
A vampire's mirage

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 18+ // this is the only warning for the excerpt] Synopsis: Li likes both Zhang and Wang, but believes that Zhang and Wang like each other. Li wants to be a good friend and sets Zhang and Wang up with each other. However, the truth is that neither Zhang nor Wang like each other; they both actually have feelings for Li. Novel contains: Insults to the reader's intelligence, irony, sarcasm. Novel does not contain: Good Synopsis. There are countless other satisfying novels for you to explore, so if this one doesn't catch your attention, feel free to switch.

Yara_0625 · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

9: Emily's final refuge?

Oakwood, a small town, found itself enveloped in grief as the Smithson family silently navigated the depths of their sorrow following the tragic loss of their daughter, Emily. The weight of her absence hung heavy in the air, casting darkness over the community as they mourned the vibrant soul who had been taken from their midst far too soon.

Emily, a radiant young woman whose warmth and zest for life had touched the hearts of all who knew her, now existed only in memories. Her laughter no longer echoed through the streets, and her absence left an indelible void that seemed impossible to fill. The Smithson family, dealing with the unimaginable pain of their loss, faced an additional burden—the expectations and traditions of the town.

Oakwood, like many towns steeped in tradition, adhered to strict burial customs. The community believed in the sacredness of the town cemetery, where generations of townsfolk found their final resting place. It was a place where loved ones could visit and pay respects, finding solace in the knowledge that their departed family members had been laid to rest among familiar faces.

However, there existed an unspoken shadowed truth that lurked beneath the surface of Oakwood's seemingly idyllic existence. A dark secret, known only to a select few, revealed a sinister practice reserved for victims claimed by the vampires that haunted the town. When someone fell victim to these nocturnal predators, the townsfolk followed a chilling ritual to prevent them from rising again as creatures of the night.

In a macabre rite, the heart of the deceased would be ruthlessly ripped from their chest, a desperate attempt to sever any connection to the vampire curse. The life essence that once flowed through their veins would be extinguished, ensuring that they would not return as bloodthirsty creatures craving the very existence of the living.

These unfortunate victims were then taken deep into the surrounding forests, far away from the sanctity of the town cemetery. In the depths of the wooded expanse, their bodies were buried, their final resting place hidden from the prying eyes of the living.

This grim practice, born out of fear and a desire for self-preservation, had become an integral part of Oakwood's dark legacy. The town believed that by denying the vampires their prey, they could maintain a fragile sense of control over their own lives. It was a desperate pact they had made with the darkness that plagued their nights.

But the Smithson family, in the depths of their grief, could not bear the thought of subjecting their beloved Emily to such a fate. They refused to succumb to the fear that gripped the town, choosing instead to honor her memory with dignity and love. For them, burying Emily's lifeless form deep within the unforgiving forest was an unbearable act of desecration.

Driven by their unconditional love and unwavering determination, the Smithsons sought a way to defy the town's customs. They yearned to find a path that would allow Emily to rest in peace, although she might not be side by side with her ancestors but she would at least be buried within community she had cherished.

After much contemplation, the Smithson family made a decision that would forever change their lives. They would secretly bury Emily in a place that held special meaning to her, a secluded grove nestled on the outskirts of town. This hidden sanctuary was a place where Emily always sought solace during her short but impactful life—a place where she had often retreated to ponder life's mysteries and embrace the beauty of nature.

With hearts heavy with both grief and determination, the Smithson family embarked on their clandestine mission. They sought assistance from trusted friends and allies who understood their predicament and were willing to lend a helping hand. Together, they carefully orchestrated a plan to honor Emily's wishes while preserving the fragile balance between their individuality and the expectations of the community.

In the dead of night, shrouded in secrecy and cloaked in darkness, the Smithsons embarked on a daring mission. They carefully arranged for a fake corpse to represent Emily, a macabre charade to satisfy the expectations of the town and hide their own act of defiance.

The Smithson family gathered in their secluded home. Mr. Smithson, his face etched with determination, turned to his wife, Mrs. Smithson, and spoke with a steady voice.

"Elizabeth, we need to ensure every detail is in place," he instructed, his eyes reflecting a mixture of sorrow and resilience. "We cannot afford to make any mistake. Please retrieve a photograph of Emily from our family album. We must capture her essence, even in this deception."

Mrs. Smithson nodded solemnly, her heart heavy with the weight of their mission. She made her way to the dimly lit room where the family's cherished memories were preserved. Carefully leafing through the faded pages, she selected a photograph that encapsulated Emily's vibrant spirit, her smile forever frozen in time.

Returning to her husband's side, Mrs. Smithson handed him the photograph. Their eyes met, conveying unspoken emotions and shared determination. It was a crucial moment, one that reinforced their commitment to honoring Emily's memory, even if it meant traversing a path fraught with deception and risk.

