
A Vampire’s Caregiver

[Mature: No rape] Twenty five years old Everly Eloise, a pure blooded orphan werewolf is hired by a wealthy man who suddenly needed a caregiver. She accepted the job, but one thing she didn’t anticipate was the monstrous side of him. The side of him that the media never showed, or at least never even knew of. Valerio Avalanzo, a wealthy European man who was betrayed by his lover, leaving him in a condition that he very well hid from the entire world. The incident caused him to drastically change. He became cold hearted, feared by most, unsociable, emotionless, and worst of all, developed deep hatred for the word “love.” For a man who was blind and held such deep hatred for love, it was believed that he was emotionally incapable of loving anyone, therefore leaving the world with this perception of him. But what happens when he meets Everly Eloise, his caregiver? Will his heart win or will his hatred for love win? And what happens, when he discovers that Everly is not just his caregiver, but a werewolf as well. The creatures that have been an enemy of his kind for centuries?

AngelLily · Kỳ huyễn
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354 Chs

Who...Is That?

From nowhere, a silhouette, heavily clothed in black, dashed at the speed of light, arriving at the guardrail in a matter of seconds, his hand immediately grabbing a hold of Leia's hands.


He held onto her, preventing Leia from falling into the water.


Nihal, who was also about to run off and save her, halted at the sight of the unknown person.


He gazed at him, instantly beginning to calculate in his mind where he had come from and how he had gotten to the guardrail so fast. He didn't even glimpse him. All he knew was that someone had passed him by like a gust of wind.


The unknown man in question glanced at Leia and tightly gripped both her hands, then, with all the strength he could muster, he flung Leia up into midair and successfully caught her in his arms.


He stepped back and glanced at Nihal, who stood dumbfounded where he was.


He lowered his head and looked at Leia, who was in his arms.