
A vampire's mirage

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 18+ // this is the only warning for the excerpt] Synopsis: Li likes both Zhang and Wang, but believes that Zhang and Wang like each other. Li wants to be a good friend and sets Zhang and Wang up with each other. However, the truth is that neither Zhang nor Wang like each other; they both actually have feelings for Li. Novel contains: Insults to the reader's intelligence, irony, sarcasm. Novel does not contain: Good Synopsis. There are countless other satisfying novels for you to explore, so if this one doesn't catch your attention, feel free to switch.

Yara_0625 · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

19: Unexpected allies.

As Sebastian continued his journey, he encountered a small group of humans huddled together in a makeshift camp. Their faces were marked with weariness and fear, and they eyed him warily as he approached. Sebastian held up his hands in a gesture of peace, hoping to convey his intentions.

"I mean you no harm," he said, his voice calm and steady. "I am Sebastian, a vampire prince seeking to end the infection that plagues our world."

The humans exchanged uncertain glances before one of them, a woman named Lily, stepped forward cautiously. "A vampire prince?" she repeated, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Sebastian nodded, understanding their skepticism. "I know our kind has caused you great pain, but I am different. I believe in unity between vampires and humans, and I am on a quest to find a cure for the infection."

Lily studied him for a moment before cautiously extending her hand. "I'm Lily. These are my friends—Ethan, Sarah, and Ben. We've lost so many loved ones to this infection."

"I'm sorry for your losses," Sebastian replied sincerely. "I want to put an end to this suffering. Can you tell me anything about how the infection began?"

Lily hesitated before sharing what they knew about the infection's origins—a mysterious substance that had washed up on the shores of their town, brought in by an unexplained surge in the ocean's currents. The infection spread rapidly, and they had to evacuate to survive.

Sebastian listened attentively, absorbing every detail. He realized that the infection's source was more significant than he had initially thought, and he felt a growing sense of urgency to find answers.

Together, they exchanged stories of their struggles and losses, and Sebastian shared his vision of unity between humans and vampires. Despite their initial wariness, Lily and her group were intrigued by Sebastian's genuine desire to end the suffering caused by the infection. They saw a glimmer of hope in his words and agreed to join forces in his quest for a cure.

As their alliance formed, they set out on a new path, combing through the remains of abandoned research facilities and gathering information from various sources. With each step, they uncovered more about the infection's origins and the extent of its devastation.

Sebastian's knowledge of vampire lore and his unique perspective allowed them to piece together fragments of information that had been previously overlooked. He recognized that the cure lay not only in scientific research but also in understanding the mystical elements that bound vampires and humans together.

Sebastian's alliance with Lily and her group proved to be a turning point in his quest. As they journeyed together, their camaraderie grew stronger, and they shared not only their stories but also their hopes for a world free from the infection's tyranny. Ethan, Sarah, and Ben, each having lost family members to the plague, found a renewed sense of purpose in working alongside a vampire prince who genuinely cared about their wellbeing.

With Sebastian's vampiric abilities, they moved swiftly through the vast, ravaged landscape. The days were spent searching for clues, scouring abandoned laboratories, and questioning those who had managed to escape the infection's grasp. The nights were dedicated to sharing knowledge, discussing theories, and honing their plan to find the elusive cure.

In one decrepit research facility, they stumbled upon an old laboratory hidden beneath the rubble. Dusty shelves were lined with ancient tomes and forgotten scrolls, written in languages that spoke of ancient wisdom and arcane knowledge. As Sebastian sifted through the texts, he discovered references to a long-lost prophecy—a prophecy that foretold of a time when vampires and humans would unite to overcome a great calamity.

The prophecy spoke of an ancient artifact, known as the "Amalgam Stone," believed to hold the key to unlocking the cure for the infection. According to the texts, the stone was hidden deep within the heart of the vampire clan's ancestral castle. Its power was said to be so immense that only the combined forces of vampires and humans could access it.

Sebastian's heart quickened as he realized the significance of their discovery. If they could retrieve the Amalgam Stone, it might be the answer they had been searching for. But the task was perilous, and it required cooperation from both vampires and humans—a daunting challenge given the current state of animosity between the two species.

Determined to pursue this lead, the group devised a plan to approach the vampire clan and seek their assistance in retrieving the Amalgam Stone. Sebastian knew that this would not be an easy task, especially given his current status as an exile. Nevertheless, he believed in the power of unity and the possibility of change.

Their journey brought them to the outskirts of the vampire clan's territory. Lily and her companions remained hidden, as it would be too dangerous for them to be seen among vampires. Sebastian, disguised in a hooded cloak, approached the guards stationed at the border, his heart pounding with anticipation.

The guards recognized him immediately, their eyes narrowing with suspicion. "What do you want, traitor?" one of them sneered.

"I seek an audience with the vampire council," Sebastian replied, keeping his voice steady. "I have information that could help put an end to the infection."

The guards laughed scornfully. "Why should we believe a word from the mouth of an exile?"

"I speak the truth," Sebastian insisted. "I have formed an alliance with humans who are willing to work towards a cure. We believe the Amalgam Stone holds the key, and I need the council's assistance to retrieve it."

The guards hesitated, unsure of how to respond. Sebastian's mention of humans and a possible cure seemed to pique their curiosity. After a brief deliberation, they allowed him passage into the vampire clan's territory.

Sebastian's heart swelled with hope as he made his way towards the castle. The path ahead was uncertain, but he knew that this was a step towards fulfilling the prophecy and uniting both vampires and humans in their quest for a cure.

At the castle's grand entrance, he was met with hostility from some of the council members. Countess Vespera, her eyes cold and unyielding, accused him of conspiring with humans to betray their kind.

Sebastian held his ground, recounting his journey and the knowledge he had acquired about the Amalgam Stone. He spoke passionately about his vision of unity and the potential to put an end to the infection that threatened both humans and vampires alike.

Despite the skepticism, Sebastian's words found resonance with some of the council members who were tired of the relentless suffering caused by the infection. A heated debate ensued, with emotions running high as the council deliberated on whether to grant Sebastian's request for assistance.

In the end, a tentative agreement was reached. The council decided to send a small delegation to join Sebastian's alliance in retrieving the Amalgam Stone. It was an uneasy alliance, but it was a step towards the unity that Sebastian had longed for.

As the day waned, Sebastian returned to Lily and her group, their eyes eager for news. He recounted the encounter with the vampire council, and they listened with a mix of hope and apprehension. The next phase of their journey promised to be even more perilous, but they were united in their determination to bring an end to the infection.

As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Sebastian and his unlikely allies set forth on their daring mission—a mission that held the fate of both humans and vampires in its balance. The path ahead was fraught with challenges, but they were fueled by the glimmer of hope that they carried in their hearts—the hope that they could forge a new era of unity and understanding, and in doing so, find the cure that would bring an end to the dark days of the infection.