
A Vampire's Sin

( CONTAINS EXTREME MATURE CONTENT ) One is her tormenter and the other is her savior. Kidnapped into slavery, Leela keeps to herself for survival. However, her secret admirer has other plans. Who knew a life of slavery involved Versace and Prada dresses, posh parties and meeting celebrities, and diamonds and gold? She finds herself caged between the King of Vampires and her mysterious man. A lot is going on in her slave home but can she survive it? She finds there are more secrets in that place than she is prepared for. In a world of supernaturals, trust no one and beware of everyone. Who will she lean on for help? Her tormentor, savior, or both? Or maybe it's the friend who shows up out of nowhere and vows to protect her with her life. Question is; how much is she willing to do for survival? Can she play the game of chess everyone is playing or will she remain a pawn in their game? (DISCLAIMER; This may or may not be a reverse harem book ( Male Male Female romance) If it is however, the two male characters are both committed to the Female and they are not in love with each other.) I want to thank my top three fans; saywhat615, Tanysha_Rivera, and Ayesnoona. Chapters 61-80 are dedicated to you.

Mellovesbooks · Kỳ huyễn
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109 Chs

11.Good girl gone bad

I overturned my room looking for it. The mattress was on the floor and my beddings were everywhere. I had looked for it in every drawer and my wardrobe was emptied. I knew there was no way it could be there but I had to check. When I didn't find it, my frustration grew tenfold.

I had lost Alexander's diary.

I knew someone had taken it. There was no way I had misplaced it. I remembered it being there after my secret admirer left. I had tried to read it to no avail. He had clouded my thoughts and the words seemed jumbled. I vividly remembered putting it on my bedside table before going to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning, it was gone. Had it stopped being invisible to other people? It seemed like it had because my secret admirer had seen it. But then again, he was weird. After all, he sneaked in and out of the castle whenever he wanted without being noticed.

The door opened and a maid walked in.

" Have you seen a black journal around? " I asked.

She looked at me like I was crazy. I looked crazy for sure. I was in my pajamas and my hair was a frizzled mess. That and the fact that my room was a complete mess. Clothes were everywhere and it looked disorganized. She was probably wondering how she was going to get in order.

At the moment, I couldn't give two fucks.

" Answer my question! " I screamed at her when she took too long to answer.

She jumped and looked at me with fear in her eyes. She had never seen this side of me. To be honest, I had never seen this side of me either.

" I-I h-haven't, " she stuttered out.

From the look on her face, I could tell she knew something I didn't. I walked towards her and put my hand on her neck. I had no time to tell her to give me information nicely. That journal meant a lot to me. I had to read it. It physically hurt to not have it close to me.

" You know, I can pin all of this on you, right? Do you know what happens to people who break the rules? " I asked to taunt her.

From the look on her face, she knew. Good.

" I don't-"

" Maybe I'll call Athena right now. If you know something, you have ten seconds to open your mouth and spill." I said.

She looked at me like she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her alive. She was weighing options. She was scared of whoever had taken that journal.

" I saw the other mistress coming out of your room this morning. It was very early and I think you were asleep. I'm not sure if it was your journal but it was a black book. "

I let her go and started thinking. The journal had decided to show itself to her. I was going to kill her.

" Do not keep things from me. Remember, I'm the only one who is nice to you in this house. Don't make me change my mind. " I said and turned away from her.

I wanted to stomp into her room and get my book back but I needed to shower and look presentable. In case we were caught fighting, I didn't want to look like the crazy one.

I went to the bathroom and showered. After wearing nice clothes and making sure I looked good, I left my room. Her guard wasn't outside her room so I knew she wasn't in there.

I entered and started looking around. Her room was small and it had no balcony. The walls were a dull blue color in contrast to my rose gold theme.

I looked in her drawers, under her bed, in the bathroom, and under her mattress but I couldn't find it anywhere. I was feeling frustrated and I had no patience to return everything as it was. I was starting to make a mess out of her room.

" What are you doing? " She asked from the doorway.

I had been so focused on looking that I hadn't heard her enter. In her hands was my diary. I looked at her and crossed my arms against my chest.

" I'm looking for what's mine. Why do you have my journal? " I asked.

She chuckled and hugged it closer to her chest.

" You mean my novel. Finders keepers, " she said and walked further into the room.

" You steal from me and then you say finders keepers? You bitch! " I screamed.

" I want it because you want it. I don't understand why you like it though, it's just a boring novel. " She stated.

I looked at her skeptically. It was not a novel and if she had read what I had read, she would know that. The journal was hiding its contents to her. That was a relief but I needed it back and she didn't look like she had any plans of returning it.

I walked towards her with an evil glint in my eye hoping to scare her but she didn't falter.

" Give it back! "

" Not a chance in hell. "

I knew what she was doing. She wanted to get me in trouble so she would become the king's favorite mistress. The bitch was trying to get me killed. I turned and picked a necklace of hers from her bedside table that she loved wearing.

" What are you doing? " She asked.

" Finders keepers, " I replied and started walking away from her room.

I knew she would follow me. It obviously had sentimental value to her. I opened the door and went out. Just as I was about to walk to my room, she pulled me back.

" Give me back that necklace! "

" Give me back my journal! "

She tried to pry the necklace from my hands but I fought against her. When I was able to pull away from her. I threw the necklace down to the ground floor from our fifth floor. She put her hands on the rails and looked down to see where it had fallen.

Something compelled me to walk to her and do something bad. I pushed her off and she fell on the ground. Her neck snapped and her eyes looked up at me, wide open. Her lifeless body lay in a weird angle. I put my hands over my mouth and backed away from the rail.

I hurried to her room and picked my journal. After that, I rushed to my room and hid it under the mattress. I picked another novel and pretended I was reading. I heard commotion and after a few moments, my door opened and Athena came in.

" What happened to the other mistress? "

" I don't know. Why? Is she okay? " I asked.

I was pleased with myself for the way my voice came out. It was even. Even I believed that I was telling her the truth.

She looked at me for sometime before nodding her head.

" She's dead. " Athena stated.

I conjured a surprised look on my face.

" Am I next? " I asked.

Athena ignored me and left. I calmed my rapidly beating heart and convinced myself that it was for the best. She would have made my life miserable or gotten me killed. There was something up with the journal. I was a good person and I would never harm anyone.

' But you did. ' Said the voice in the back of my mind.

I cried as I asked myself over and over again why I had done what I had done. I was going to hell for that. The guilt was overwhelming.

That night, I fell asleep crying.

I didn't know for how long I had been sleeping but I felt someone touching me. I snapped my eyes and saw the mistress hovering over my bed. Her skin was pale and she had a sinister smile on her face.

She was supposed to be…dead.

" You killed me so now I'll drink your blood to complete the transition process. "

Before I could react, her fangs were in my neck and she was drinking from me like I was her last meal. I tried to beg and peel her from me but she was too strong. I could feel her draining the life out of me.

Suddenly, everything was black.