
A vampire's mirage

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 18+ // this is the only warning for the excerpt] Synopsis: Li likes both Zhang and Wang, but believes that Zhang and Wang like each other. Li wants to be a good friend and sets Zhang and Wang up with each other. However, the truth is that neither Zhang nor Wang like each other; they both actually have feelings for Li. Novel contains: Insults to the reader's intelligence, irony, sarcasm. Novel does not contain: Good Synopsis. There are countless other satisfying novels for you to explore, so if this one doesn't catch your attention, feel free to switch.

Yara_0625 · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

11: Race against time.

Sebastian couldn't escape easily; his struggles intensified by an unexpected twist within the vampire clan itself. Whispers of dissent reverberated through the halls of power as influential vampire nobles voiced their grievances against him. They saw his failure to escape from captivity as a sign of weakness, an opportunity to challenge his claim to the vampire throne.

Led by a cunning and ambitious vampire lord, Countess Vespera, the dissenting faction demanded Sebastian's dethronement. They saw him as an inexperienced and unworthy leader, his human bloodline a mark of disgrace in their eyes. Countess Vespera, known for her manipulative nature, rallied her followers with promises of a new era under her reign.

Word of the internal strife reached Sebastian's ears, filling him with a mixture of anger and determination. He couldn't afford to be consumed by doubt or distracted by the treachery within his own ranks. If he wanted to prove his worth and secure his position, he needed to focus on fulfilling his mission of creating a world where vampires and humans could coexist.

Sebastian's mother, Amelia, who had been a pillar of support during his captivity, recognized the gravity of the situation. She saw the growing discontent as an opportunity to demonstrate her son's leadership and resilience. Amelia, her voice filled with determination, confronted Countess Vespera in an effort to find a diplomatic solution.

"You underestimate my son, Countess," Amelia asserted, her gaze steady. "He possesses the strength and compassion needed to lead our kind into a new era. Give him a chance to prove himself."

Countess Vespera, her eyes glinting with a mixture of arrogance and skepticism, regarded Amelia with a dismissive smirk. "Your faith in him is misplaced, human. The vampire throne requires a leader of pure blood and unwavering resolve. Sebastian is unfit to bear that burden."

Amelia, undeterred, countered with an unwavering conviction. "The world is changing, Countess. It's time for us to adapt, to embrace unity and understanding. Sebastian is the catalyst we need for this transformation. You underestimate the power of compassion and the potential of collaboration."

Countess Vespera's smirk widened, revealing a glimmer of amusement mixed with disdain. "Compassion, you say? A sentimentality best left to the weak and feeble-minded. The world of vampires thrives on strength and dominance, not feeble notions of collaboration."

Viktor, who had been observing the exchange between Amelia and Countess Vespera, stepped forward with an air of authority. His gaze pierced through the room, his voice resonating with a commanding tone.

"Countess Vespera," Viktor interjected, his words laced with a hint of disapproval, "let us not dismiss the importance of humanity so easily. Amelia has proven her strength and resilience, qualities that extend beyond her mere human form. It is through her unwavering determination that she stands here today, advocating for her son and seeking a path of unity."

Countess Vespera's smirk faded, replaced by a flicker of irritation. She regarded Viktor with narrowed eyes, her voice tinged with arrogance. "And what of you, Viktor? Are you also swayed by sentimentality? Are you forgetting the foundations of our kind, the power that lies within our vampire blood?"

Viktor's expression hardened, his voice carrying a trace of cold authority. "I have not forgotten our nature, Countess. But wisdom lies in recognizing that our strength does not diminish by acknowledging the value of others. Our world is changing, and we must adapt to survive. Amelia's perspective offers an opportunity for growth, a chance to forge a new path that benefits both vampires and humans."

The tension in the room grew palpable as the opposing forces locked gazes, their convictions clashing in a battle of ideologies. Countess Vespera, though visibly displeased, hesitated for a moment, contemplating the weight of Viktor's words.

Countess Vespera's eyes narrowed, her lips curling into a cunning smile. She stepped forward, her voice dripping with calculated menace. "Very well, Amelia. If you truly believe in your son's abilities and his vision of unity, then I propose an ultimatum. Give Sebastian the opportunity to release himself from his captivity within a fortnight. If he fails to do so, his dethronement will be expedited, and his claim to the vampire throne will crumble faster than he thought possible."

Amelia's heart sank at the weight of the countess's words, but she refused to show any signs of wavering. She locked eyes with Countess Vespera, her voice steady and resolute. "Sebastian will be given the chance, Countess. I have faith in his strength and determination. But know this, if he fails, it will not be due to a lack of worthiness, but the constraints of his captivity."

"Well, I'm glad to hear you admit that he might…I mean he WILL fail!"

"Do not put words in my mouth, Countess. Your skepticism will be proven wrong."

Countess Vespera's smile widened, her gaze filled with a mix of anticipation and malice. "We shall see, Amelia. The clock is ticking, and the vampire throne waits for no one."

As the countess turned on her heel, preparing to depart, Viktor stepped forward once again, his voice cutting through the tension-filled air. "Countess Vespera, I trust you will give Sebastian a fair chance, without any interference or manipulation. Let him prove himself on his own merit."

Countess Vespera glanced back at Viktor, her eyes gleaming with a hint of challenge. "Rest assured, Viktor, I will adhere to the terms of the ultimatum. But remember, failure will have consequences."

With a flourish of her crimson cloak, Countess Vespera exited the meeting chambers, followed closely by a small retinue of her trusted officials. Their expressions mirrored her own, a mixture of smug satisfaction and whispered discussions about the impending challenge that lay before them. Their departure left behind a palpable void, the absence of their presence a stark reminder of the brewing storm within the vampire clan.

Amelia took a deep breath, steeling herself for the challenges that lay ahead. The clock was ticking, and the fate of Sebastian, the vampire throne, and the delicate balance between vampires and humans hung in the balance. The race against time had begun, and they would stop at nothing to secure Sebastian's release and prove the power of unity in the face of adversity.