
A vampire's mirage

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 18+ // this is the only warning for the excerpt] Synopsis: Li likes both Zhang and Wang, but believes that Zhang and Wang like each other. Li wants to be a good friend and sets Zhang and Wang up with each other. However, the truth is that neither Zhang nor Wang like each other; they both actually have feelings for Li. Novel contains: Insults to the reader's intelligence, irony, sarcasm. Novel does not contain: Good Synopsis. There are countless other satisfying novels for you to explore, so if this one doesn't catch your attention, feel free to switch.

Yara_0625 · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

8: An annoyed mentor.

As Evelyn returned to the dilapidated mansion after the encounter with the coven, she was met with the stern and impatient gaze of Isabella, her vampire mentor. Isabella stood with her arms crossed, her expression a mix of concern and irritation.

"Evelyn, do you have any idea how worried I was?" Isabella's voice held a tinge of frustration as she spoke. "You disappear for hours, and I find a note saying you've gone off on some mysterious quest. I thought something terrible had happened to you."

Evelyn sighed, realizing she had not informed Isabella about the letter she received or her intention to investigate the coven. "I'm sorry, Isabella. I didn't mean to worry you," she replied, feeling a pang of guilt.

Isabella raised an eyebrow, her irritation still evident. "That doesn't explain why you didn't tell me about your plans. We're supposed to be a team, remember?" She paused, waiting for an explanation.

Evelyn nodded, feeling the weight of Isabella's disappointment. "I know, and I'm sorry. I just... I couldn't resist the temptation to uncover the secrets of the coven. The letter intrigued me, and I felt compelled to follow the trail it laid out."

Isabella's expression softened slightly, her concern for Evelyn mixing with understanding. "I get it. Curiosity is a powerful force, especially for someone like us," she said, her voice gentler now. "But you need to be more careful. The supernatural world is dangerous, and you can't just go off on your own without a plan."

Evelyn nodded again, realizing the truth in Isabella's words. "You're right. I should have told you. I won't make that mistake again," she promised sincerely.

Isabella sighed, her frustration ebbing away. "Good. Now, tell me everything. What did you find out about the coven?" She leaned against the wall, crossing her arms expectantly.

Evelyn proceeded to recount her encounter with the mysterious letter, the deciphering of the enchanted symbols, and her discovery of the hidden coven within the mansion. She described the eerie ritual, the sense of power in the air, and the forbidden knowledge she glimpsed within the hidden chamber.

As she spoke, Isabella listened intently, her curiosity piqued despite her annoyance. "Forbidden knowledge, you say? This coven must be dabbling in dark magic," Isabella mused, her mind working through the implications.

Evelyn nodded. "Yes, it seemed that way. I felt the energy in the room, and their practices were unlike anything I've ever seen before. It's a potent and dangerous force they wield."

"This... It's like history repeating itself," Isabella said softly, her voice tinged with genuine sadness and concern. Her mind involuntarily flashed back to a time long ago when she had been an eyewitness to similar power struggles among vampires. It was a haunting déjà vu that she had hoped would never resurface.

With a swift swoop of his cape, the master vampire emerged from the shadows, ready to embark on a hunting journey that would seal his clan's fate forever.

The night air was thick with anticipation as a group of vampires gathered in the hidden depths of their secret lair. They were bound by a common affliction—a relentless thirst for human blood. Each member knew that their survival hinged upon finding sustenance in the form of willing or unsuspecting victims.

The leader of the group, Viktor, a centuries-old vampire with an air of formidable presence, addressed his comrades. "My brethren, our hunger gnaws at us with an insatiable fervor. We must venture forth into the darkness and find the life-giving elixir that sustains us."

Around him, the group nodded in agreement, their eyes filled with a mix of longing and desperation. They understood the delicate balance between their immortal existence and the necessity of blending into the human world. To avoid suspicion and maintain their secrecy, they adhered to a strict code—a code that dictated they must only feed upon the willing or those who would not be missed.

Guided by their superior senses and knowledge of the city's pulse, the vampires set out into the labyrinth of dimly lit streets. They moved with a stealth born of centuries of practice, blending seamlessly into the night, their ethereal presence indistinguishable from the shadows.

The group passed by bustling establishments and noisy bars, their senses attuned to the tantalizing scent of pulsating human life. The temptation was palpable, but they resisted the urge to strike in public, knowing that discovery would expose them to grave danger.

Finally, they reached their destination—a warehouse situated on the outskirts of the city. Within its dilapidated walls, they would find what they sought: a gathering of individuals who willingly offered their veins in exchange for the dark pleasures that only a vampire's touch could provide.

As they entered the chamber, the atmosphere crackled with a potent blend of desire and surrender. The vampires and their chosen donors mingled, their eyes locking in a silent agreement—a dance of life and death.

Viktor, ever vigilant, ensured that the feeding remained controlled and consensual. He watched as his comrades sank their fangs into willing necks, their lips stained crimson with the elixir of life. Each taste brought temporary relief to their unquenchable thirst, but they knew it was a fleeting respite.

In the midst of this ritualistic exchange, a newcomer appeared—an eager human, drawn to the allure of the vampire's world. Her eyes shimmered with equal parts curiosity and fear, a compelling mixture that resonated with the predators in their midst.

Viktor approached the young woman, his voice low and hypnotic. "Are you prepared to offer yourself willingly? Once we share this bond, there is no turning back."

