
A vampire's mirage

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 18+ // this is the only warning for the excerpt] Synopsis: Li likes both Zhang and Wang, but believes that Zhang and Wang like each other. Li wants to be a good friend and sets Zhang and Wang up with each other. However, the truth is that neither Zhang nor Wang like each other; they both actually have feelings for Li. Novel contains: Insults to the reader's intelligence, irony, sarcasm. Novel does not contain: Good Synopsis. There are countless other satisfying novels for you to explore, so if this one doesn't catch your attention, feel free to switch.

Yara_0625 · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

6: Friend or foe?

As Evelyn delved deeper into the world of vampires, she soon realized that she was not the only supernatural being roaming the shadows of Hollowbrook. One fateful night, while exploring the outskirts of the city, she had her first encounter with a group of mysterious and powerful creatures: werewolves.

It was a moonlit night, and the forest around Hollowbrook was alive with nocturnal activity. Evelyn had decided to take a solitary walk, needing time to clear her mind and sort through the complexities of her new existence. As she wandered through the dense undergrowth, she heard a faint rustling sound in the distance.

Cautiously, Evelyn followed the sound, her senses on high alert. The woods seemed to grow quieter as she approached, as if the creatures that inhabited it were aware of her presence. Her instincts urged her to turn back, but curiosity and a hint of fear pushed her forward.

Finally, she came upon a small clearing, bathed in silvery moonlight. In the center, she saw a group of beings huddled together, their forms partially obscured by the shadows. Their eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, and she could sense the raw power emanating from them.

Evelyn's heart raced as she realized that she had stumbled upon a pack of werewolves. These creatures, feared and revered in folklore, were very much real in the world of the supernatural. She knew that she should retreat, for werewolves and vampires were known to be mortal enemies.

However, before she could make her escape, one of the werewolves, a massive creature with golden fur, turned its gaze directly on her. The tension in the air escalated as the wolf locked eyes with Evelyn, a silent challenge passing between them.

"I mean no harm," Evelyn said, trying to keep her voice steady despite the pounding of her heart. "I'm just passing through."

The werewolf regarded her with a mix of suspicion and curiosity, its ears twitching as if considering her words. Then, to Evelyn's surprise, the wolf transformed into a human form. Standing before her was a tall and rugged man with piercing green eyes.

"You're a vampire," the man said, his voice deep and tinged with a hint of wariness.

Evelyn nodded, deciding that honesty might be the best approach. "Yes, I am. My name is Evelyn. I'm new to Hollowbrook."

The man's eyes narrowed, but he didn't seem hostile. "Name's Lucas," he replied. "What brings you to these woods at this hour?"

Evelyn hesitated for a moment before answering. She couldn't divulge too much about her quest for the Forbidden Grimoire or her alliance with Isabella. "I was just taking a walk," she said vaguely. "Trying to get used to my new surroundings."

Lucas seemed to relax slightly, his stance becoming less tense. "Well, be careful," he warned. "These woods aren't safe for someone like you, especially during the full moon."

Evelyn couldn't help but be intrigued by Lucas's words. "Why? What happens during the full moon?" she asked, genuinely curious.

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Lucas's lips. "Let's just say that we werewolves tend to lose control during that time," he explained. "It's best to avoid us on those nights."

As the conversation continued, Evelyn learned that Lucas and his pack had lived in Hollowbrook for generations, keeping to themselves and maintaining a careful balance with the vampire population. They had their own set of rules and rituals, and the secrecy of their existence was paramount.

Despite their initial tension, Evelyn and Lucas found themselves drawn to each other's stories. They discovered that they both faced challenges and prejudices within their respective communities, and they shared a mutual desire to protect those they cared about.

Over time, Evelyn's encounters with the werewolves became more frequent. She formed a tentative friendship with Lucas, and they found solace in each other's company, sharing their experiences as outsiders in a world of supernatural beings.

One night, during the full moon, Lucas warned Evelyn to stay away from the woods, for the werewolves' transformation was especially dangerous during that time. However, her curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't resist the temptation to witness this aspect of the supernatural world.

Hidden among the trees, Evelyn watched as Lucas and his pack underwent their transformation. The sight was both terrifying and mesmerizing, as they morphed from human to wolf, their howls filling the night sky. Evelyn's heart swelled with a mixture of awe and respect for the powerful creatures before her.