As the night wore on, the Smithsons meticulously crafted the fabricated corpse, delicately placing the photograph alongside the lifeless form. Their hands moved with a mix of tenderness and purpose, their hearts consumed by a love that defied the boundaries of life and death.

In the midst of their quiet labor, his wife going back and forth punctuated the air, serving as reminders of the weight of their choices and the profound impact they were about to make.

"Edward, are we doing the right thing?" Elizabeth's voice trembled with doubt, her gaze fixed upon the intricate details of Emily's replica.

"We are, my dear," Edward replied, his voice filled with unwavering conviction. "This is our chance to protect her memory, to give her a resting place that honors who she truly was. We cannot let the town's traditions rob us of that."

Elizabeth nodded, her eyes welling up with tears that mingled with a mix of grief and gratitude. She understood the gravity of their decision, the risks they were taking, and the profound love that fueled their defiance.

As the final touches were placed on the fabricated corpse, Edward's voice rose above the somber atmosphere. "Tomorrow, we will exchange this lifeless form for our beloved Emily. We will give her the farewell she deserves, a burial that resonates with her spirit. It will be our secret, a truth that only we will bear."

The room fell silent, the weight of their actions settling upon them like a heavy shroud. In that moment, the Smithsons became guardians of a hidden truth, protectors of Emily's memory, and champions of a love that refused to be bound by societal norms.

As the night waned, the family and their allies stood in unity, the replica and the photograph a poignant reminder of the lengths they were willing to go for their daughter. Their resolve burned brighter than ever, their hearts pulsating with a fierce love that would guide them through the trials that lay ahead.

And with each passing moment, they drew closer to the next day when Oakwood would bid farewell to their precious Emily, unaware of the secrets they held, and unknowingly participating in a charade that would forever alter their perception of grief, tradition, and the enduring power of a family's unwavering love.

As dawn broke, the townsfolk of Oakwood gathered in front of the town hall to pay their final respects to Emily Smithson. The air was thick with grief, and solemn faces dotted the crowd as they stood before the replica of their beloved community member.

Mr. Johnson, the observant man known for his candid questions, glanced at Emily's seemingly petrified expression, puzzled by the frozen visage. Still, he held his tongue, respecting the family's privacy in their time of sorrow. Instead, he offered a bouquet of freshly picked flowers, a gesture of compassion for a family he had known for years.

The Smithsons, standing among the mourners, held each other close, their faces a reflection of both sorrow and love. They listened to the heartfelt eulogies and stories shared by friends and neighbors, grateful for the support they received.

Mrs. Turner, who had been one of their allies in their secret endeavor, approached the Smithson family after the ceremony. "Your strength and love for Emily are inspiring," she whispered, her voice filled with admiration and understanding. "I can't imagine how difficult it must have been, but you did what was right for your daughter."

Edward Smithson nodded, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you for being there for us, for understanding our decision," he replied softly. "Emily was a free spirit, and we wanted to honor that. We couldn't bear the thought of her locked away in the forest, away from the place she loved."

As days turned into weeks, the town of Oakwood continued to mourn Emily's passing, the memory of her vibrant spirit etched into their hearts forever. The Smithson family's secret remained just that—a secret. Nobody ever suspected the charade, and the community found comfort in the belief that Emily rested peacefully in the forest.

The hidden grove, a sanctuary of memories, became a place of solace for the Smithsons, who visited often to talk to their daughter, to share their joys and sorrows, and to seek guidance in moments of uncertainty. They found peace in knowing that Emily's spirit lived on in their hearts and in the tranquil beauty of the grove.

As the years passed, the town of Oakwood continued to uphold its traditions, unaware of the extraordinary act of love that had defied those customs. The Smithson family's love for Emily remained a powerful force, a beacon of hope and resilience in a world that sometimes seemed unforgiving.

The story of Emily Smithson became a whispered tale, passed down through generations. It was a story of love and defiance, of challenging norms to honor the memory of a cherished soul. The truth of her final resting place remained hidden, a testament to the Smithsons' unwavering commitment to their daughter's happiness.

Over time, Oakwood evolved, embracing change while still cherishing its traditions. The town learned that strength could be found in love and unity, in supporting one another through life's trials. The Smithson family became symbols of courage and compassion, a reminder that sometimes, the greatest acts of love required breaking free from the constraints of convention.

And so, the memory of Emily Smithson lived on—no longer bound to a fabricated corpse, but in the hearts of all who cherished her. Her story became a reminder that love could conquer even the darkest of secrets, and that a family's unwavering devotion could shape the destiny of a town and its people.

In the end, the Smithsons' secret burial in the hidden grove became a tale of hope—a testament to the enduring power of love and the lengths to which a family would go to honor the memory of their beloved daughter. It was a story that whispered through the ages, inspiring future generations to embrace the spirit of rebellion when needed, to defy the norms that might confine them, and to let love be the guiding light in times of darkness.