days while lying next to her, suddenly didn't want to see her.

From the day he changed, she's never seen him. All communications were made through his newly appointed assistant butler. And this newly appointed butler had come from an unknown background. When she investigated him, it was as if he came out of thin air.

On the same day, the assistant butler approached her and said some words that made absolutely no sense. But from then on she had no doubts about his identity or her husband's sudden change. Not only her, but everyone accepted the fact as if it was natural.

Only after seeing this part of the memory did Adriana feel just how irrationally and illogically everyone had acted and she even considered such a situation as normal.

Ever since that day not just the servants of the mansion and her but also the people in the Kingdom never saw the Duke, well everyone except that woman of course. Everyone accepted the situation as such without any complaint or doubts and everything that happened between them before were conveniently forgotten.

Adriana had always addressed the woman in the rumours besides the Duke as that woman or snake, so she never bothered to know her name. Ironically the moment she learnt her name was just before she was beheaded, the last thing she heard from her executioner was, ' You shouldn't have gotten in the way of Madame Catherine. '

When she heard the name, she was momentarily confused. But the self-centred woman showed herself when the man uttered her name, looking at her with contempt and disdain.

Adriana looked at the woman named Catherine in the memory snippet and found something strange. She realised that the memories being shown and the memories she remembered differs by a huge margin.

It was almost as if everything she went through was a lie. In her memories, the only one's beheaded were her father and her brothers along with their family and of course her. Fortunately others weren't involved. While her daughter was killed by her ex-fiancé while she was imprisoned.

Atleast in her memories the Duke was not affected, but in the memories being shown it was not that the Duke was not affected, but he was never there. She was the only one who remembered her husband.

Everyone else seemed to have forgotten his existence and considered him dead five years after their divorce. But in her presence everyone forgets his death and talk behind her back about his affair with his friend's widow and such. So she never realised the man's death even until her death.

All of her husband's previous actions were blackened, the actions he did to please the crying daughter of his dead comrade in arms became him trying to woo his widow. His reputation was ruined but even his closest friends including his own wife never questioned his change in behaviour.

It seems the one who was after her family is a higher level existence on the level of a God, to create such a huge interference in thoughts and memories of a large population.

Thinking about the increasing level of her enemies, Adriana felt her headache with anxiety. Her husband never betrayed her, he had died, but when?

No, more importantly in the present timeline her mother and relatives have been massacred, the Valencia family are at the brink of destruction And her husband's survival is still questionable.

The truth has been distorted. What she thought was her memories being screened seems to be showing things quite different from how she remembered. She didn't know anymore if she could believe in anything anymore.

'Is this really my memory? If then who should I even believe in? Can I really go against my enemies? And is what I'm seeing really the truth or is this also distorted? Hahh.... What should I do, someone please tell me...' Adriana felt like crying but how could a corporeal body shed tears, all she could do was cry out hoarsely.

'Its all right, don't cry', an ethereal voice rang out in her ears shocking her.