
A Vampire's Sin

( CONTAINS EXTREME MATURE CONTENT ) One is her tormenter and the other is her savior. Kidnapped into slavery, Leela keeps to herself for survival. However, her secret admirer has other plans. Who knew a life of slavery involved Versace and Prada dresses, posh parties and meeting celebrities, and diamonds and gold? She finds herself caged between the King of Vampires and her mysterious man. A lot is going on in her slave home but can she survive it? She finds there are more secrets in that place than she is prepared for. In a world of supernaturals, trust no one and beware of everyone. Who will she lean on for help? Her tormentor, savior, or both? Or maybe it's the friend who shows up out of nowhere and vows to protect her with her life. Question is; how much is she willing to do for survival? Can she play the game of chess everyone is playing or will she remain a pawn in their game? (DISCLAIMER; This may or may not be a reverse harem book ( Male Male Female romance) If it is however, the two male characters are both committed to the Female and they are not in love with each other.) I want to thank my top three fans; saywhat615, Tanysha_Rivera, and Ayesnoona. Chapters 61-80 are dedicated to you.

Mellovesbooks · Kỳ huyễn
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109 Chs

29. The way he looked at me

There was a familiar knock on my door and I groaned. I was already so tired of the self defense classes.

Every morning, he woke me up at ungodly hours of the morning and we went for a run around the castle. In silence might I add. 

After proving that I was too unfit to qualify for a marathon, he made me stretch and then do some exercises. Later we practised with weapons.

I had grown to love the whip. It was easy to use and like Kai had explained, you could easily lace it it with something that made a certain species weak. Like werewolves and wolfsbane.

If you struck them with that whip laced in wolfsbane, they would take a much longer time healing. That would give you a perfect opportunity to weaken them further and then run away.

See, I was learning something. 

I begrudgingly got out of bed and wore work out clothes. Kai had gotten me working out gear which involved leggings and some sports shoes.

I came out and followed him through the usual trail. The castle sat on a very big piece of land. It was not even funny.

Here, you could get away with anything. That was why it was the perfect place to keep human slaves. After running, I took a glass of water and then took some time to rest.

Kai had stopped being rude to me for reasons unknown to me. Things were still tense between us but at least they were bearable. 

I just wanted him to be bearable. 

The worst part of training was how much he touched me. Everytime that happened, a shiver ran down my spine and I blushed.

Especially when his hands grazed my boobs or my ass. I could not tell if he was doing it on purpose because he was so good at putting of a poker face.

I liked it when he congratulated me and made me feel like I was making big progress. However, I tried to put his actions at the back of my mind knowing he could turn on me and start treating me like shit again.

There were other vampires that had been training with us. Their workouts were so intense. What did you need to work out for if you were a vampire?

That was unbelievable. 

They still hadn't found out who had betrayed them and I could see that it was bothering Kai. However, they were preparing to go into battle with the werewolves. I wasn't sure if that was a good idea.

I still couldn't get the thought that they had come for me out of my mind. Forgive my bias but better the devil you know than the angel you don't know. I wanted to remain with the vampires since I did not know how werewolves treated slaves.

For all I knew, I would sleep in a cell. 

" You look distracted, " Kai said.

I muttered an apology and continued punching the bag. He came behind me and fixed my stance. I blushed and shook my head, trying to ignore the fact that he was so close to my body.

He put his hands on my hips to steady me and I swung my arm. Sometimes I was convinced that he was doing all this on purpose. 

He was confusing. He claimed he hated me but still had a painting of me above the wall. Yes, he had painted a new one.

" You're distracted again, " he said and I apologized yet again. 

He sighed and came into my line of sight.

" You can ask me what you want to ask. I have seen curiosity dancing in those green eyes of yours for a while. " 

I scoffed knowing he was saying that now but when it came to the actual asking, he would get angry and be rude to me.

" Just ask. " 

" So you can talk to me rudely? No thanks. " 

He chuckled and stepped into my personal space. See, he was confused. He said one thing and then did the complete opposite.

If he hated me so much, he would not step into my personal space.

" Fine, I'll ask. If you're rude to me, I will knee you in the groin." I said with a huff.

He shrugged.

" Why did you pretect me that day the werewolves attacked? No other slave is getting special training but me. What is it that I have that you are hell bent on protecting? " I asked.

In his eyes there was a flash of red before he quickly hid it.

" I simply protect my assets. You are my asset since you are set apart for my sole pleasure. " He stated while bringing his thumb to my lip and stroking it.

My body warmed at his touch. And the way he was looking at me? He was looking at me like he wanted to throw me on the ground and fuck me until I forgot my name.

While everyone was watching. Just to show them exactly who I belonged to. 

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