The human hesitated for a moment, her heart racing with trepidation. Yet, driven by an indescribable longing, she nodded, surrendering herself to the vampire's embrace.

As Viktor leaned in, his fangs poised to pierce the woman's delicate skin, a sudden presence materialized at his side. It was Sebastian Nightshade, the Vampire Prince, his eyes ablaze with a mixture of concern and determination.

"Father, cease this act!" Sebastian's voice resonated with a commanding authority, as he stepped forward, positioning himself between Viktor and the vulnerable woman. His outstretched hand conveyed a plea for restraint.

Viktor's eyes flickered with surprise, momentarily taken aback by his son's audacity. The air crackled with tension as their conflicting desires clashed in that critical moment. The thirst within Viktor burned fiercely, threatening to override any sense of reason or restraint.

"Sebastian, you know not the hunger that consumes us," Viktor growled, his voice laced with both frustration and longing. "It is the very essence of our existence."

Undeterred, Sebastian locked eyes with his father, his unwavering resolve cutting through the darkness. "But we must find another way, Father. We cannot sacrifice the innocent for our sustenance. There must be a path that preserves both our kind and humanity."

The woman, caught between these titanic forces, watched with wide-eyed astonishment, her heartbeat echoing in her ears. She had stumbled into a world she could never have imagined—a world where a father and son, both trapped in an eternal curse, grappled with the boundaries of morality and their insatiable cravings.

In that charged moment, Viktor's gaze softened, his internal struggle laid bare. The bond between father and son resonated within him, an unbreakable connection that transcended their vampiric natures. Slowly, he withdrew his fangs, relinquishing his intent to feed upon the woman.

"Sebastian," Viktor whispered, his voice laden with both regret and relief, "you challenge me to seek a different path, to question our very nature. Perhaps you are right. There is more to our existence than this endless cycle of feeding."

The Vampire Prince nodded solemnly, his expression mirroring the weight of the moment. Together, they turned their attention to the woman, who stood there, a witness to a profound shift within their vampiric world.

Sebastian extended a hand towards her, a gesture of apology and gratitude. "Forgive us for the fear we have caused, for the choices we have grappled with. We must learn to coexist, to find a way to sustain ourselves without preying upon the innocent." Sebastian looked at the young woman genuinely.

"Are you going through tough times? You should know that there are other safe ways to solve a problem than just giving up your life!"

The woman, her heart still racing, hesitantly placed her hand in Sebastian's, sensing a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. She became an unexpected catalyst, a force that challenged the vampires to redefine their own narratives—or did she really become a catalyst?

Sebastian's hand trembled slightly as he grasped the woman's, unaware of the deceit lurking behind his father's eyes. He believed in the potential for change, in finding a way to coexist peacefully. Little did he know that Viktor's resolve remained steadfast, unyielding to his son's desires.

As the woman breathed a tentative sigh of relief, her eyes met Viktor's, hoping to see a glimmer of compassion. Instead, she found only a dark smirk playing at the corners of his lips—a telltale sign of betrayal.

Viktor's voice dripped with false contrition as he whispered, "Sebastian, my dear son, I appreciate your intentions, but I am afraid it is too late."

A clueless look was displayed on Sebastian's face as he realised the depth of his father's deception. The betrayal cut deep, tearing at the bond they once shared. In that moment, the true nature of Viktor's hunger emerged, a ruthless hunger that thrived on manipulation and dominance.

The woman's heart sank, her hope shattered by the revelation of Viktor's true intentions. She had become nothing more than a pawn in their power struggle. Fear and despair gripped her, yet she refused to let it consume her entirely.

Sebastian's anger burned, his gaze fixed on his father. "How could you, Father? You promised to spare her! You promised we would find a way!"

Viktor's laughter echoed through the chamber, chilling the air around them. "Ah, my naive son, you thought you could dictate my actions? Challenge my authority? You have much to learn."

Before Sebastian could react, Viktor pounced upon the young woman with blinding speed. His fangs sank into her tender flesh, drawing forth the life-giving elixir he so desperately craved. It was a ruthless act—a display of power and dominance that shattered Sebastian's hopes.

The woman cried out in agony, her body weakened by the assault. Even though she willingly offered herself at first,that wasn't what she really wanted. Sebastian, torn between his duty as a son and his newfound empathy, rushed to her side, tenderly cradling her in his arms. Anguish etched deep lines upon his face as he whispered soothing words, desperate to alleviate her suffering.

Viktor, sated and triumphant, loomed over them. "You dared to question me, to challenge my authority. I will not tolerate insubordination, even from my own flesh and blood."

With a swift motion, Viktor cast a binding spell upon Sebastian, chains of supernatural energy encircling his body, rendering him helpless. Sebastian's protests fell upon deaf ears as his father continued his cold and calculated punishment.

"For your defiance, you shall remain imprisoned until you learn the consequences of your actions," Viktor declared, his voice tinged with both disappointment and vindication. "You have much to atone for, my wayward son."

Sebastian's heart sank as he watched his father, his once-beloved mentor, fade into the shadows, leaving behind a trail of broken promises and shattered dreams. Bound and tormented by the weight of his failure, he vowed to find a way to escape his captivity and seek redemption for both himself and the innocent lives caught in his father's sinister game.

But deep within his collective consciousness, he knew that their bloodbound hunger would forever drive them, demanding an unending search for the crimson sustenance that defined their existence.