However, her presence had not gone unnoticed. Another figure emerged from the shadows, a witch named Cassandra. She was known throughout Hollowbrook for her enigmatic nature and potent magical abilities.

Cassandra's eyes narrowed as she sensed a vampire lurking nearby. Silently, she followed Evelyn's trail until she came upon the hidden observer. Before Evelyn could react, Cassandra spoke in a voice that sent shivers down her spine.

"What brings a vampire to our sacred ritual, little one?" Cassandra asked, her tone both amused and threatening.

Evelyn stuttered, struggling to find the right words. "I... I was just curious," she replied, feeling vulnerable under Cassandra's intense gaze.

The witch's lips curled into a sinister smile. "Curiosity killed the cat, they say," she remarked cryptically. "But I think in this case, curiosity might lead to something far more interesting."

Cassandra's eyes gleamed with a mischievous glint, and Evelyn felt a surge of unease. The witch seemed to take delight in the vampire's discomfort, toying with her like a cat with a trapped mouse. Evelyn realized she was in a precarious situation, caught between the enigmatic witch and the powerful werewolf pack.

"What do you want from me?" Evelyn asked, trying to maintain a facade of composure despite her growing unease.

Cassandra tilted her head, a wicked smile still playing on her lips. "Oh, I think we can strike a little deal, vampire," she said, her voice honeyed yet laced with malice. "You see, my powers could be quite useful to someone like you, and in return, I might require a favor or two."

Evelyn's mind raced, considering the implications of bargaining with a witch known for her cunning and unpredictable nature. Yet, she couldn't deny the allure of gaining insight into the supernatural world through Cassandra's mysterious knowledge.

"What kind of favor?" Evelyn asked cautiously, knowing that deals with creatures like Cassandra always came with a price.

Cassandra's eyes seemed to dance with delight. "Ah, that is for me to know and for you to find out," she replied cryptically. "You might just come to appreciate the opportunities I can present you with."

Lucas's voice suddenly cut through the tense air. "Cassandra, leave the vampire be. She means no harm."

The werewolf alpha had silently approached, his eyes narrowing at the sight of the witch hovering over Evelyn. The tension between the two supernatural beings was palpable, their history filled with mistrust and uneasy alliances.

Cassandra smirked but eventually relented, stepping back with a theatrical bow. "Very well, werewolf. For now, I shall leave the little vampire to her devices. But remember, my offer still stands," she said, her gaze lingering on Evelyn before vanishing into the shadows.

Evelyn let out a sigh of relief as the witch departed, but she couldn't shake the feeling of being entangled in a web of dark forces. Lucas turned to her with a mixture of concern and irritation.

"You shouldn't have come here during the full moon," he chided gently. "Cassandra is not to be trusted, and her deals always come at a cost."

"I know," Evelyn replied, feeling a mixture of regret and curiosity. "But I couldn't resist the temptation to learn more about the supernatural world."

Lucas regarded her with understanding. "I understand your curiosity, but you must be cautious," he warned. "The world of werewolves and witches is filled with danger and deception."

As the nights passed, Evelyn found herself torn between the allure of the unknown and the dangers that lurked in the shadows. She continued her encounters with Lucas and his pack, forming an unlikely bond with the werewolves while keeping Cassandra's offer in the back of her mind.

In the heart of Hollowbrook, secrets and alliances continued to weave a tangled web, and Evelyn soon discovered that the line between friend and foe in the supernatural world was a blurred one. Her encounters with other supernatural beings, like werewolves and witches, opened her eyes to the complexities of their existence and the delicate balance they all maintained.

As her journey continued, Evelyn learned that in this world, power and knowledge were the currencies that dictated fate. And with each step she took, she found herself drawn deeper into the darkness, where the choices she made and the alliances she formed would shape not only her destiny but also the fate of Hollowbrook itself.

In the heart of darkness, Evelyn's encounters with werewolves and witches marked the beginning of a journey filled with twists and turns, where every decision carried weight and consequences. As she navigated the treacherous path ahead, she would uncover hidden truths, form unexpected alliances, and face the ultimate test of her newfound powers and the strength of her character.

Hollowbrook was a city steeped in mystery, and its secrets were not easily revealed. As the supernatural forces entwined, Evelyn found herself at the epicenter of a dark prophesy that had the potential to reshape the supernatural world forever.