
A Vampire's Sin

( CONTAINS EXTREME MATURE CONTENT ) One is her tormenter and the other is her savior. Kidnapped into slavery, Leela keeps to herself for survival. However, her secret admirer has other plans. Who knew a life of slavery involved Versace and Prada dresses, posh parties and meeting celebrities, and diamonds and gold? She finds herself caged between the King of Vampires and her mysterious man. A lot is going on in her slave home but can she survive it? She finds there are more secrets in that place than she is prepared for. In a world of supernaturals, trust no one and beware of everyone. Who will she lean on for help? Her tormentor, savior, or both? Or maybe it's the friend who shows up out of nowhere and vows to protect her with her life. Question is; how much is she willing to do for survival? Can she play the game of chess everyone is playing or will she remain a pawn in their game? (DISCLAIMER; This may or may not be a reverse harem book ( Male Male Female romance) If it is however, the two male characters are both committed to the Female and they are not in love with each other.) I want to thank my top three fans; saywhat615, Tanysha_Rivera, and Ayesnoona. Chapters 61-80 are dedicated to you.

Mellovesbooks · Kỳ huyễn
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109 Chs

13.Evil glint

Everyone's eyes were on us as Kai and I walked around the castle hand in hand. Some of their gazes held jealousy while others held bitterness and anger for associating with a vampire. After all, they used our kind for their own selfish benefits.

At that particular moment, I didn't care. The only thing on my mind was how Kai's hand fit perfectly around mine. His touch sent tingles down my body and my skin was flushed because I felt hot all over.

"Tell me about the history of the castle, "I said to shift my thoughts from him.

He looked at me in surprise like he didn't expect me to ask that but he quickly got over it and cleared his throat.

"The castle or rather a mansion, belonged to Alexander Griffith the first, " he started by saying.

There was a ringing in my ear as my thoughts started going wild. Did that mean that Alexander the Third lived there too?

'I suppose it makes sense since I found his diary in the library.'

" Really? " I asked.

He nodded his head and started telling me when the castle was built and how Alexander and his brothers lived in it. He told me that Alexander fell in love with a servant and sired a son through her. His wife only gave birth to girls so he was forced to acknowledge his illegitimate son.

I listened intently while seeing the irony of it all. Like grandfather like grandson. They both slept with women outside of their marriages. Although I was sure Alexander the First's mistress was nothing like his grandson's.

" Alexander's son was also named after him. In contrast to his father, he was faithful to his wife. The only problem was that people had a hard time accepting him because he was a bastard. His uncles wanted to take away everything he had inherited but he was smart enough to deal with them. Rumors are he ran them off the little village. " He said.

" This village? " I asked, hoping to get some information from Kai that would aid my escape. It turned out he was smart enough to catch on.

"Yes, and then he had a son that he named Alexander. He became Alexander Griffith the Third. However, he was the worst Griffith to exist. Rumor had it that he used to beat his wife black and blue. Mary, his wife, believed that he had a mistress. " Kai said.

" Who was the mistress?" I asked, eager to know more about the mystery woman who did black magic or was a demon.

I didn't know much about symbolism, but I was sure that the pentagram in a circle she drew when Alexander was watching her was a satanic symbol.

Those were the consequences of watching too many conspiracy theories on the internet. Oh, how I missed the internet.

" No, beautiful. Let's make a deal. " He said.

" What kind of deal? " I asked because I really wanted to know more.

" You'll run and hide anywhere in the compound. If I catch you, you give me a kiss. If I don't, then I'll tell you everything you need to know. "

" That's not fair because you are a vampire. How about I run and if I get to the garden before you, you tell me everything I want to know. If you catch me, you kiss me. "

He thought about it for a while before nodding his head.

" You have to count to thirty before you start coming after me and you can't use your vampire powers. " I added for good measure.

He walked to me and chuckled. He held my chin in his hands and looked into my eyes so intensely that I thought he was looking into my soul.

"I don't need vampire powers to find you. Your body calls out to me like a beacon. " He said.

I felt a sense of de ja vu. I knew I had heard those words before but I didn't think too much of it. I ran as fast as I could away from him, the need to know more was my motivation.

I saw the gate to the garden and a sense of hope was ignited in me. Just as quickly as it had come, it went away. I was grabbed and pinned to a tree. I thought it was Kai but the familiar white hair told me otherwise.

" You're playing with fire, sweetheart. That man is not your friend. He's evil. " My secret admirer said, making me scoff.

He was just jealous.

" And you aren't? Do I need to remind you how many people you have killed on my behalf? " I asked.

He pressed closer into my body in such a way that our chests were touching. I knew he felt how fast my heart was beating against him.

" It's different. Do not let Kai's chivalry fool you into thinking he's a good guy. He is a bad person and that is coming from a person like me. He is the worst being to ever walk this earth. For once in your life, listen to me. " He said, pleading with his eyes.

"Why should I believe anything you say?" I asked.

"I was right about the diary, wasn't I?"

He had a point. He had warned me to put the diary down from time to time and that I had an unhealthy obsession with it and I didn't listen. In the end, I ended up killing someone for it.

I did it without flinching or second-guessing. What was I becoming?

Just as I was about to speak, I heard Kai calling out to me. As quickly as my secret admirer had come, he was gone. I took the opportunity to try and run.

I didn't get far because when I looked behind me, Kai was there. He was hot on my tail. I saw the gates of the garden and I ran faster but not fast enough.

Kai caught me and pulled me to his chest. He held my chin in his hand and looked into my eyes. I remembered what I had been told mere minutes ago and I searched Kai's eyes.

I saw it. There was an evil glint in his eye. When you looked at first, you would be mesmerized by the beauty those hazel eyes held. However, when you looked closely, you would see the mischief and the chaos.

His eyes held a promise of bad behavior and wreckage. For the first time, I understood exactly why he was the King of Vampires.

I let him pull my chin and bring his lips to mine. I let myself get sucked into his love bubble because as much as I hated to admit it, I was intrigued by him. I was pulled in by his darkness and I didn't want to resist.

And I knew my secret admirer was watching. I could feel his eyes burning holes in the back of my head.